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  • Breakfast is one of the most important meals off the day, so I'm putting a challenge out there to see if breakfast can be made in 10 minutes.

  • And I think I know just the person to perfect it.

  • Mayor, can you make the delicious breakfast in 10?

  • Welcome to Ramsey and 10 I am New Castro, and you may remember me from House Kitchen.

  • I'm in Chef Ramsay's kitchen today.

  • He's challenged me to make breakfast, and today I'm making my recipe for pumpkin spice pancakes.

  • With this recipe, I'm showing you why.

  • There's no excuse why you can't make breakfast in 10 minutes or less.

  • I ready to get started.

  • Let's put the time on the clock right here.

  • I just have my dry ingredients, um, actually gluten free.

  • So we have some almond flour and we're doing about 1/2 a cup.

  • Then we have some arrowroot starch for lightness.

  • You have some baking powder, couple teaspoons and some salt about a teaspoon hospital together way.

  • Just want to incorporate all of that, so it's even step aside for a second.

  • We're combining all of our wet ingredients.

  • It's I just eyeball it.

  • It's about a cup of pumpkin puree, and you should have this on hand from your Thanksgiving meal would probably have some leftovers, so that should be easy.

  • Three eggs.

  • So then we're doing a teaspoon of vanilla, Then combine all of this really well and then adding some chai spice mix into dry spices.

  • And I just make a premade mix at home.

  • And it's a combination of ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, little nutmeg.

  • I like to make them ahead of time and just have it on hand for other dishes.

  • You can put it in French toast or put it over your coffee, then mixed in the wet and the dry.

  • We're ready.

  • I'm just gonna transfer some of this batter into a measuring cup, so it's easy to pour.

  • So have a griddle pound right here.

  • I'm just gonna spray it with some coconut oil, and if you don't have one, that's fine.

  • Just use a nonstick pan at home.

  • You gonna do about it quarter cup for Pinky, and we're gonna cook them until they're just set on the sides and they're starting to bubble in the center.

  • And while these cup, I'm going to make a quick sauce for them to make them a little hardier.

  • Um, what I have here is a little bit of melted coconut oil.

  • And so we just want to get our coconut oil nice and warm to melt this almond better that I'm about to put in gonna do about half a cup.

  • Even better, maybe.

  • Like, don't forget your pancakes on a broom.

  • Then when they start bubbling in the middle like this things they're ready.

  • And then I like to spray them on top.

  • You don't have to look perfect.

  • It's just breakfast in your home, but they're gonna be delicious.

  • So while those cook, I'm gonna finish my almond butter sauce.

  • And the reason why I do this is so I'm not dousing them that much with maple syrup and avoiding a little bit of that sugar.

  • And we're going with a little bit of this maple syrup.

  • Too sweet mint.

  • Just a bit.

  • And some of the chai spice is to keep going with that theme a little vanilla and a little bit of salt in everything That's sweet and you want to turn the heat off.

  • You don't want it to get too hot, because the almond butter will melt.

  • Just needs a little bit of sweetness and these pancakes are ready, so we're ready to serve.

  • What's the time?

  • Right now finish it with this almond butter sauce is nice and sweet and salty on.

  • So, Marge, I spices.

  • So another challenge, I prove Gordon, right, pumpkin pancakes and 10 minutes.

  • Thank you so much for joining me.

  • Let me know what you think.

  • In the comments below, don't forget to subscribe to Gordon's YouTube channel for more Ramsey and 10.



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戈登-拉姆斯挑戰《地獄廚房》決賽選手,製作南瓜香料早餐|拉姆斯在10中 (Gordon Ramsay Challenges A Hell's Kitchen Finalist To Make A Pumpkin Spice Breakfast | Ramsay in 10)

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