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  • So here we are in Hitachi city

  • in Ibaraki prefecture

  • It’s about a 90 minute train ride from Tokyo

  • to Hitachi Seaside Park

  • And I’m here for a reason

  • and that reason is just over there.

  • Many consider this one of those places

  • that you just have to see and experience

  • before you die.

  • Hitachi Kaihin Koen - or Seaside Park

  • is most famous in the spring.

  • about 2 weeks after the cherry blossoms

  • from mid April to early May

  • when the Nemophilia or Baby Blue Eyes

  • bloom on Miharashi Hill

  • creating a scene where the ground meets the sky

  • in blue.

  • There are over 4 million Nemophilia on this hill.

  • And this tree?

  • The tree was here first

  • before the Nemophilia so

  • it is a permanent resident of this stunningly blue landscape.

  • Let’s take a couple of minutes and

  • just enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

  • I asked Hattori-san who works at the park

  • to tell me more about it’s history and background.

  • This place used to be a military space.

  • The Japanese military.

  • After the war, it became

  • the training ground for the US military

  • And then it was returned to Japan

  • , it became a national park.

  • Now it is a beautiful park

  • full of happiness for the visitors.

  • This is the site of the United States Air Force’s

  • Mito’s ATG (Air-to-Ground) bombing range.

  • When the land was handed back to Japan in 1973,

  • It was cleared out of dangerous debris

  • and made into a national park for the purpose of peace.

  • It was opened in 1991.

  • You can see more of its history in the park gallery.

  • You can see more of its history in the park gallery.

  • About 15 years ago,

  • we decided to grow some flowers

  • The park manager at the time wondered

  • what to grow on the hill.

  • and thought about what flower

  • would attract people to come.

  • When he was walking one day,

  • he saw a blue flower growing on the roadside.

  • He was alone.

  • When he spotted it, he said --

  • Isn’t this Nemophilia?

  • If we were to grow it on this hill,

  • won’t it be all blue connecting with the sky?

  • So we decided to grow it after so many tries,

  • which has led to this great landscape

  • and now so many people come,

  • even visitors from abroad.

  • It’s best to come on a sunny day like today.

  • Flowers are a living thing.

  • so when it rains, it will close.

  • On cloudy days,

  • it may not look so well when you take picture

  • so a day like today

  • with the flowers open is perfect.

  • It’s a large park and you need to have a map to get around.

  • Or follow the signs.

  • There are 7 different areas

  • each with its own theme in the park.

  • To cover it all, rent a bicycle!

  • There are paths for riding, perfect for oneor two!

  • This is the glass house cafe

  • There are several food and drink places here.

  • Kids will love the amusement part of this park.

  • Adults, too.

  • So whether it’s a date, a family outing,

  • or a group gathering with friends

  • there is something for everyone.

  • It’s just a short trip from Tokyo

  • And the best part of it all is that

  • it’s only 410 yen for entry! 80 yen for kids!

  • While I was here, I also discovered the parks Tulip World

  • where the are over 280,000 of them, 220 different varieties.

  • A few weeks before the tulips, over 1M daffodils bloom here.

  • And if you come in October,

  • youll be amazed at another fantasy-like scene

  • with red puffy Kochia scrubs.

  • Hitachi Kaihin Koen is one of the most

  • amazing national parks I’ve ever visited in Japan

  • combining amusement with nature.

  • Knowing what this area used to be

  • more than a half century ago

  • makes this place so much more meaningful.

  • If youve got a free afternoon

  • especially in late April

  • this national park in Hitachi

  • will absolutely leave you smiling.

  • Next time: Tokyo Street Food: Shibamata

  • See More on Instagram: ONLYinJAPANtv

So here we are in Hitachi city


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A2 初級

最具超現實感的國家公園 ★只在日本 第53名 (Most Surreal National Park ★ ONLY in JAPAN #53)

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