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  • - Yo Gambol, somebody here for you.

  • They say they've just killed the Joker.

  • - They've brought the body.

  • - So, dead? That's 500.

  • - How about alive? Hm?

  • You wanna know how I got these scars?

  • My father was...

  • a drinker

  • and a fiend.

  • And one night he goes off crazier than usual.

  • Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself.

  • He doesn't like that.

  • Not... one... bit.

  • So, me watching

  • he takes the knife to her.

  • Laughing while he does it.

  • He turns to me, heh, and he says

  • "Why so serious?"

  • He comes at me with the knife.

  • "Why so serious?"

  • He sticks the blade in my mouth.

  • "Let's put a smile on that face."

  • And...

  • Why so serious?

  • Now, our operation is small

  • but, there's a lot of potential

  • for aggressive expansion.

  • So which of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team?

  • Oh, there's only one spot open right now

  • so we're going to have...

  • tryouts.

  • Make it fast.

  • - Welcome to Hong Kong, Mr. Fox.

  • Mr. Lau regrets he isn't able to greet you in person today.

  • FOX Oh, I understand.

  • - For security purposes, I'm going to have to ask you to check in your mobile.

  • - Of course.

  • - I must apoligize for leaving Gotham in the middle of our negotiations.

  • This, ah, misundestanding with the Gotham Police force...

  • I couldn't let such a thing threaten my company.

  • Of course, a businessman of your stature will understand

  • and with you here, now, we can continue.

  • - Well, I do appreciate you bringing me out here on such style, Mr. Lau

  • but, I really

  • [phone rings]

  • - We do not allow cellphones in here.

  • - Sorry, forgot I had it.

  • Now, I really came to tell you that our business deal has to be put on hold.

  • You see, we can't afford to be seen doing business with...

  • whatever it is you're accused of being.

  • I'm sure a businessman of your stature will understand.

  • - I think, Mr. Fox

  • a simple phone call might have sufficed.

  • - Mr. Wayne didn't want you to think he was deliberately wasting your time.

  • - Just accidentally wasting it.

  • [Fox laughs]

  • - Very good, Mr. Lau.

  • Accidentally. Very good.

  • GUARD Hey, sir.

- Yo Gambol, somebody here for you.


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A2 初級

為什麼這麼認真?| 黑暗騎士 [4k, HDR] (4k, HDR) (Why so serious? | The Dark Knight [4k, HDR])

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日