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  • what's up everybody, welcome back to

  • my channel! hi how are ya? now today

  • I know you all are dying to meet our new

  • puppy so I'm gonna stop running my mouth

  • in a second and show them to you but I

  • need to say hi, drama all right so as you

  • guys know we got Drama last year and her

  • birthday is on October 31st my little

  • Halloween baby so she will be turning a

  • year old next month and we and Nate have

  • been wanting six dogs that was our limit

  • a while ago we said we really wanted six

  • okay so it is really hard to get all

  • five dogs together this is gonna be a

  • little Jeffrey star Nathan star family

  • dictionary cuz a lot of people don't

  • know all the dogs names so a lot of

  • people thought that diamond was our new

  • puppy because she's so little but

  • diamond is actually eight years old

  • and if you did not know she has her own

  • lipstick with jeffree star cosmetics you

  • better work girl and diva right here is

  • nine years old he would be ten in April

  • he is my oldest and of course I had diva

  • and diamond before I met Nate and these

  • are our children together this is drama

  • delicious and Daddy and Eddie back here

  • he's like I don't want to be on camera

  • where's my feet so of course

  • drama and diva are tans and Daddy here

  • is a whoops table Pomeranian of course

  • delicious is pure black she is so

  • stunning I love his features bless you

  • Gesundheit now our new baby is about to

  • come out and say hi to you you want to

  • grab music now me and Nate couldn't

  • figure out a name we had a name in mind

  • yes we did but why'd we change it dude I

  • don't know I mean when we got him you

  • know it just didn't seem like the name

  • we had picked you know just seeing his

  • personality and just how he acts and

  • walks around you know

  • yeah it definitely didn't fit so we do

  • see the puppy oh the puppy is about to

  • be here so we decided on a different

  • name and we are about to introduce you

  • to our new son all right you guys this

  • is our brand new baby

  • his name is DaVinci hi little boy look

  • at how adorable he is I know it's a

  • puppy so everyone's like oh but no he is

  • the cutest puppy I have ever seen close

  • your ears drama close your ears this is

  • the newest addition to the star family

  • diva diamond delicious daddy and drama

  • are all obsessed with da Vinci already

  • we're about to play you guys the footage

  • from yesterday when he first arrived at

  • the house and we weren't even sure of

  • his name so we're gonna have to do some

  • bleeps or some cuts because we didn't

  • know what to call him yeah we were

  • calling him different things and then

  • has me yeah as Nate said as we got to

  • know him more and he was home for the

  • full day but previous names we were

  • thinking of just didn't really fit they

  • weren't in and da Vinci is perfect he is

  • a sophisticated young man that wants to

  • dive into the arts and musics of the

  • world drama drama what do you think

  • about your brother honey never drama in

  • him we're playing so hard this morning

  • it was the cutest thing now we're only

  • on 24 hours of having him of course but

  • he slept really good he's eating his

  • drinking is going to the bathroom

  • perfect Jesse um I'm joking yeah he is

  • perfect and hi little man we are so

  • excited to raise him and of course the

  • other dogs will be helping erase him as

  • well oh you gonna ear in part of the

  • pack now alright I think we should take

  • him inside let's give him some food and

  • we're about to play you guys the footage

  • right now of when he came to the house

  • and when he met the dogs for the first

  • time good morning everybody today c'mere

  • angel today we have a new addition

  • coming to our family our sixth

  • Pomeranian puppy is coming here in like

  • 20 minutes it'll come unique look a

  • little diamond she's ready for her

  • brother so our new puppy is almost here

  • and he's ready to come home the mama and

  • papa

  • I'm so excited we had like four hours

  • sleep last night

  • he's on the way and wait till everyone

  • sees them I know he's so cool baby

  • a daddy is like obsessed with me so I'm

  • not sure how jealous he's gonna get

  • lucky with this boy anything babe

  • because when we got drama

  • the dogs were a little we call it the

  • stage of like what do we call it I mean

  • it's kind of like a rejection stage but

  • yes they're like really into it for the

  • first couple days yeah yeah they're not

  • sure they're like you're in my territory

  • who is this yeah so it's gonna be really

  • interesting to see what happened now

  • that we have our sixth edition

  • I think drama is gonna be over the moon

  • mm-hmm I think diva might move out for a

  • week two weeks for sure

  • so all right she's almost here so the

  • dogs are gonna forget no I think deep is

  • gonna flip okay you guys ready no one

  • knows I'm holding a dog funny hey Deva

  • he's gonna be mad no baby

  • good boy do his tail oh my god last hug

  • it when he first met delicious he ran

  • and it was like nope we're not doing

  • this

  • look she's not sure he's so little

  • so delicious act a little hyper for like

  • 10 minutes and then oh you guys look

  • daddy look at daddy this is like the

  • intro stages looking at they always get

  • like I think is there so little to look

  • at the little man

  • he's nervous he's like there's a lot of

  • damn dogs

  • we switch

  • and imagine our utopia

  • these expectations if we meet

  • inside the upside

  • honey I'm a food

  • and I start to

  • you guys I hope you enjoyed that footage

  • now it's been a full day and all the

  • dogs are really loving to Vinci already

  • which thank God because in the past

  • we've had some issues cute memory I

  • remember babe is when we first got

  • delicious and diva and diamond had never

  • like had a brother a sister obviously

  • and they were not having it and for the

  • first week Deva was like rejecting

  • delicious and like ignoring him and

  • running away and I was panicking I was

  • like what if they really don't ever get

  • along like do I have to get rid of the

  • new puppy and we were scared but then

  • all of a sudden on day 8 they fell in

  • love and they've been inseparable ever

  • since

  • so I'm really happy that the family is

  • already living little davinci we're

  • gonna be doing some vlogs over the next

  • few months so we can all watch our new

  • little boy grow up into a a man huh

  • DaVinci are you guys thank you so much

  • for watching today's video I know it is

  • short but I really want to introduce you

  • to our new little baby so we'll see you

  • on the next one

what's up everybody, welcome back to


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B1 中級

我們有了一隻新的小狗!!!!!。 (WE GOT A NEW PUPPY!!!!!)

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