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  • First,open creative inventory,taken out "pig spawn egg" and "saddle".

    打開你的創造背包,拿出"豬 生怪蛋"和"鞍"

  • Second,make a splash potion(regeneration 4).

    拿出"拋擲 回覆4 藥水"(可以用 TMI 拿)

  • Third,taken out any item,enchanting it Knockback 2.


  • Spawn a pig,put saddle and throw potion on it,then use enchanted item attack it.

    將道具附魔"擊退 2"

  • Attack it quickly,it will fly to the front. Fly direction is decided to you face direction.


  • Speed is 25m/s. Speed is decided to the item enchanting knockback level.

    快速的用道具攻擊它,可以使它向前飛行 不用管豬面向哪,他都會朝你攻擊時面向的地方前進

  • Attack faster,it will fly faster.

    移動速度約是"25m/s",想要飛得更快,可以把道具附魔等級調高 想要調整速度,可以多帶幾個不同等級的道具在身上

  • Empty-handed to attack it,it will fly to up Paced attack,it will keep to a place.


  • When you landing to the ground, the parking place need a layer of water on the surface,or you will die.

    如果想要直接垂直地向上飛,可以空手攻擊豬 要盤旋在空中,空手有節奏的攻擊豬即可

  • The tutorail is end. Thanks for watching! ^ ^ �

    接著準備降落到地面上 降落一定要落在水上,不然你會掛掉

First,open creative inventory,taken out "pig spawn egg" and "saddle".

打開你的創造背包,拿出"豬 生怪蛋"和"鞍"


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