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  • Someday you'll join us.

  • And the world will live as one.

  • The Labour Party Conference, Brighton.

  • There are normally two ways to judge a party conference.

  • There's the events and the excitement

  • and the drama as it happens, and then there's

  • the way we look back at it once the waters have closed

  • over the immediate events.

  • The government will be held to account for what it has done.

  • Boris Johnson has been found to have misled the country.

  • This unelected prime minister should now resign.

  • Almost all the news stories about this conference

  • will be Brexit stories.

  • It started with a row over what the Party's Brexit

  • position will be going into the general election,

  • and it ended with the response to the Supreme Court ruling

  • on Boris Johnson's prorogation of Parliament.

  • But underneath the hood of the Brexit conversations,

  • there's a bigger story here, which

  • is that actually the Party has adopted

  • a number of extraordinary radical policies, which,

  • if it got to carry them out, would transform the country.

  • The next Labour government will reduce the average full-time

  • working week to 32 hours within the next decade.

  • And I think when we look back at this conference and some

  • of the noise of the Brexit row is gone,

  • we may look back at it as the moment when Labour took

  • a really dramatic shift in a number of its economic

  • and social and environmental policies.

  • We will scrap zero hours contracts.

  • Introduce a ten-pound living wage,

  • including for young people from the age of 16.

  • The tide is turning.

  • The years of retreat and defeat are coming to an end.

  • Together, we can take on the privileged

  • and put people into power.

  • Conference, the Labour Party, and our movement,

  • thank you for all you do.

  • Thank you for the campaigning you do.

  • Go forward to win an election for the people of this country!

  • Well, Jeremy Corbyn has just finished

  • his leader speech brought forward a day because

  • of the recall of Parliament.

  • The conference is just singing The Red Flag and now Jerusalem.

  • And this was very much a speech about building

  • Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land.

  • Once you got past all of the Brexit content,

  • which dominated the first half of the speech,

  • this was a very powerful speech of transformation,

  • which would leave people in no doubt that a Labour government

  • led by Jeremy Corbyn would be one of the most radical ever

  • elected in this country.

  • At the start of this conference, I

  • think there were three issues overshadowing it.

  • The first was Brexit and whether the Party

  • would go into the election with a clear position.

  • The second was the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn,

  • not that he was under threat, but that Brexit

  • had become a proxy fight for the succession.

  • And the third was the environmental policies,

  • which were extremely radical, and the row

  • with the unions over that.

  • Buy Jeremy Corbyn's speech here.

  • It's all been overshadowed by the Brexit announcement

  • from the Supreme Court.

  • But I think when people look back at this conference,

  • they will see that it's been a very meaningful one in which

  • Labour has adopted a raft of really radical positions.

  • It's backed a 32-hour week, it's backed

  • the abolition of private schools,

  • and it's backed environmental policies

  • with targets which are extraordinarily radical.

  • The decarbonisation of Britain effectively

  • by 2030, the nationalisation of the big six energy

  • companies, these are extraordinarily radical

  • positions that will cost vast amounts of money

  • and drastically transform the economy.

  • I've been a Labour Party member for 40 years.

  • It's what I've been waiting for.

  • Was there any particular bit in there you especially liked?

  • Well, I especially liked the fact

  • that Green is actually seen as an Industrial Revolution.

  • There was a sense of unity in there, which

  • was just incredible to see.

  • Obviously, this conference has been a bit divided, especially

  • in the beginning, but we all brought ourselves together.

  • Your first time out, what did you make of it all?

  • Absolutely brilliant.

  • I think Jeremy, I already thought

  • he was the best person to be prime minister,

  • but I now can't picture anyone else being prime minister

  • anymore.

  • Our message is bring it on, bring on the general election

  • because we are ready, Labour is ready,

  • and Jeremy Corbyn is ready.

  • So bring it on!

  • Of course, the fact that they'll find it appealing

  • is the easy part.

  • It's also got to be implemented, it's got to be costed,

  • and that's where you run into some very substantial

  • difficulties.

  • The other thing I think that's happened in this conference

  • is whereas people arrived feeling a bit unsure about what

  • was coming, whether the Corbyn's project might founder

  • after him, this conference has been a very, very affirmative

  • one for him personally.

  • When the Brexit debate was going on, a number of people

  • were pushing for a much clearer remain position.

  • It became almost a question of loyalty to Jeremy Corbyn,

  • and he carried the day and his position

  • carried the day particularly because people, speaker

  • after speaker, stood up to say, we

  • have to be loyal to the leadership.

  • It's been a long, long time coming,

  • but I know change gonna come.

  • Oh, yes it is.

  • The conference is packed up for the night.

  • The stores are all closed.

  • The party bigwigs are rushing back to London

  • for the recall of Parliament.

  • And although conference continues into Wednesday,

  • the air has now gone out of it.

  • Everybody knows that the action is elsewhere.

  • But the sense you get is that members

  • feel they've been present at a moment of history.

  • And as you can see, history plays a vital emotional role

  • in the Labour movement.

  • There is a sense among Labour Party members that they have

  • set themselves on course for a defining election.

  • They're bringing forward an agenda

  • that is so radical, so transformative,

  • that it inspires all of them here and keeps

  • their faith with Jeremy Corbyn.

  • It's an agenda that carries problems as well

  • as opportunities.

  • It's very expensive.

  • It's very easy to attack by other parties.

  • But it also contains gobbets of policies

  • all over the place that will appeal to different groups.

  • So there is an enormous sense of excitement

  • among party members, the excitement you get when people

  • know an election is coming.

  • They can't be sure it's going to go their way,

  • but the one thing I think they're all sure of

  • is that this is an election that is

  • going to be transformative for the future of Britain.

Someday you'll join us.


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B1 中級

超越Brexit。傑里米-科爾賓的激進工黨會議 I FT (Beyond Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn's radical Labour conference I FT)

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