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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. And in today's video I wanted to do

  • something fun and share with you what I would do if I was unemployed

  • specifically when it comes to looking for a new job so stay tuned

  • as a career strategist I have had the ability to help numerous corporate

  • ambitious professionals just like you to land their dream job offers and if this

  • is something that you're more interested in learning about I can share details

  • about that as well as my free resources available to you at the end of this

  • video now you may or may not know this but in the past I used to be a corporate

  • recruiter and I worked with hundreds probably even thousands of individuals

  • who were looking for jobs now many of them were employed but there were also a

  • good number of them who were unemployed and so I got to see firsthand what that

  • experience was like for them and so today I want to share with you what I

  • would do if I was in a position like that where I was unemployed looking for

  • a job a corporate position and how I would go about it and hopefully this

  • will help you if you're in the same position right now now the very first

  • thing that I would do this is something that I feel is extremely important

  • before even taking on any practical action steps is I would start to believe

  • in myself now I know this may sound weird and cheesy as a first step but it

  • is so important without knowing how to eliminate your negative thoughts which

  • by the way I have a video on how to do so feel free to check it out you will

  • struggle in your job search and I know this because I've seen it I've seen the

  • people who stay positive who believe in themselves who trust that the right

  • opportunity is out there and do all the things that they need to do to keep

  • themselves positive and in an optimistic mindset and I've also seen people who

  • are negative from the beginning who don't believe in themselves who think

  • that it's going to be a struggle I see the differences in how quickly they're

  • able to land their job offers and in how little or how much of a struggle they

  • end up going through so this is extremely important so what I would do

  • is I would journal I would meditate I would exercise I would do all the things

  • that I need to do to maintain my mental spiritual and emotional well-being so

  • that the next days weeks and months to come are not

  • going to be a struggle so if you're looking for a job stop creating it into

  • a struggle for yourself if you are dealing with negative

  • thoughts you need to rewind you need to do some deep digging and eliminate these

  • negative thoughts and like I said I have a video on exactly how to do that now

  • step number two is to create a compelling well-written

  • attractive resume that speaks to the recruiter why does they have to speak to

  • the recruiter specifically because the recruiter generally is the first set of

  • eyes that will be looking at your resume or CV and so if you don't know how to

  • craft your resume in a way that it is simple and clear and concise enough for

  • the recruiter to understand then you're not going to get to the level where a

  • hiring manager is looking at your resume recruiters are always usually the first

  • ones to screen your resume they identify if you're a fit for the job and then

  • they'll pass that on to the hiring manager who will then call you in for a

  • second-round interview but the recruiters are the gatekeepers so you

  • need to understand the strategy on how to write a clear concise simple enough

  • resume that demonstrates your skills knowledge and experience and speaks in

  • the language of the recruiter and of course the hiring manager some people

  • don't put enough work into their resume and I can't stress this enough on as to

  • how important this is the resume is your ticket the ticket to get you in the door

  • for an interview and then of course in the interview you have to sell yourself

  • and do all the right things to get the job but if you can't get in the door

  • with your resume then you're not going to even get a shot at being considered

  • for the job so if you need help with writing your

  • resume and figuring out the strategy then I have a resource available to you

  • feel free to check out my free resume mastery workshop the link is in the

  • description box down below or I've included the link here as well feel free

  • to sign up for it it's completely free and you'll learn some key strategies and

  • techniques on how to write an attractive compelling

  • su-mei that speaks the language of the recruiters and hiring managers now once

  • you have your resume in place the third thing that I would do is I would reach

  • out to employers directly on LinkedIn to apply for jobs this is something that a

  • lot of people don't know about if you are someone who is applying for jobs day

  • in and day out and you're only applying online meaning you're only submitting

  • through their online job boards then you are likely not getting enough interviews

  • from that because think about it when you're applying online through the job

  • boards it's you plus maybe a hundred other people applying on that same job

  • board and what's happening is the recruiters aren't able to filter through

  • all hundreds of resumes and sometimes they only look at the top two three four

  • five that initially came in so if you're a little bit late then you might not

  • even be looked at at all your resume will just drown in the sea of other

  • resumes so instead to counteract this to stand out one technique and strategy

  • that I would do if I were you is to reach out to the hiring manager and the

  • recruiter via LinkedIn and send them a message and send them your resume as

  • well and let them know that you're interested in the opportunity that

  • they're currently hiring for and see what happens

  • you're going to do that plus you're going to apply through the online job

  • board this has helped my one-on-one private coaching clients land job offers

  • simply easily and quickly because guess what they're setting themselves apart

  • they're putting themselves forward so of course you need to have a great LinkedIn

  • profile to go along with it and of course your great amazing resume but as

  • soon as you have those two things you can reach out and hopefully you'll get a

  • higher response rate and last but not the least thing that I would do step

  • number four is to practice interview answers every day even if you don't have

  • any interviews lined up yet that's what I would do the thing about getting

  • invited to interviews is that they can happen at any time sometimes within one

  • day's notice so if you're not prepared and you

  • haven't done any work meaning you haven't prepared your compelling stories

  • and examples you don't know the answer - the most common interview questions

  • and how you're going to explain them what's going to happen in the interviews

  • is that you're more likely than not you're going to make up your answers on

  • the spot you're going to ramble on and on you're going to stutter you're gonna

  • trip over your words and overall you're just not going to be able to sell

  • yourself well some of the basic questions that can be asked could be why

  • are you interested in this opportunity why should we hire you what do you know

  • about our company if you don't even have the basic answers to these you are going

  • to fail those interviews my friend now I do have a resource to help you with this

  • if you're struggling with your interviews I have my free interview

  • strategy workshop which is available to you right now it's a brand new workshop

  • that I've created recently if you want to get access to it feel free to follow

  • the link down below in the description box or you can see the link right here

  • and just sign up you'll learn some key strategies and techniques on how to

  • impress hiring managers in the interviews and I also give you a free

  • sample answer to one of the most common interview questions so there you have it

  • those are the four things that I would do if I was unemployed and looking for a

  • job I would do these on a daily basis now be sure to check out the resources

  • the workshops that I mentioned in this video so that you can get your free

  • training and learn the strategies and the steps that you need in order to land

  • your next job offer now if you are someone who is currently looking for a

  • new position you've been struggling in interviews you haven't been getting many

  • interview calls in the first place and you realize that you need one-on-one

  • professional help from me feel free to reach out head on over to my website

  • read through the page fill in the

  • application form and if it feels as though we are a potential match then one

  • of my team members will reach out to you directly if you like this video

  • please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends thank you so

  • much for watching and I will see you in the next video

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you


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失業時如何找工作|失業時該怎麼辦? (How to Find a Job When You're Unemployed | What to Do When You're Unemployed)

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