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  • Probably the opportunity for growth is always going to be there.

  • It is always going to change.

  • So, I like that.

  • It won't get boring or repetitive.

  • So I worked as a barista, which I loved.

  • I did love my job, it certainly wasn't anything that I could make a career out of.

  • It is the people skills I learnt from making coffee that have lead me into real estate

  • really.

  • But with that sort of business structure and career opportunity behind it.

  • We think everyone needs a coffee but they don't.

  • Everybody needs a home.

  • Real estate will always be there.

  • I needed a career, number 1, but I also needed one that had a lot of different off-shoots

  • and opportunities.

  • So I could have a long term career, within one industry, but do multiple things over

  • time.

  • So those options will never end.

  • Whereas other industries it is kind of, you can hit a pinnacle and you are done, whereas

  • real estate is a bit more diverse.

Probably the opportunity for growth is always going to be there.


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A2 初級

這可能是你的故事--娜塔莉-索斯維爾。 (This could be your story - Nathalie Southwell)

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