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  • Hi, my name is Jonny, and I'm a student at the University of Derby.

  • One of the areas that a lot of new students run into trouble with is referencing.

  • I'm going to talk you through a commonly used style known as Harvard referencing.

  • When you're writing a piece of academic work, you'll be researching and reading a lot of

  • work done by others to help formulate your ideas and arguments.

  • You need to acknowledge where you found the information; not only because it's fair to

  • give credit to the person whose hard work you're using, but also to avoid plagiarism.

  • When using the Harvard referencing system, there are two stages to highlighting other

  • people's work in your own, citing or referencing.

  • Citing or citation is what you do in the text of your essay, where you highlight words or

  • ideas that you've incorporated from somebody else's work.

  • Referencing, is where you put all of the details of the source of the information that you've

  • used at the end of your work in a separate section.

  • The way that you use citation in your work, depends on whether you're using a direct word

  • for word quote from another piece of work or if you're putting somebody else's ideas

  • into your own words.

  • If you're copying a statement word for word, you need to put quotation marks around it.

  • If you're writing somebody else's ideas in your own words, then you don't need to use

  • quotation marks.

  • For both direct quotes and putting somebody else's work into your own words, you need

  • to then indicate the source of the information, in brackets, at the end.

  • These details are there to lead the reader to the full information at the back of the

  • document.

  • A citation only includes a maximum of three pieces of information.

  • If you're copying a direct quote, this will be: the authors surname, the year the source

  • was published and the page number.

  • If it's not a direct quote, you should include the author and the year the source was published.

  • The reference section of your work should include all of the information about the source

  • of the statement that you've used in your essay.

  • Each separate source of information should always start with the same information as

  • the citation in your essay, so the source materials' details can easily be found.

  • You should then organise each source alphabetically by the author.

  • If for any reason there is no author, you should use the title of the source instead.

  • Under the Harvard system, the order you present the information for each of your sources has

  • to be done in a particular way.

  • If you've got your information from a book, then you need to write down the following:

  • The author or editor, the year of publication in round brackets, the title in italics; bold

  • or underlined, the edition if it is not the first edition, the place of publication and

  • the publisher, the series and volume number where relevant.

  • If you used the information from an ebook in your work, then you need to write down

  • the following: The author or editor, the

  • year of publication in round brackets, the title in italics; bold or underlined, name

  • of the ebook collection in italics; bold or underlined, the phrase "Online" in square

  • brackets, the words "available at" followed by the url of the ebook, the word "accessed"

  • followed by the date you accessed the information in brackets.

  • If you used the information from a journal in your work,

  • The author, the year of publication in round brackets, the

  • title of the article in single quotation marks, the title of the journal in italics; bold

  • or underlined and the volume, issue and page numbers.

  • If you used information from an online journal in your work, then you need to write down

  • the following: The author, the year of publication in round

  • brackets, the title of the article in single quotation marks, the title of the journal

  • in italics; bold or underlined, the volume, issue and page numbers, the name of the collection

  • in italics; bold or underlined, the phrase "Online" in square brackets, the words "available

  • at" followed by the url of the online journal article, the word "accessed" followed by the

  • date you accessed the information in brackets.

  • If you used information from a web page in your work, then you need to include:

  • The author or publishing organisation, the year that the site was published or last updated

  • in round brackets, the title of the internet site in italics; bold or underlined, the words

  • "available at" followed by the url of the web page, the word "accessed" followed by

  • the date you accessed the information in brackets.

  • If you want any more information on referencing, then visit the study skills section of the

  • University of Derby website.

Hi, my name is Jonny, and I'm a student at the University of Derby.


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哈佛參考指南 (A guide to Harvard Referencing)

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