字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 One of the most difficult skills to improve through real-life situations is listening. 僅靠日常生活經驗來提升英文聽力是很困難的。 But have no fear, you can target your learning to make it a breeze! 不過別擔心,透過有效的學習方式能夠使訓練聽力變得輕鬆簡單。 Here are four ways to make this happen. 以下提供四個提升聽力技巧的四個要訣。 [1. Prepare to listen] 事先做好聽力準備。 If you know you're going into a situation where English is spoken, you can prepare yourself by brushing up on the likely words which could be used. 如果你知道自己即將遇到使用英文的場合,在那之前你可以先複習相關的英文字彙。 For example, if you're going to the airport, you're most likely to hear things about your flight, destination, visa, and luggage. 舉例來說,如果你要去機場,你可能會聽到關於航班、目的地、簽證和行李等單字。 Before you go to the airport, you can review the vocabulary related to these topics. 所以去機場之前,你可以複習相關主題的單字。 Don't forget, if you don't catch everything the first time, it's okay to ask them to repeat it for you, which is also good practice. 假如你第一次聽不懂沒關係,你可以請對方再重複一次,增加練習的機會。 [2. Listen for specific information] 仔細聆聽特定資訊。 You can also practice by listening for specific information. 你也可以針對特定資訊仔細地聆聽。 If we go back to the airport example, you could listen out for your destination or flight number. 再回到機場的例子,你可以專心聽目的地以及航班編號。 This will keep the learning focused and practical for you. 如此以來,能夠使學習更加專注及有效。 [3. Listen for pleasure] 放鬆心情聆聽。 Like with the reading, you can choose what you want to listen to for practice. 跟閱讀一樣,你也可以挑選喜歡的主題作為練習聽力的素材。 If you're a TV or film fan, try watching a section without subtitles and then watch again with subtitles to check your understanding. 如果你是個愛看電視或電影的人,你可以試著關掉字幕看一小片段,然後再開啟字幕看看自己的理解是否正確。 You can also listen to radio programmes or podcasts from all over the world. 或者,你也可以收聽世界各地的電台廣播或 podcast 節目。 Choose a topic you're interested in, and you'll be amazed how many interesting programs are available! 選擇一個感興趣的主題,你就會發現其實有非常多有趣的廣播節目。 [4. Carefully observe the people you listen to.] 仔細觀察說話對象。 It may be hard to believe, but watching people can also help you listen. 你或許很難想像,其實觀察他人也有助於提升聽力技巧。 How does this work? 究竟怎麼運作的呢? When people talk, they normally use more than just their words to communicate. 因為在溝通時,人們不只透過言語來傳達訊息。 They're conveying meaning with their tone of voice, hand gestures, the way they sit or stand, and so on. 還會透過語調、手勢、站姿坐姿等來表達。 Carefully observe the people you listen to. 所以,請仔細觀察說話者。 Linking it all together can help make the meaning clear to you. 把語調、動作和語言結合起來,你就能夠更明白他想傳達的意思。 One thing to be aware of here is that there may be cultural differences in body language. 不過有一點需要特別注意,肢體語言可能會因為國家的文化不同而有不同的涵義。 If you are visiting somewhere new, it's a good idea to have a quick read about the customs and culture of the place beforehand. 到了一個全新的地方,最好先了解當地的文化與風俗習慣。 [Remember: 1. Prepare to listen, 2. Listen for specific information, 3. Listen for pleasure, 4. Observe the people you listen to.] 記得:1. 準備做好準備 2. 仔細聆聽特定資訊 3. 放鬆心情聆聽 4. 仔細觀察說話對象
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 聽力 聆聽 仔細 提升 觀察 語調 提升英文聽力技巧的四大要訣! (How to improve your listening skills) 57205 1689 Annie Chien 發佈於 2020 年 03 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字