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All right, So you guys have seen this set.
Now we've used it in quite a few videos already.
And, um, that's only a small portion of the space.
It's amazing how quickly we fill this up with crap like, Well, Skye Jack's not crap.
That's actually pretty fun.
But you could see we put down some rugs and stuff here.
We've got one very important area to work on, though, right there, that's where a lot of the magic's gonna happen.
That's where this is gonna be my new and improved ultimate PC building space about toolboxes and stuff.
We gotta get this all set up.
We gotta do something about some of the echo.
Get the carpet back down on the floor.
We're gonna do some stuff with the backside of this set wall so that it will integrate with here.
And so Anyway, we got some things to talk about, and we're just gonna come to bring you guys along for the ride.
You guys seem to really being enjoying the build.
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All right, so we're switching over to shotgun, Mike, because I'm gonna be moving around dealing with stuff down here, and I don't want to get my very expensive leveller Mike tangled up on something.
But here are some work benches that we've got.
He's gonna be going in the back.
We're gonna have ah, very similar table thing in the middle of the floor like our old set was handsome racks over here without from toolboxes shelving.
Yeah, so there's a lot to get done here.
One of the things I had originally talked about doing here was building a set for the shop.
The reason for that was because of these panels.
So I was worried about the panel's being here.
And I thought, Man, I don't want to cover those up because code dictates I have to have four feet of clearance in front of the transformer is exceeded.
Transformer, Come over here.
Transformer sticks out about a foot and 1/2 from the wall.
So that means four feet from there get to the shop.
Would have to be about right here.
So that's a lot of space we're gonna lose.
I figured if it's gonna be a workshop anyway, why the hell not have it right here in the shop accessible.
One thing we also we're still gonna have to do, which I can't do myself.
I've been trying to do this is so far down 100% myself.
But I have to bring in a licensed contractor.
See 10 Electrician's to bring conduit along this wall.
I want plugs on the wall.
I want Plug's over there for the set.
The set's got its own electrical, which is within code, but I want to bring in dedicated 20 amp circuits because if you check this out, we've got plenty of room for expansion.
We could literally have every plug beyond its own dedicated 20 app.
That's great news for over clocking.
So, yeah, here's what we do.
I think we're gonna set up maybe some of our time lapse e thing like we tend to do.
And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and talk about kind of the set up of the shop.
Today's goal is not have the shop 100% done.
That takes time.
You guys have seen sets in YouTube space and all.
It takes time to evolve, But we need the bat.
We need the foundation, the backbone.
We need things to kind of go where they're gonna go before consort of start filling in the blanks.
So buy me using this corner and this wall, which I originally didn't want to put anything on this walk is the brand new wall that they installed a brand new paint and I was like, Man, my lease is up.
If I leave, I gotta put this wall back.
It's white.
How hard could that be?
Does this fat make me look fat.
The idea here with this is that I can work on computers and plenty of space for tools and like one of the issues we had on the other set was that you get phone calls while you're trying to shoot one of the problems we have with the other set.
And I really need the sand between this is that this was my space.
This was all I had to build this right here.
And so the problem was, if I was in the middle of, like working on Skunk Works or something, I've got to being everywhere and fittings and trash and just it's like crap.
We got this in the video we got to make.
So then it's just like everything on the floor and then do that thing.
And then the floor was just like, Oh, my God, like that's why you never saw the floor because it was pretty bad.
But now look at this.
We technically have a work space on top of the toolbox.
We have to work benches back here, and the main thing plus all this shelving space of the idea here, I'm probably gonna put things here that we use all the time like probably like one of each rise in some of the CP use and stuff, things that are not gonna be, like, stored away on the shelves.
Because the shelves and the other studio did two things.
One, they gave us a place to put things shelling shells, word right.
They also gave us a backdrop.
We have control of the backdrop here.
So we have full control over that.
Which is why now this shelving here is gonna be a place we're gonna have bins with, like, cables and piping and tubing and soft weeping and all that sort of stuff labeled in its place.
And if we're working on something, we got to come back to it later.
We can, like, quickly put a label up here, or a piece of tape and right Skunk works V to whatever.
And then put those parts here, and that's where it goes into a ready to keep working on it.
So instead of having this space be the only work space I have now we've got all this.
It's like a ram.
A creator.
All right.
We downloaded so much ram e kind of back and forth a toolbox I wanted to get cause I've got some pretty nice to walk home, but they're not full there.
Each of them are half full.
So we decided to get one of the smaller husky box, which does not matter looking, not snap on.
I'm not spending 5 10 $15,000 on a toolbox.
This is way more storage.
And I need for the tools are gonna be doing on the projects.
We're working on it.
But the cool thing is, this Factory three, they work.
So if I wanted Thio, check this out, I needed the space for cabinets and stuff there.
Well, yeah, I mean, so we're gonna do right now is we're gonna head over to Home Depot.
There's some things we need to get.
I'm gonna be putting sound dampening our the sound foam on the back of the set.
You guys kind of saw me start doing that at the beginning of this whole build serious.
And some of you are really confused as to why we're doing that.
That's because anywhere weaken stop Reflections is a good thing.
We have lots of it.
So why not get a staple gun to staple those to the back of that.
The hardwood we were going to adhesive.
But it's just it was over spraying everywhere.
We need to get a Sanders so I can stand this off.
It's got gold all over it from the gold building.
This is This is real.
Would want it to get screws for it and then debate and getting a cabinet.
But I don't know where it would go now, because I'll be honest.
I thought we were gonna have more room in here than we do in terms of, like, the shelving and those benches.
And then I'm debating putting a pegboard back here.
But everyone just pig boards, right?
Steve did a pig board called it a pegboard.
Linus did the pegboard in his studio.
So do a different name board.
Never gonna get lunch.
Good for fat.
Yes, I know he is not the re kind to this.
This isn't a soundstage.
We're just doing like I said, the vory started this whole Siri's.
If I can get 70 or 80% of the results for less than half the price, then I'm fine with that.
In fact, this might cost like 20% of the actual stuff you can see.
We decided not to build a wall.
We just want to leave that open.
So we have more space.
A wall.
We're taking in more depth.
So we have a much wider set now than we originally would have put a square back on up there.
The blue came off on that one.
We gotta fix that.
But we need to do now.
Did you see how ugly this is?
It's filthy.
It's sticky.
Something going on there Way walked on it when we were moving paint on here when we did the gold build, I am now going to send the top of this and I don't think I'm gonna re finish it because that's such a light colored wood that's such a light colored wood.
I think I'm just gonna let this be whatever color it looks like it is after standing because it is real wood.
We could get away with that.
It's not like a laminate, at least.
Yeah, Israel would see cracks and stuff that we've made in there.
So let's do that.
If you look at the surface now, I got rid of all the paint that was on here.
I just I should have probably used the course or grain.
Um, this was just a 3 20 finishing pad.
You see, it's very dusty, but we're gonna do right now is we're gonna do is just a little bit of a hack.
Something that one of my wood shop teachers told me.
Yeah, I took shop.
What about?
So one of the things that you use to kind of hydrate and keep would nice is a Citrus oil, believe it or not.
And guess what?
The primary component in Louganis somehow we're just gonna, uh, nicely as you can see now all my paints is gone.
The scratches we put in there with, like, did the knives and stuff we cut.
Things were still there, but this is the $279 table top for Mikey.
I was not about to buy another one, but as you can see already, that's right.
Compared to have a look around started one day.
It's nice to you because it's so warm and dry in this warehouse and you still have any air conditioning out here and it's 100 and eight degrees Fahrenheit today.
It's so drying, it's gonna this way.
Lt's gonna dry overnight.
So you guys were used to this set and here's what we got done today I present to you the new and improved foundation for the Jays.
Two cents maker space.
Plenty of counter space I'm thinking about.
You've been getting a three D printer.
To be honest, there's been times I've wanted three different my own parts, but I never had space for it.
But obviously we do.
It is super vanilla, obviously.
Right now, there's nothing on these shelves.
Feel just kind of stuck these these coolers here for now because this is like I said earlier, this is not intended to be storage.
There will be a whole storage section over there, but this is not intended.
The store just is intended to be commonly used parts that we do for builds another videos and stuff.
And then once the shelves are filled up, you won't really see the back of the other set wall over there.
Um, yeah.
So the biggest issue I have so far is Phil.
Go stand over.
There were like a cam would be with a big white wall behind me.
It's pretty plain, obviously.
And so I want this to be like, Yeah.
See, I looks like I'm just in, you know, the Matrix or something.
And I'm like guns.
Lots of guns.
So Oh, okay.
Well, you know California.
I did it.
The other studios you guys saw as I put some my favorite builds back there.
The thread Ripper build has been back there the whole time.
Symbiote school courses there for a little while.
The d frame build our test bench.
I might have a permanent test bench set up here.
I don't know yet how I wanna handle that.
I'm kind of thinking about doing a test bench cart that's always there and can roll around.
And we just have to plug it into power, and it's ready to go for whatever testing want to do.
But I don't want to utilize this space for any sort of like things that are going to reside on there like builds and stuff.
I think that's what this area is gonna be four over here, because if you guys look, we've got a lot of carpet on the floor of here to kind of give you an idea of how big the next set is going to be.
I want this to be almost like, not really a living room, but just a nerd space, If that makes sense, this was designed to be kind of like a home office.
This is obviously our build shop.
I scratch the idea of recreating our current set because I'm frustrated there.
I feel crammed.
I feel like that place is a source of anxiety for me, To be honest, I don't remember you do Burnham anxiety?
No, none of that crap.
It's just I didn't like working in there.
Why recreate the thing that bothers me?
So I'm thinking, I want this to be like a dual zone kind of, Ah, that not only is a functioning set, but also like a lounge area for when Brian's here and we're just kind of kicking back.
We could have table and chairs are like a couch and a TV, and that you could hook up to for showing your screen and all that sort of stuff, like a real relaxing kind of ah, green room meeting space and then another, like standing set over here where we could do, like, bigger, showcased up, like case reviews.
And that's where stuff for when the shop isn't being utilized.
Because I still think I'm gonna spend most of my time over here.
But I want this space over here to make sense to.
And I'm sure that this is where guys were.
Like, I thought you were gonna park your car in here.
No, that was never been nice.
But that's certainly not the idea.
This area over here is where storage is going to kind of be will probably have two racks against the wall and then two more racks right here in the middle so that you can get to either side of them with plenty of storage there.
If you turn around, turn around.
Look at this carpet again.
I'm so excited for this.
I can't wait to see what comes together over here.
You can see we've started getting lumber.
I know.
The last time I was like guys, what would you do in the space?
You guys all told me what I was doing wrong.
If this were a year space right here, what would you build in there?
I'm looking for in some inspiration in some ideas.
So we'll try this again this time with much of the abrasion.
As I said in our interview, R J C since Q and A.
Yeah, look at that.
This this is I'm excited for this.
And then we start editing den to build.
I think by the time we're done building, our lease will be up.
Guys, we're gonna go.
Thanks for watching the build.
Siri's will continue.
We've got lots to build out here.
We still need to get h back out here.
R h back literally consists of this three ton unit right here blowing into the office with this shop fan blowing colder out here overworking that three ton unit.
But hey, keeps it about 85 or so out here, which is manageable.
Syrians Almost 100 and 10 today.
All right, I'm rambling now.
Thanks for watching guys.
We'll see you in the next.
I couldn't even focus.