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字幕列表 影片播放

  • So much for supposed to be's

  • Girl I wish you luck getting over me

  • And supposedly

  • You're with him but wish you were holding me

  • You wish you were holding me

  • Isn't it, isn't it something

  • Whenever you touch him

  • You don't feel nothing, isn't it something

  • How quickly your honesty

  • Just turns into make-believe

  • It turns into make-believe

  • How

  • Dare You

  • Lie

  • To my

  • Face

  • You can't

  • Say

  • You're fine now

  • Said you'd never call again

  • Guess it didn't go how you imagined it

  • I know what it is

  • All the time with him, you were wanting this

  • Yeah, you were wanting this

  • Isn't it

  • Isn't it something

  • How easy you're falling

  • Like he was nothing

  • Isn't it something?

  • How quickly your meant to be's

  • Your meant to be's

  • Just turned into history?

  • They turned into history

  • How

  • Dare you

  • Lie

  • To my

  • Face

  • You can't

  • Say

  • You're fine now

  • You said he was perfect

  • You said it was working

  • You said you were certain

  • Now, why would you lie?

  • It's okay, look into my eyes and

  • Let's agree

  • You've been lying to yourself

  • Not just to me

  • How

  • Dare you

  • Lie

  • To my

  • Face

  • You can't say

  • You're fine now

So much for supposed to be's


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A2 初級 美國腔

盧卡斯格雷厄姆 - 謊言(歌詞視頻)。 (Lukas Graham - Lie (Lyric Video))

  • 95 3
    Hiram Shu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日