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all right, We're gonna start another custom case mod thing.
Envy X T saw what we did for marking the destiny to build.
He was like, Hey, that's pretty cool.
We want a sponsor build like that.
We were going back and forth on ideas and stuff and well, actually, I was going back to port like is they were just kind of like, Yeah, here.
We'll just we'll sponsor it and you do what you gotta do so I can go back and forth and I really wanted to do like a World of Warcraft theme.
But then, with everyone's kind of going out with Blizzard, I was like, Fine, we'll do a red dead redemption to theme because red dead redemption always been such a popular game.
And then I kind of had a show lunch.
And now that that's all working again, we're back to Red Dead Redemption.
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So here's an overview of some of the parts we're gonna use.
I said I wanted to use this RG cross hair.
Impact board.
This is the one that's basically an I T expert a little bit longer.
Text bigger a TX yet GTX.
So we're going to use in this board because I also said I wanted to use the 39 50 x in a built and so that's where we put in here.
16 cores.
32 threads.
It's pretty monstrous for a mainstream CPU now.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to use his memory yet.
G Skills said this to us a while ago, and one of the things with this motherboard, if you look at it, it's got to dim slots.
I don't really want a limit to 16 gigabytes, so I want to run 32 which means I need to 16 gigabyte slots or dims Well, I don't have to 16 gigabyte dims.
I have 2 32 gigabyte dims to make a total of 64 gigabytes.
The problem is, every single mother board I've tried to use his with has just like Nope, no memory president.
It's like update bios and stuffing it stills and show up.
So I don't know if it's a problem with this memory or if it's a problem with boards not recognizing this particular capacity.
I have the revolt pro here for a power supply for 1000 watt 80 plus gold.
I'm not sure from used this power supply yet, but this is kind of not really a priority right now.
The power supply we could figure out later I will get custom cables made from cable mob because they are my cable sponsor and we're gonna be cramming all of this on for graphics card.
I'm thinking I'll probably just go ahead and use.
Nope, not my 2080 suit, because apparently I gave that to someone probably mark Well, well, figure all that out later.
But the ends e x t part here is coming from their case.
In fact, I might even end up using 1000 watt power supplies.
I think we have one of the other studio.
So here is the H 2 10 I This thing is going to get mutilated.
And I basically told him I was like, you know, we're done with this.
It's not gonna look like an H 2 10 but we're gonna be using the guts of it and like, the frame and all that.
And they were like, That's fine.
Now, unlike the last video we did with the whole destiny to theme that we did for Mark, we kind of did like three days in the one video.
We shot that over a weekend, so we were really able to kind of do that.
But I have a feeling this one might take more than three days.
So, red dead redemption to dear.
How are you gonna do that?
I kind of thought of, like, doing like a diagram of, like, saloon PC.
But I was like, That's not gonna be very portable.
Um so I thought, Well, you know, one of the first missions you do in red Dead redemption too, with the exception of just trying to get out of the mountain because you're all freezing to death when you start the game.
Spoiler alert.
If you haven't played the 1st 5 minutes, that's kind of on you, I guess.
But the first, like actual mission, is the train heists.
And that starts with a botched TNT dynamite explosion.
Explosion lack thereof.
So I figured, Why not do a dynamite box?
I thought, why don't I take this box and then turned this into my chassis?
So one of the reasons why we're using the h 2 10 I is the fact that I'm pretty sure it'll fit in here.
So, as you can see, I've already done some of the ageing techniques kind of playing around this.
I'll show you how we're gonna achieve.
This one's gonna look like when it's done.
I'm not going to just be like he, uh, gives Marty.
I'm gonna disassemble this.
I'm replied.
Drill out the rivets and stuff and mounted in there.
But what this also gives us as you can see, it's gonna get us more room for actual, like bigger radiators and stuff in here.
I've decided I'm gonna do water cooled card or not yet a lot of the work we're gonna be doing is gonna be to this.
And I will do the tear down of this today.
Look, I'm a nerd, okay?
I don't really watch TV.
I watched a ton of just D i Y model building set building movies like Were people behind the scenes on how set designers do their movies and stuff.
So this Bend o Matic Matt Pro is map guests Way have these because we use them in the liquid nitrogen stuff.
But I also know for a fact that there's like, there's, like, a big gas torch we can use for an aging technique or burning technique on, like, would fences and stuff to make it look kind of old.
I thought that would probably work perfectly on this.
So it kind of does.
Let me sort of show you We've got a knot right here, right?
And what happens when you burn the wood, the knots and the green show up first?
When you burn it, I can get the wood to start to look really age now.
I thought like, well, you know, I could just stain this, but I did some research and, you know, stain.
Although it did exist back in the 18 hundreds, things like paints and stains were not really frequently used.
A lot of the colors and stuff you saw was just the raw wood itself.
And then sometimes they do like what they called a whitewashing.
Whitewashing was not white paint.
It was a type of like, almost like a dire s name.
But painting was not really that prevalent back in the 18 hundreds, the only time would staining was really a thing was like the super rich people have these really nice homes and stuff with, like the oiled and polished, like tables and things they would have stained.
So what I'm gonna do right now, I'm gonna continue working on this now.
I'm doing this indoors.
I suggest you do it outside.
You are on your own.
If you attempt to try this at home.
You burned down your she shed.
It's not my fault.
We do have fire extinguishers.
There's one right there.
It does have pressure.
It is in the green.
I rechecked, so you can see this is just sort of like first passes here.
I said to do some disassembly on this like I always have to make fan intakes and place to plug in the cables and all that sort of stuff.
But you can see now some of what, like some of this does come off, it's getting on my hands here.
That's just sort of the burn fuel.
So we're done.
We'll be doing a wipe down in some of the really dark areas will lighten up a little bit.
It's too dark in certain areas.
You can send it down and do it again.
So this is a side of having been touched.
Yet you kind of get an idea like I'm gonna burn down inside this.
This might actually catch on fire.
So that's what it looks like on the inside there without being touched, a nice bear pine.
And then this is what the outside looks like.
So I got to go through and kind of wipe it down.
Now because you see, if you touch the black parts, you get all over you, so I'm just gonna sort of soak it because we're gonna move on to something else now.
And by now, anyone that has worked with various wood stains or done custom woodwork is probably J.
Why don't you just get a aging stain and call it a day?
Well, because I think a lot of people have hopefully learned by now, especially when I showed with the destiny to theme that's coming off and the the way I like to offer it is if I can do it and make it look real by making it riel, then I will.
Like I said, I did research because I was like, Man, people just really looked at the book, cut fire and then they put it out.
But you know what's funny if you look at, like the old Wild West in Texas and New Mexico and Arizona, all that Ah, lot of the would literally did char in the sun a lot of the way wood is protected and sealed on dhe stuff today.
It doesn't do that because protected from it, but sitting in that desert sun would legitimately chart.
So this here I've decided if I wanted to, like, swing up to expose the PC or if I want to have a swing out.
Either way, I got the hinges.
And I have to get the little latches to, like, logic close something else we're gonna do to to really sort of sell the effects is really making sticks of dynamite.
And I don't wanna end up on the FBI watch list or anything.
So I'm not gonna be titling this how to make dynamite, But we got these PVC pipes that are roughly the right diameter and stuff, and then I'm gonna cut them, and I'm gonna bundle them, and we're gonna make fake fuses and stuff and paint it so that I could put, like, some dynamite on top of the box or something.
And then what we'll do on this side has actually got stencils and stuff so I can actually put t n t or spell out dynamite, whichever is more appropriate, because apparently TNT and dynamite are very different things.
All right, so first things first, I gotta get this side panels off.
Actually, take all these panels off.
We'll be drilling out some rivets.
I don't wanna just stick the case in there and be like, doing and cut some holes, and I also don't want to just mount everything to the inside of this.
Would I want to use the structural chassis from this envy X TV case so that I have all the proper measurements are done?
All the p C.
I expressed, like hold downs or proper, all that sort of stuff.
That's why I said I got a crew of men's e X t on the sponsor built by them to be like, Hey, you know, it's not going to 10.
That's fine.
Everything's channeled in here because it's the eye, right?
So it's intelligent, It's got this controller right here.
Everything's already pre wired.
And the thing is, I'm gonna be retaining all of this, which is one the reasons why, Like I said, I'm just I'm gonna use skeleton of this particular chassis, so that's gonna make things a lot easier.
It's also already all black, but I'm debating painting this all brown like the inside of you know, like the inside of that channel.
People, it's too.
How about I just go get some balsa wood and make it balsa woody right s so that it actually has a would be into it.
See that then?
That's the cool thing about case morning.
And this is why I'm like I've wanted to case Mom for a long time.
I've talked about this in that India in that destiny, to build that I have wanted to do more of this on this channel.
And I never had a shop or anything I could do it, or multiple sets where I could shoot another video without this one stopping me from a good work flow so I could do this sort of projects.
Now I'm really excited.
So makes the NZX t I.
Siri's like this being a 2 10 Aye aye or intelligent.
Is this right here?
So this has a three fan header controller and then also has no power so that you could distribute power to the fans without having to worry about pulling two inch fan header power.
And then you also have us be controlled because this does use Cam.
Now we'll be doing a video about Cam.
It's actually been quite updated.
It's a it's a piece of software I used, and I've used it for a long time.
Skunk Works is actually controlled by Camas.
Well, it's come a long way.
It had some rocky times and they've really improved that.
So I just want to put that out there that it's a piece of software that I think deserves a second chance.
I already know exactly which mode I'm gonna use for this for camp or from Cam.
When comes the lighting there's a candle flicker mode where I can make all the ladies in there like dark, orangey red and kind of like a like a flickering color, which I think we'll just look super dope.
So I already know exactly what mode I'm gonna be using.
There was no electronics in there, So because we're drilling this out, there will be some small metal shavings.
Clearly don't do this thing.
So that rivet copper of it just popped off.
And now that pieces you can see it's now free.
So I'm just gonna go around, do all this, but I want to theme inside here as well.
This is pretty cool.
So this is the included led light bar that's inside the ice.
Serious cases.
So this connects to that controller which I already showed you.
But then it also has a pigtail off it's You can add more lighting to it.
You can add more of the NZX T strips.
So that's when the reasons why I chose this particular chassis not just cause and 60 was sponsoring it, which I'm truly grateful for, but the features obviously make things a lot easier.
It's gonna keep the cable management a lot Tidier.
J a lot happier.
And it stopped.
So I'm gonna hang on to these parts because now, for future builds or any custom stuff, I don't know if this might come in handy for something so technically don't even need to use these.
But I could use these as, ah, mounting brackets stuff almost kept bashing.
In a way, I guess.
Phil, Phil, love compassion.
He was watching Adam Savage and stuff do those things, But you can sort.
You can see this taking shape now, right?
Like what I need to do is I need to find a way to mount it down to the bottom because I also have to be able to this backdoor backdoor this back wall here.
It's also gonna have to swing open and close because otherwise I have no way to get to the back of the PC, so I just ended up using some of the hard drive standoff.
And so those are perfect as they got this nice flat head on there, There, that's big like that.
Which means they won't pull through an accident.
So now I just gotta get the other one's marked up, get them down, and then the chassis, Old mountain in the bottom.
So I guess we're gonna have to make a run of the hardware store.
Probably won't happen in this video, but the reason for that also is we need to get, like, mesh material because fans gonna go here.
I need mesh otherwise that fans don't blow through solid stuff very well.
We're gonna also need it for the top because I have a 360 right up here on the top because it will be water cooled with a Iot of custom loop.
I haven't decided yet trying to get back out because it's the whole case is kind of in there, like, lifted in the back right now.
So, you know, it's like I just can't thin there.
It's all a matter of leverage.
Oh, I broke that one off.
Do that so good, so good.
Now I can get this thing bolted in the computer part.
It's a computer.
So wits.
So then the idea is like, Oh, you access the back part of the computer clip clip.
Hold on, go touch up my paint job.
So all right, guys, that's what we're gonna stop today.
I think you can sort of remember, it is not much rigidity that I think you guys get the idea.
So if you guys have any sort of suggestions for this along the way, just so you know, just me, I'm gonna go with it.
But sometimes I get inspiration and ideas from the suggestions you guys get like, Okay, that may not work.
But if I tweet that idea, here's what we come up with.
But I think this is going.
This one's gonna be pretty cool.
I'm really conform to this.
I have to go pop.
That, though, is continuing to grow.
I did that for you.