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  • Hello! I am very glad to see you!

  • Today I am going to draw a water drop.

  • And do not leave because at the end of the tutorial I am going to show you 2 paintings

  • to give examples of how you can use a water drop in a work of art.

  • To start I sketch the shape of the drop and go over it.

  • In a transparent object, the light behaves in a particular way:

  • Lets say that the beams of light come from the top-left,

  • then the darkest part would be precisely on this part, as the light would go through the

  • drop and illuminate the bottom-right.

  • And here, if anything, will be a little reflexion.

  • Down here then, would be the most light.

  • I start shading the darkest part of the drop. I«m using a slightly hard lead: an H

  • It would cast a shadow on this side, but in the middle of it, would be a light.

  • Then with a brush I smudge the graphite for a more even finish.

  • I reinforce the shadow in the vicinity of the drop,

  • and then smudge it.

  • With a kneaded eraser I pull some reflexions.

  • And then with a white pencil, pastel like, I reinforce the lights.

  • It is dry. A sort of chalk.

  • I darken a little further.

  • This is not a drawing paper and is leaving me black spots. Even after smudging you can

  • still see them.

  • Therefore I sharpen my eraser like an ant eater [chuckles], and I pull the dots.

  • Then, if I left some white spots, I fill them in carefully with the lead.

  • It should be smooth and uniform, to look like a water drop.

  • I want to give it even more light!

  • The beauty of drawing on a toned paper,

  • is that the lights really stand out.

  • Specially if they go with good shadows.

  • I will extend it further up,

  • although this part is going to be flatter and without reflexions.

  • I hope you liked it. That is finished!

  • And as promised, I will show you 2 paintings:

  • This is an oil on canvas called Freshness. It is a pretty simple one.

  • While this... does not have a water drop... it has about 320 drops!

  • I would really like to know what do you think about it. You can write me in the comments

  • section of the video. And if you liked the tutorial, please give

  • it a LIKE and subscribe to my channel.

  • You know where to follow me, and where are the links.

  • See you next Tuesday!

Hello! I am very glad to see you!


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B1 中級

水滴怎麼畫一步一步來 (How to Draw a Water Drop Step by Step)

  • 92 12
    ivanmis 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日