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  • Chimeric antigen receptor therapy or CAR T-cell therapy is an emerging

  • immunotherapy designed specifically to target a patient's cancer cells. To date,

  • the most successful of these therapies CD19 CAR therapy targets B cells in

  • Leukemia and Lymphoma. A patient begins treatment by undergoing apheresis to

  • extract normal T-cells. In the laboratory, a modified virus either a lentivirus or

  • retrovirus transfers targeted genetic information into the T-cells where it is

  • incorporated into the genome. Newly synthesized CD19 CAR proteins are then

  • expressed on the T-cells surface. The altered T-cells are expanded in vitro

  • and delivered to the patient by infusion. In the body, the engineered receptors

  • bind to specific antigens expressed by the target cancer cells, killing them.

  • With hundreds of trials currently being conducted worldwide, engineered cell

  • therapies like CAR T-cell therapy have the potential to transform treatment for

  • cancer and other diseases.

Chimeric antigen receptor therapy or CAR T-cell therapy is an emerging


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B2 中高級 美國腔

醫學前沿。看CAR T細胞療法 (Frontiers in Medicine: A Look at CAR T-Cell Therapy)

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    Yu Chyi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日