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  • - Who would I vote for?

  • Um, the person who's running against Donald Trump.

  • (audience laughs)

  • (audience applauds)

  • I mean...

  • I mean, if I was voting for jokes,

  • I would vote for Donald Trump,

  • (audience laughs)

  • but I'm tired of him now.

  • It's like, I thought Donald Trump

  • was gonna be like crazy a little bit

  • and then we'd get to talk about other things in the world

  • and he just, he doesn't want to not be the story.

  • That's what frustrates me about him.

  • Do you know what I mean?

  • So, like, you go like, man, just be a little bit crazy

  • and go away, then be a little bit crazy,

  • then go away, you know what I'm saying?

  • It's like a show,

  • imagine if "Game of Thrones" was daily.

  • You'd be like, I'm tired of these dragons.

  • (audience laughs)

  • Dragons once a week, wow.

  • Dragons every day, you're like wha.

  • He doesn't understand that like, you know, it's too much.

  • It's just too much.

  • I'm tired.

  • No, 'cause like, even now,

  • you have the rallies and you have the caucuses

  • and you have the primaries taking place.

  • Who was in Iowa for no reason?

  • Donald Trump.

  • Do you get what I'm saying?

  • New Hampshire is gonna be tomorrow.

  • Who's holding a rally in New Hampshire

  • at the exact same time?

  • He just cannot stand to not be the news.

  • Do you know what I mean?

  • Like, if Donald Trump was like at somebody's bridal shower,

  • he'd just be like, "I'm also pregnant."

  • (audience laughs)

  • (audience applauds)

  • You'd be like, no.

  • You'd be like, you're not pregnant.

  • "I am totally pregnant, totally pregnant.

  • "I'm happy that you're getting married

  • "but I'm pregnant and I'm marrying my baby.

  • (audience laughs)

  • "Twice the announcements."

  • You're like, no, what are you doing, man?

  • It just has to be about him, so yeah.

  • And I hope, that's the thing where I do think

  • Republicans have a more, what's the word I'm looking for?

  • It's not even realistic

  • but they have a more cut-throat way

  • of thinking about an election.

  • I understand that many Democratic voters

  • can get to the point where because it's a binary system,

  • you're like I don't like one, I don't like the other.

  • I hate the other, I don't like one.

  • I'm not gonna vote.

  • But, Republicans, last time, what did they say?

  • I'm gonna hold my nose and vote for Trump.

  • They were like, this man is,

  • many Republicans were like, he's despicable,

  • he's crude, he doesn't represent us.

  • I'm here for the fiscal numbers

  • and the this and the that.

  • And they're like, but I can't get anywhere else.

  • I'll vote for him, hold my nose.

  • And a lot of Democrats are like, no, I'm not voting at all.

  • And then it's like, what people don't seem to realize is

  • then you get all of nothing,

  • as opposed to some of something.

  • Do you get what I'm saying?

  • It's not romantic.

  • (audience applauds)

  • (upbeat music)

- Who would I vote for?


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特雷弗厭倦了報道特朗普--幕後花絮|每日秀 (Trevor Is Tired of Covering Trump - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show)

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