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  • Okay, so I've arrived to the airport in Frankfurt, have a connecting flight.

  • Although my flight from Toronto was late, I still made it.

  • I ran across like ninja amount.

  • You're going on a pressure, which is a really awesome spirits by dorma invited me to comes super excited.

  • I've never didn't decide a front city like first time on.

  • I just expect to eat a lot of really good food and to wear old linen I brought It's really hard.

  • It's gonna be like 35 degrees.

  • But guys, I got this place is like, I wanna cry.

  • Look how beautiful this is.

  • Something home.

  • I look like a divorce.

  • A who ran to the south of France after an emotional divorce where she got, like, 500,000,004.

  • No, I am just an r of how everything is so beautiful here.

  • Thank you.

  • By Dermot, this is so cool.

  • We're going on a bicycle tour.

  • I'm gonna wear this dress.

  • It's linen.

  • It is very hot outside.

  • So I wanted to put something that I'll be comfortable and I'm gonna wear sneakers because we are gonna sit on a bicycle.

  • I don't want to risk it.

  • This is very roomy, so I'm not worried about this.

  • And I'm grabbing this bag because it can put everything in Eden and don't have to worry about carrying it.

  • Keeping one with me.

  • This will forever be engraved in my memory.

  • This is insane.

  • Everyone's gonna have a picture here.

  • Way should close at the same time.

  • You got it, Daddy.

  • You have friends over.

  • No, no.

  • What?

  • I don't know.

  • Beautiful spot.

  • The food here is so fresh.

  • I don't want to leave.

  • Leaving now.

  • We're going back to our wait.

  • So?

  • So, Claude, It's so peaceful here.

  • Oh, hello.

  • Someone's bright and early.

  • I'm I'm so like this is literally the first trip.

  • I'm like, I don't need workout clothes.

  • You know, You always got my bottle.

  • I'm ready to go to the horizon.

  • You kidding me?

  • Why?

  • What is it?

  • Oh, my God.

  • My French thing I've ever seen.

  • Do you think they're eating baguettes and cheese right now?

  • Probably 6 a.m. What are they doing?

  • Maybe from last night.

  • They're like, you know what feels good, right?

  • Hot air balloons at six.

  • Genius.

  • It's so cute.

  • Girl that works here said that she watched my videos on you too.

  • Uh, what?

  • Uh, what?

  • Just practicing my French way.

  • Our early God is not here yet.

  • I'm gonna have a guided tour.

  • But for now, this is what we're doing.

  • All of this exciting.

  • This is just like the normal street.

  • And her friends like you want to eat it?

  • No, just look at it.

  • I guess not.

  • Jean eyes really like the life of the party.

  • Okay, We came back from the ones I'm leaving tomorrow at, like 5 30 AM It's been an active vacation, but I am super grateful.

  • It's been such an amazing, amazing experience.

  • So I'm super grateful to buy Derma and two s dorma Canada for bringing me here.

  • So I'm gonna change for my last outfit for this trip and go and have some food.

  • No more wine for me.

  • I can't do it.

  • It's been insane.

  • Too much wine Said no one ever.

  • Except for the area at this moment in the side of friends.

Okay, so I've arrived to the airport in Frankfurt, have a connecting flight.


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A2 初級

跟我一起去地球上最美麗的地方吧。 (Come With Me To The Most Beautiful Place On Earth)

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