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  • people love me.

  • Yes, just across here.

  • So you have to go out to get back up again.

  • Yes, and 20 right here.

  • Um, this is not the hotel.

  • This is our north Wing motel.

  • Why in the fuck would I want to stay in there?

  • All we have available to rent in the hotel are four suites.

  • I'd rather stay in their next tour.

  • Okay.

  • On in this dump.

  • I'm sorry.

  • People want to stay in the hotel.

  • They don't want to stay in the cracker box driving up here.

  • I didn't expect to be put in the motel.

  • No, I understand.

  • And I'm I am sorry.

  • All right.

  • It's just right over here.

  • That sofa's hideous.

  • Who would use a fucking brown sofa like that?

  • Oh, my God.

  • It gets worse in here.

  • His bed is this.

  • Aunty.

  • I know the rooms are furnished completely with stuff from Philip under his mattress.

  • From the house?

  • Yes.

  • Being a mattress in the house into a hotel.

  • I wouldn't.

  • They charge $250 a night for that mattress.

  • I don't even know what to say about it when they get new stuff.

  • They old stuff here.

  • There's some storage rooms full of furniture where the stores places with this.

  • Jeez, it's like a sweet just for credit.

  • It's like a dumping ground.

  • There's more to Wow, you're kidding me.

  • Not.

  • Oh, my kill horse.

  • Look at this.

  • Hey, hold up.

  • Just junk everywhere.

  • I understand that alone would dump half a ship in hotel rooms and not bring them out.

  • Gordon was pretty appalled at the state of the storage rooms.

  • How much crap there was in there?

  • Just a big fucking waste.

  • Appreciate it.

  • Thank you.

  • Wow.

  • This place is so disappointing.

  • Okay, just have a quick look around and I'll follow you.

  • Okay, Um, what's all this out here?

  • Is that that's just watering the plants.

  • Yeah, and we get a lot of hikers and it rains here sometimes.

  • What was that?

  • You know, Is it in here a long time?

  • Just like Freddy Krueger's have?

  • Whose is this?

  • It's just there for anybody that wants to borrow.

  • Does anyone borrow that?

  • They haven't yet.

  • Interesting.

  • No one knows what happened.

  • Wolf.

  • These radio created 3 to 20.

  • Depends.

  • This is how much?

  • Maybe not more.

  • Whatever you want to offer, we're very flexible.

  • Too short That's my style.

  • And that's pretty special.

  • Why is it so special?

  • Because it's full of dust.

  • Yeah, with Virginia.

  • This is almost heaven.

  • How much is that?

  • What you offer these second hand?

  • I know that some things are, but not that way.

  • You Are you busy?

  • No way.

  • Don't really sell a lot of hats.

  • Well, I got customers.

  • And already this is my friend Sarah.

  • Sarah.

  • Nice to meet.

  • You could join us for lunch today.

  • Are you?

  • I have no idea.

  • I'm up to whatever.

  • I'm here.

  • I d'oh, she's family.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • Is this a convenience store?

  • This is a dining room.

  • Well, I'm very claustrophobic.

  • In here is bits and bobs of everything.

  • Those freaky dolls.

  • Wakeful.

  • They are sort of souvenirs.

  • Are you something else Way.

  • But does a lot of people come and have Children?

  • You're looking for something to take back, but this one have collected his choice.

  • How much is this one?

  • 25.

  • I didn't know they were.

  • You didn't know that for So how much did this room make?

  • A month.

  • I can't give you an exact figure because records the purchases in with the restaurant sales that I would say 15% of sales, 15% Who drinks all this cider.

  • And no, actually, we use that in the restaurant.

  • Geez, well, that we sell a lot of it.

  • It's good in the summer, June, July and August.

  • Now my daughter made those little hats for little Children for dust on her.

  • Was this pet handmade?

  • Hope?

  • That's $60.

  • Who buys this?

  • People with Children, I hope people with Children that's full of dust inside.

  • Well, you have to wash it before you use.

  • Well, what's this?

  • This is Sarah's journal.

  • So she keeps a journal?

  • Yeah.

  • Wow.

  • So it's Ah, it's like a novel.

  • It is.

  • And she puts sermon notes and telephone numbers in prices.

  • And she caused her brain public bathroom decorate with baskets.

  • She decorated the baskets up in my washroom.

  • Oh, dear.

  • Okay.

  • Wow.

  • So All right.

  • What's that?

  • That is a bottle holder.

  • You can put a water bottle in it, so it's a yes, appeals.

  • Looks like I hadn't thought of that.

  • You got a point?

  • That's our bread.

  • And then behind that is a closet where potatoes or kiss.

  • But the other loaves for sale, too.

  • If someone asks for them and hikers do sometime.

  • But normally it's It's just for the breakfast.

  • We have toast.

  • Are you expecting the little people?

  • That's how much we go through in a few days.

  • Believe you're not really unfortunate Data's.

  • Well, couldn't Are you seeing a second of November?

  • Okay, you're right.

  • Today's 60 that's very in these 5 35 walking.

  • Right.

  • And we want to be ready for this place.

  • Oh, my God.

  • We'll have to Him didn't last very long, Did it?

  • Found our cat, huh?

  • Lucky hell.

  • Dead cat cabbage.

  • Isn't that funny?

  • Hello.

  • Welcome.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • I was gonna see it's a golden First name is Melissa.

  • Melissa.

  • Good morning.

  • How are you?

  • Lisa Krach.

  • Lisa.

  • Nice seeing you.

  • Don't look very happy.

  • I D'oh, it's my resting face.

  • Well, um, yes.

  • Welcome to the Vienna.

  • It's so happy to be here.

  • Well, I'm to the cats.

  • Cat got run over your stuff.

  • Probably Rice, Actually.

  • Better to see you now, right?

  • Yeah.

  • I love the tie, by the way.

  • Thank you.

  • Everyone wears this.

  • Wow.

  • How much?

  • All the outfits.

  • About 300.

  • $400.

  • Free $100.

  • Average you know, they get their own.

  • I mean, they're their own dresses, you know?

  • You buy your own uniforms.

  • Stop way Dio.

  • They haven't for many years, and it reminds them to not gain weight Way.

  • Wow.

  • So who designed the place?

  • Well, my husband and I On whose idea was it to buy it?

  • Uh, my husband symbols New York.

  • It was not my idea, actually.

  • Very much against it.

  • Wow.

  • Why are you against It was very overwhelming.

  • I had two small Children, but probably, uh, after I lost my mind the first year, I think we started to get a hang of it.

  • On Whose Austria?

  • You?

  • My husband's half Australian polish.

  • I'm not nearly as exotic.

  • I'm very American, right?

  • And he's the chef, right?

  • So he runs the restaurant kitchen and you're on the incorrect.

  • And whose idea was the violins on the table?

  • My, Where'd that come from?

  • That was actually from an estate sale down the street.

  • A dead man's violin.

  • I don't want to sit across the table with my wife.

  • Look, a dead man's violin.

  • Well, you're freaking out.

  • I don't know.

  • What would you rather look at when you see the Vienna.

  • Who's hurt?

  • My wife.

  • Oh, your wife?

  • Yes, but you have to have something to make up that white space.

  • What would you suggest?

  • My wife gonna put her on the table.

  • That's when a scandalous I'm so fucking confused.

  • Dead man's violin.

  • What about some flowers?

  • Flatter him.

  • This this place always This cluster does this?

  • Is that a Prussian family?

  • Of course.

  • That was Frederick, that their family always murdered.

  • Yes.

  • It's a dead man's violin.

  • Murder on the war.

  • Great story, Thio.

  • Encourage a nice, warm, welcoming dinner weapon.

  • That?

  • Yeah.

  • When did that happen?

  • You knew.

  • It's been here since I've been here.

  • It never check into a hotel in the windows were smashed anyway.

  • How are you?

  • I'm good.

  • Thank you.

  • I'm happy to be here.

  • You know, they might very well be.

  • I'm not sure what they are.

  • Were 250 years old, two years old.

  • What's wrong with a place?

  • I think it's beautiful place, but I think it really just needs some upgrading on which part piece will help me selling off the entrance with smash windows.

  • Well, I think it could be beautiful.

  • It's been neglected for a while happened here.

  • Oh.

  • Oh, my dad.

  • That looks much better.

  • Wow.

  • Dear idea.

  • Don't be too happy.

  • You just drift a wallpaper, then.

  • That was fantastic.

  • What time's your calling in?

  • She might be here.

  • I can tell you love to meet her.

  • Oh, he's bringing over and are up for Gondor.

  • Hi.

  • How are you?

  • Good.

  • How are you?

  • Very nervous.

  • Smashed glass.

  • What happened there?

  • It's been there since before I bought it.

  • You know how we have the hotel?

  • 10 years.

  • 10 years?

  • And you didn't think about replacing it?

  • First impressions Customer walked through the door.

  • It's It's the original.

  • Have you been drinking?

  • It's a click.

  • I drink.

  • Did you run a hotel before you bought this?

  • 10 years ago.

  • Never.

  • Never know.

  • What would you?

  • Therapist for Children and there for 20 years.

  • Those one practice.

  • Wow.

  • Okay, uh, two or one.

  • I'll see you shortly.

  • I'm gonna go check in on Duh.

  • Unpacked.

  • OK, The place is filthy.

people love me.


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A2 初級

戈登-拉姆斯對地獄酒店最糟糕的第一印象。 (Gordon Ramsay's WORST First Impressions on Hotel Hell)

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