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All right, so we have got a huge care package from the folks over at Corsair.
They've sent over all of their new hydro X stuff.
This is probably something you guys have already seen.
This is something I have been waiting for for a long time.
If we first saw at com p text like way more than a year ago, actually farther away now, two years ago to comp you Texas ago, we first saw they were showing off some of their water cooling stuff that they were in collaboration with.
I think awkward computer at the time and or he killers Don't quote me on that.
But they were working with another brand, and that all kind of just disappeared.
And then some of the folks at UK found their way over at course there.
And now we've got hydro X.
So, being the water cooling, I want the aficionado.
I'm just a fan boy that I am tell you right now we are going to take a look at a whole plethora of new stuff from course there, specifically with the hydraulics line.
Now, unfortunately, I'm still under embargo in terms of be able to talk about temperature performance or any of that stuff, but we can take a look at the parts up close.
How All right.
So obviously.
Okay, so we got some fluid here.
We've got some fans which were no surprises or not because they're not water cooled fins, but they're gonna hopefully be static.
Pressure optimized.
They're maglev 1 20 fans, we've got some radiators.
Okay, we got lost up to go through.
So let me let me sort of get this presentable course there has spent a lot of time helping code develop a lot of this stuff, but they had some partners in crime in all of this.
So, for instance, the fluids air made in collaboration with May hems We've got the fittings which were made in collaboration with bits.
Power will be taking a closer look at these old open up one or so we got compressions.
We've got soft to being.
We've got the Commander Pro, which is designed for controlling the RGB and the speed of the fans.
You can add it to any case.
A lot of this comes concluded already with a lot of the higher end course their cases Fan hub right there for the RGB stuff.
We're gonna start with the radiator.
This is made in collaboration with hardware labs.
So they hardware labs is definitely known for some high end radiators.
And this is one of the slim rads.
I do come in like a small medium, large in terms of thickness, as you can see what they're We've got a nice chrome corsair sticker on there.
This looks to be about a medium Finn density, so it's gonna be a decent amount of trade off between noise, airflow and cooling.
Obviously, we'll talk more about how these perform when we're able to do performance testing?
Because, like I said earlier today, Embargo.
All right, so we've got a few fittings going on here.
We've got some compression fittings.
Uh, this appears to be what says 10 by 13.
Is this gonna be a rigid fitting or there's gonna be, like, a soft tube fitting.
Ironically, they didn't send me any soft tubing, but that's okay.
So you can see we've got a compression here with you.
Gotta Barb.
This goes over the tube collar, and then it clamps down on two.
The actual fitting itself.
We've got some elbows.
We ask them what they call XF compressions, But with these guys right here, let's take a look at the hard line.
So this is definitely very bits power you're looking.
I could definitely tell they've developed this in collaboration with them, but this is a a larger diameter than some of the 12 millimeter stuff that you would get from them.
But if I'm not mistaken, they're going to be available in obviously varying sizes of tubing.
They also come in four different colors at the time of filming.
They're gonna come in nickel.
They're gonna come in black.
They're blue.
Incoming gold.
This is an adapter fitting here.
So, as you can see, though, it's got a rotary fitting on here.
So this rotates.
Here is a rigid contraction.
This appears to be a 14 millimeter interesting.
So I'm assuming that's going to be 14 millimeter tube right there.
It's a low rise compression, so sometimes they're very tall.
But this one here is a low rise.
You got double O rings, have a ring inside the fitting of an O ring that goes around the outside of the tube.
And then, as you screwed down this compression collar, it will squish out that ring, and then it will make a seal between the flat surface of the fitting and the actual tube itself.
So we got some 90 degree elbows.
Let's take a little 45.
A nice, very, very tight rotary, very indicative of being built in collaboration with bits.
Power, because of its power, definitely has a very tight tolerances and all of their internal rings now, in terms of the fluid, we've got two leaders of clear right here.
They're super chilled.
Siri's once again Hydro X Series XL five performance, Colin says.
It's 1000 milliliters premix.
It's got all your inhibitors.
You're corrosion resistant additives in there, so it's gonna be good with nickel copper, and it says on the nickel, copper and brass.
And then this is just a flow valve so that you can use it for a dream plugged Phil Plug your cameraman, Phil.
You can turn him on and off by using the style right here.
So Wait way made the turn and there's no room to U turn.
So let's take a look at the tubing right here.
This is course they're tubing.
Hard line is a 10 by 14 so that means we have a four millimeter side wall, which is that's kind of a small complaint of mind, to be honest.
So by this being a 10 by 14 means that we do have a little bit thicker wall, which is kind of nice, but at the same time, it just means that it's not gonna work with 13 millimeter fittings.
It's not gonna work with your obviously you're 16 mil, so it's just another size to have to really worry about to make sure so that you're not putting the wrong side of things on there.
So I'm gonna assume this is the blocks in the pump and all that sort of stuff inside of this pelican case.
You ready?
That's exactly do this.
All right, So we got the x d five, which is an RGB d five style reservoir here.
We've got what looks to be the ex C seven RGB block.
We got more than one blocking here.
This is a well, a cp water block.
As you might imagine, we've got the X c nine and then we have got the 02 blocks here the ex G seven RGB and the ex G seven RGB.
So this says 2080 Founders edition.
This one says 28 e t I.
Okay, so the two different blocks, obviously the 2080 and 28 e t.
I do have a slightly different PCV.
That's okay.
It's going to open one up and take a look.
It's been a while since you started in on boxing.
I feel really rusty at it.
As if I were ever good at it to begin with.
All right, so here is the block right there.
It's actually pretty weighty.
Oh, that's nice.
I like the thermal pads already pre applied.
That's nice.
I like that right there.
So what?
It comes back plate.
So as you can see, it's brush.
It's got the hydro ex logo on there, but it's very low profile on by low profile.
My ex isn't like a different color.
It's not yellow.
Thank God.
When the light hits it just right, you've got that nice nice look to it.
The rest of the block is kind of the same way.
You've got a model block here, so it's a full cover block.
It's touching the power delivery there.
Ram the seat or the GPU core, obviously.
And then, uh, I'm not sure what's up front right here.
I don't think it's more chips.
It's probably more power delivery, but it's got this.
This isn't plastic.
This is metal.
This is metal here, which has got a sort of a heat sink design kind of built into it.
She got wiring underneath this cover, which is kind of nice.
Um, like the skunk works has a clear block, and so this is kind of visible, which sort of sucks, But what I mean, so you can see here that it's terminated with their proprietary plugs.
So you can't plug this in directly to your motherboard and control it through any of that.
You have to use I Q and their commander pro or their RGB node or some sort of argue Be controller like you see right here on the box from Corsair to be able to control it because of that proprietary plug.
So that's one thing you need to keep in mind.
It has not come included with the block, so that's gonna be an added cost that you need to keep in mind.
But you could see her here.
You've got these screws and you've got a I don't want to take it out right now because for the performance testing, I don't want to mess with any of this.
I want to do the performance, testing and then do the disassembly.
The jet plate is removable.
I guess that is gonna help with manufacturing because they can just make mass, manufacture those and then plug them into the different blocks rather than having a mill the whole block out of a single piece of brass.
So I think it's an interesting, unique design.
I'm kind of curious as to how well that works out of a flow indicator built into the block as well.
So as the block is turning, if it's in a vertical orientation, you'll be able to see it turning so you could make sure you've always got water flow.
And if you're curious as to how much how fast the fluid is moving that will tell you this is very reminiscent of like They're Dominator, Siri's Ram tops.
Remember those on the Dominator platinums?
It looks very, very similar to that.
So if he had dominated platinums in your system, this would sort of match.
So there's the block, which I.
I like this because one of the things that's difficult just like computer cases, there's only so many ways to build a rectangle.
There's also only so many ways to build a water block, so this is nice to see, and it's just different.
Let's take a look at this guy Now.
This is their water pump reservoir combo.
This is actually like an injection molded plastic, which is different than the typical acrylic route.
A lot of people go and I'm really curious to see how the long term testing on this goes, because the problem I've always had is once the acrylic gets wet, and if you drain the system and then you let the acrylic sit out, you start to form these very tiny kind of a mic.
Micro cracks in them, and it has something to do with the dehydration at that point.
Like I mean, it's not porous by any means, but somehow some way, when the acrylic it's wet and then it dries out, it tends to get those old tiny cracks, and sometimes those tiny cracks in turn into much larger cracks.
So buy them going with this different type of plastic.
I'm wondering if that's directly because of that effect that has taken place with the acrylic.
So there it is right there.
It's very lightweight.
That's one of things I'll say right off the bat.
It's got plastic on here.
Protecting it is because it's injection molded plastic and it's not acrylic.
It's a lot thinner.
It's a lot lighter.
Watch Phil, stick your hand out and hold that.
That's yeah, yeah, like, yeah, definitely.
But it is using a D five pump, which you can see is mounted directly to it.
So it is a combo.
We've got multiple fitting locations here going around.
We've also got two on the top, and it does, of course, have RGB lighting.
And they already have a push down tube on the inside so that if you are returning to the reservoir from the top, it'll push the fluid down into the fluid levels.
You don't have a waterfall effect which could introduce air.
You also have this kind of a spiderweb looking thing inside, which is going to be an anti victory.
But I guess a lot of the lightweight from this, too comes from the fact that this is also a plastic mount for the pump.
Whereas typically a lot of brands we use acid, tall or palm material or whatever, which is a very dense plastic.
Here's one of the mounts that just go through here.
I'm gonna go over the pump and then you screw it right directly to those rubber standoffs which are anti vibration pads.
You even have a temperature sensor plug that comes with the reservoirs.
You could put this in the back and monitor your actual temperature of your fluid, which is something that doesn't come with any other reservoir in the market short of Aqua Computer.
And I think that's because you could buy a kit that includes it not directly with the reservoir.
So and the last thing to look at here are the CPU blocks, which, interestingly enough, is too different part numbers based on the socket that you're using.
So we've got 11 56 or 11 50 x here or MD am for compatible for Intel LG A 2066 which technically is also 2011.
That's funny.
That's not Listen there and Andy tr four.
But when they want to talk about work quick, since we are talking about the size of the blocks is I forgot to mention with the GP block that because they're using this universal core that can be swapped out for the cooling plate, it is not entirely full coverage on the tee.
You, whatever the 28 e t I is, I don't think that's gonna necessarily be an issue, but again, one of those things that we're going to talk about in temperature testing because they have to have room for the screws.
It takes up some of that cooling area.
So that is one thing will definitely want to compare as we take off a 2080 or 20 t I and mount it is to kind of measure and see what the difference in size is.
Look at the interesting application of that thermal pace.
It's like a honey comb.
Okay, I definitely don't wanna miss any of that up, because for testing, I want to see how well that performs.
But as you can see, you've got your intel bracket.
You've got your A m d bracket.
You got your whole downs, your rubber standoffs.
You don't bridge on the back here motherboard.
And then, of course, all of your mounting hardware.
So it's going to compare the size of this guy to the other one.
Is that larger?
Not really, huh?
But what you can see right here, though, is that we do have the mounting already applied, like to the bracket right there.
And then if you need to use tr four, it comes with a completely separate mount right there for that.
So there you go, guys.
There is the UN boxing and first look.
Obviously all of these parts are RGB.
I can tell you're not had lots of conversations with them.
I always get worried anytime a new brand goes.
But I know of course, there's not a new brand, but they are new to open loop water cooling.
Typically, they were using a Sitek derivative A Iot is and stuff which is very simple because sealed and worry about the user and user that were about testing, mixing, because here's the thing.
You might just buy the block and then you're putting in other parts and other coolants, and they've gotta ensure compatibility as best that they can control.
Obviously, if you use all of the course, their ecosystem there, fluids there, too in their fittings, they're blocks.
You're gonna have the best compatibility and the best long life of the fluid.
But what they did was tons of testing to make sure that there wasn't gonna be any sort of compatibility issues with other products on the market.
So they had a huge laboratory set up with tons and tons of testing going on temperature controlled environments, extremely cold, extremely hot mixed metals and my mixed metals.
I mean, brass, copper, nickel not aluminum.
I don't know if they're coming out with a balloon aluminum, serious stuff, But that's ah topic for another day.
So I can tell you that I'm expecting positive things out of this because they did the right thing at C.
E s.
By delaying the launch so that they could make sure that everything was as ready as it could possibly be.
So we'll be testing this out in June.
Perfect month for all this is gonna be nice and warm, but yeah, I just want to open this all up and make a huge mess in my new set that I now have to clean up so that you guys could kind of get a first look at this.
Because as the summer months roll around, not only did more people build computers and upgrade, they also build water cooled systems to keep things as cool and is over clocked as possible.
All right, guys, tell me what you think about Corsairs Hydro Exline of water cooling parts down in the comments below.
And as always, we'll see you in the next room out of here and then on Dominic Trader drive.