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  • You served your country. Then you transitioned back to civilian life and

  • began serving your communities. And for two and a half million of you, that meant

  • starting a small business. Your businesses are hiring fellow veterans

  • and military spouses. They're supporting charities. And giving your communities, a

  • sense of community. Sure, it hasn't always been easy. But you're doing what you've

  • always done. Putting in the hard work and learning as you go. So to help, Google has

  • created one place where your veteran-owned small business can get a

  • step-by-step guide to reaching customers worldwide. Add a veteran-led badge to your

  • Google listing. And let the world know that you - all two and a half million of

  • you - are open for business.

  • Visit us online to get started.

You served your country. Then you transitioned back to civilian life and


B1 中級

與谷歌一起成長。退伍軍人上司的小企業 (Grow with Google: Veteran-Led Small Businesses)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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