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Look at the names up there.
Let's meet our contestants, shall we?
Come on out.
Hello, Carol.
All right.
We have two empty podiums.
Who's going to play with us?
Please welcome Usher and Justin Bieber.
It's freezing.
It's cold.
Are you cold?
It's cold.
Are you cold?
Are you cold?
It's freezing in here.
It's freezing.
Are you guys cold in here?
It's cold.
It's freezing.
All right.
We have to have time to play the game, you guys.
I'm warming it up, Justin.
It's cold in here.
It's cold.
Don't you worry.
I'm going to warm it up.
It's not that cold.
Do you want a jacket right now?
No, I'm good.
I'm good.
No, you're cold.
I'm good.
I'm fine.
I'll be good.
I'm from Canada.
I'll wrap you up in my love.
I'm going to reveal five secrets that we found out about you.
And then I'm going to try to match
the secret with the person.
If I can match all five, I will win a fantastic prize.
I'm not sure what you will win, but it's really
about what I win.
The first secret on the board is I watch every Hallmark movie.
I kissed Bono.
My childhood name was Cha-Cha.
Ah, Justin.
I accidentally sexted my dad.
I once broke into a school.
I'm going to start with my childhood name was Cha-Cha.
I think it's Usher, just because he's
making a face like it's not.
I think you're trying to throw me off.
I think Justin accidentally sexted his dad.
I think Carol broke into a school.
I think you kissed Bono.
And I think you watch every Hallmark movie that there is.
I'm not sure about that one.
All right, let me see how many I have right.
Just one.
All right, I've changed my mind.
I think you used to be Cha-Cha.
And now you're Goo-Goo.
I think you accidentally sexted your dad.
I think you for sure broke into a school.
I think you kissed Bono.
No, but then that would be wrong.
You think she could break into a school?
Look at that face.
Oh, Justin, if you knew the things we know about Carol.
This is not her first time playing.
I think, Usher, I'm going to say you watch every Hallmark movie.
What's wrong with that?
All right let me see how many I have right now.
So now I have for sure--
OK, now I got it.
I know what it is.
I'm right.
Let's see.
Oh, no!
One more try, and then I'll give up.
You got this.
You got this.
I know.
There's nothing wrong with a sensitive man.
There's nothing wrong with a sensitive man, you know?
You what?
I said, there's nothing wrong with a sensitive man.
Don't you love, like, Notebook?
You trying to get me to give you that one back again?
Well, you saw the number, right?
All right, I'll give that to you.
Although that wasn't right when I had the other one.
No, that's not right.
Don't truck her, Usher.
Cut it.
She's having a hard enough time on her own.
You messed me up.
OK, Goo-Goo.
All right, Justin, I think you watch the Hallmark movies
because you're so sweet and sensitive.
I think-- oh, my God, Carol.
You sexted your dad.
You did.
You kissed Bono.
I've already tried that.
All right, this is my last one.
Let's see.
Are you sure?
You positive?
OK, I give up.
What was yours?
I accidentally sexted my dad.
I know.
God, that's horrible.
I know.
Was it like a extremely graphic thing?
It was, like, just the top area.
It was a picture?
It was a picture!
Yeah, I was--
I was, like, sure.
I know.
Oh, no.
All right, Justin, which is yours?
I broke into a school.
Well, that was too obvious for me.
I was like-- there's no way that they're going to give me that.
I thought, well, you broke into school--
of course you broke into a school.
That's not spilling the tea.
Carol, what was yours?
Hallmark movies.
Come on.
We're like--
This is the tamest--
Justin, if you knew Carol like I know Carol.
She looks like a Hallmark movie.
She hugs like a Hallmark movie.
Carol, tell him some of the things
that we found out about you.
You give a really good hugs.
Oh, good.
Great hugs.
You know why?
She went to swingers parties.
Let me tell you I know so much about this woman.
She has been on this many times.
Has she actually though?
You've been on here a bunch of times?
I'm telling you, the things I know about her.
I like it.
Usher, so what's yours?
You're not-- are you Cha-Cha?
I mean, I tried to put my game face
on so you wouldn't look me in the eyes, but yeah.
What is it?
You're Cha-Cha?
Yeah, I'm Cha-Cha.
All right.
And what was yours?
You guessed correctly.
It's you kissed Bono?
That's how you play Spill the Tea.
For playing, I'm getting a new house.
And for sharing your secrets--
thank you.
And for sharing your secrets, you're all getting iPads.
Hi, I'm Andy.
Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel
so you can see more awesome videos, like videos
of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things,
like ball peen hammer--
and also some videos of Ellen and other celebrities,
if you're into that sort of thing.
Oh, [BLEEP]!