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  • Hi, everyone. This is Katie. 嗨 大家好 我是Katie

  • I'm now here in Danei District. 我現在在大內

  • Danei has a wide open view. 大內的視野非常寬廣

  • There is a beautiful farm 有漂亮的農場

  • and the special Moon World terrain. 特殊的月世界

  • In addition, there is a place for stargazing, 也有適合觀星的地方

  • with a fantastic wide open view. 視野非常開闊

  • Follow me and let's take a tour around Danei! 走跟我去逛一逛大內吧!

  • The architecture is very special. 這裡的建築很特別

  • This place is the highest point in the area, 也是這附近最高的點

  • and it's a place for a great skyline view at night 很適合看夜景

  • as well as stargazing. 也很適合觀星喔!

  • This is Tainan Astronomical Education Area. 這裡就是南瀛天文館

  • I can't wait to check it out! 我迫不及待想要進去逛一逛囉

  • This is Mr. Chung. Mr. Chung, can you show us around? 這位是鍾組長 組長可以幫我們導覽這裡嗎

  • Of course! Let me show you around. 當然沒問題啊 我帶你去逛一逛

  • There are three exhibition halls in Tainan Astronomical Education Area: 南瀛天文館有三個大館

  • the observatory, 天文觀測館

  • the astronomy exhibition hall, 天文展示館

  • and the planetarium. 星象館

  • Danei has a wide open view and little light pollution, 大內區視野遼闊 光害少

  • so you can see a starry night sky here. 這裡可以看到滿天星斗

  • You can even see the milky way clearly. 也清楚可見銀河

  • In addition to stargazing, 這裡除了觀星象之外

  • if you face towards the Zengwun River, you can see river terraces, 望向曾文溪還可以清楚看見河階地形

  • and it's a great view to be enjoyed. 欣賞美麗的風景

  • Our first stop here is the astronomy exhibition hall. 來到天文館第一站是天文展示館

  • Follow me! 跟我進去逛一逛吧

  • The design of the astronomy exhibition hall was based on 天文展示館的空間規劃上

  • the four seasons of the earth. 從地球的四季變換出發

  • Visitors can learn about constellations, meteor showers, 認識四季星座 流星

  • and aerolites of each season. 與隕石

  • In addition, there is an environment theater here. 還有環境劇場

  • On the second floor, you can learn about 二樓可以認識

  • the eight planets of the solar system. 太陽系八大行星

  • And on the floor, you can see the development of astronomy. 地板可以看見天文學的發展歷史

  • The exhibition includes art creations that give visitors 並且還有相應的藝術作品

  • a better understanding of astronomy through images, texts, 透過影像 文字

  • installation arts, and an interactive facility on the Coriolis force. 裝置藝術及科氏力互動裝置來了解天文學

  • On the third floor, get ready to see stars, galaxies, and black holes. 三樓則是認識恆星、星系與黑洞

  • You can even get on a space capsule! 這裡還可以搭乘太空艙喔

  • In addition to permanent exhibitions, 這裡除了常設展之外

  • there are many special exhibitions here! 還有不同的特展

  • Do you know FORMOSAT-7? 你知道福衛七號嗎

  • It's a very important satellite of Taiwan 這是臺灣非常重要的衛星

  • that helps increase the accuracy of weather forecasts. 它可以讓我們的氣象預測更精準

  • Here you can find a full-scale model of the satellite. 在天文館這裡有一比一的模型喔

  • Let's see the special exhibition! 我們來逛一逛特展吧

  • You need to exercise a bit to play the game. 這裡的遊戲需要一點體力

  • And you need partners to generate energy with you. 而且需要有夥伴來幫你一起產生能源

  • You can see I'm giving it all out. 你看我踩得非常用力

  • This is Star Trek. 星際迷航(Star Trek

  • Oh! In this game, you have to help space animals 喔!這個遊戲要幫助太空動物們

  • find their route to the moon. 找到登月的路線

  • This is a basketball game machine, 這是投籃機

  • and there is a circle and a cross on it. 上面有圈和叉

  • You have to answer the question 你必須回答問題

  • by shooting basketballs to get scores. 而且要投進才有算分數

  • Wow! It's a bit challenging! 哇 有點困難

  • Let me try this. 我來挑戰看看

  • This is a Whac-A-Mole machine. 這裡還有打地鼠的遊戲機

  • Let me try this. 我來試試看

  • After the game, you get vouchers 挑戰完成會有彩票

  • that you can redeem for some small gifts. 還可以兌換小獎品喔

  • Wow! Isn't it cool? 哇 是不是非常酷呢

  • You can come here and try them out! 可以來這裡挑戰看看喔

  • I love the exhibition here. 我非常喜歡這裡的展覽

  • There are many interesting interactive facilities. 都有很多好玩 互動性的設計

  • They are both entertaining and educational at the same time. 在玩遊戲的同時可以學習到許多的知識喔

  • In the planetarium, you can watch interesting 3D movies. 在星象劇場可以看到非常精彩的3D電影

  • It's the only planetarium in Taiwan that has a 3D dome theater. 這也是全台唯一的3D球幕星象劇場

  • You can experience what it's like to be surrounded by the universe. 可以體驗被宇宙包圍的感覺

  • It's worth mentioning that some of the movies are made by the staff here! 特別值得一提的是有些影片還是天文館的工作人員自己做的喔

  • It's a bit tiring to get to the observatory. 要上去觀星需要耗費一點體力

  • Follow me and let's walk up the trail! 跟我一起往上爬吧!

  • There is a cafeteria here. 這裡有餐廳

  • If you get tired or want to take a rest, 如果餓了或者想休息一下

  • you can come here and have a cup of coffee. 可以來這裡喝咖啡

  • Normally, cafeterias are built in places that have great views. 通常咖啡廳都蓋在視野很好的地方

  • The observatory deck is right next to the cafeteria. 它的旁邊就有觀景台

  • Look! You can even see the Zengwun River 你看 從這裡看過去可以看到曾文溪

  • and the Moon World terrain. 還有月世界的地形

  • This is a sundial. 這是日晷

  • It was used as a clock in the past. 就是以前的時鐘

  • You can tell the time from by reading the position of the shadow. 看影子可以知道現在是幾點

  • We have to walk up the trail a bit more. 我們的目標還要再往上爬

  • Finally! Here we are! 終於到了!

  • There are a lot of telescopes in the observatory. 進來這裡可以看到很多望遠鏡

  • There are even refracting telescopes here. 這裡還有折射式望遠鏡

  • The equipment gives visitors a better understanding 這樣的裝置主要是讓觀眾了解

  • of how light proceeds when we observe objects 當你用望遠鏡去觀測時

  • with a telescope. 光的路徑怎麼走

  • Do you know why I just showed you the telescopes? 知道為什麼要介紹這些望遠鏡嗎

  • You have to check out what's up there. 更厲害的在上面

  • Wow! There is an electric shutter here! 哇 這房子竟然有電動的天窗

  • It's so cool! 超酷的

  • This is the observatory of Tainan Astronomical Education Area. 這邊是我們南瀛天文館的天文觀測室

  • You can observe sunspots and solar prominences 透過這兩台望遠鏡可以看到太陽表面的黑子

  • with these two telescopes. 以及日珥的活動

  • This is the best telescope here. 這一台是最厲害的望遠鏡

  • But it's not open to the public. 當然這個沒有對外開放囉

  • The staff here use it to make observations. 這是這裡的工作人員觀測用的望遠鏡

  • This is what a dead star looks like. 這是一顆星星死掉的樣子

  • We found it around Vega. 這是我們在織女星附近拍到的

  • The bright dots you see here are stars, 你看旁邊這一顆亮亮的點 都是天上的星星

  • and the ring in the middle 中間這個圈圈

  • was once a bright dot as well. 它本來跟旁邊一樣也是亮亮的星點

  • The star's nuclear fuel was exhausted. 因為它中間的燃料燒完了

  • This led to an unbalanced internal pressure, 壓力不平衡

  • and the star began to expand. 就開始逐漸膨脹

  • After it expanded, the increased volume 膨脹後體積就變大了

  • led to low density in the center of the star. 中間因為密度較稀薄

  • This is why the star looks like a ring now. 看起來就像一個圈圈

  • Wow! A tour in Tainan Astronomical Education Area 哇 逛完南瀛天文館

  • is just like a tour in the universe. 感覺像是逛了宇宙一圈

  • There are so many interesting exhibitions 好多有趣的事情

  • as well as informative activities. 這裡的活動也可以增長知識

  • It's a place for both adults and children! 很適合大朋友小朋友一起來玩喔!

  • In Tainan, you can see the Moon World terrain 月世界的自然景觀

  • in areas including Dongshan, Zuojhen, Danei, 在臺南的東山 左鎮 大內 歸仁

  • and Gueiren. 都可以看到這樣的地形

  • After enjoying the special scenery, 欣賞這特殊的景觀後

  • follow me and let's go hiking! 跟我去踏青吧!

  • I'm now here at Tsou Ma Lai Farm. 我現在在走馬瀨農場

  • It's a popular site for group tours. 很多團體會來這裡辦團康活動

  • This farm is huge. 這裡真的非常大

  • Wow! I don't even know where I should start with. 哇 我不知道從何逛起

  • Let's invite my friend here to show us around. 還是來找在地的朋友來導覽一下

  • This is my friend, Steven. 這位是我朋友世瑋

  • Steven, this farm is so big. 世瑋你們這裡好大喔

  • Can you show us around? 可以帶我去逛一逛嗎

  • Sure. 好啊

  • Here we have hotels, camping sites, entertainment facilities, 我們這裡有住宿 露營 遊樂設施

  • as well as a leisure farm. 還有休閒農場可以體驗

  • Zou Ma Lai Farm 走馬瀨農場這個地方

  • used to be Tevorangh Tribe of the Siraya People. 以前是西拉雅大武壠社

  • You can see the Tevorangh Suspension Bridge at the farm. 在農場裡可以看到大武壠吊橋

  • The relic of the Siraya people has been preserved here. 將西拉雅的元素保留

  • There are meadows here! 這裡有牧草耶

  • You can come here to stack the hay rolls. 可以來這裡推草球

  • It's a good place for photo shooting. 非常適合拍照

  • There are many orchards on the farm, 在農場裡可以看到一區一區的果園

  • and these orchards are created mainly for educational purposes. 這裡的果園主要是以教學體驗為主

  • There are orchards of different fruits, 所以種類非常多樣

  • and you can come here to experience what farming is like! 來這裡可以做農事體驗喔

  • There are many leisure facilities here. 這裡還有許多休閒設施

  • Let's go try out the archery game! 跟我去射箭吧

  • Wow! It's quite difficult. 哇 這真的有點難度

  • But it's fun! 但是非常好玩

  • Wow! I just hit the bull's eye! 哇 我射中了

  • This is another section of the farm. 這裡又是另外一區

  • It's a two-minute drive from the main farm. 開車大概要兩分鐘的距離

  • Here you can learn knowledge about agriculture. 來這裡可以學習農事教育

  • There is an aquaponic farm here, 有魚菜共生示範

  • and there are also greenhouses. 也有溫室

  • I'm going to try the harvest activity. 我也來體驗採收的樂趣看看

  • Harvesting is really interesting. 我覺得採收真的非常有趣

  • It's a valuable experience. 這是非常難得的經驗

  • You can get a farmer certificate there. 那裡可以拍農夫證

  • Yay! This is what I have harvested. 耶 這是我採收的成果

  • It is not uncommon to see chickens and ducks in the country, 在鄉村裡看見雞 鴨很平常

  • but you hardly hear roosters crow in the city, 在都市裡卻很難聽見公雞的叫聲

  • unless you change your alarm sound into crowing sounds. 除非你的鬧鐘就是公雞叫

  • The animals here are all common animals you see in the country. 這裡的動物都是鄉村裡比較常見的小動物

  • There are rabbits, wild chickens, Japanese bantams, goats, macaques, 有兔子 山雞 日本雞 羊 獼猴

  • and peacocks. 還有孔雀

  • Wow! You don't see them in daily life. 哇 這真的很少見

  • Look at the rabbits. There are large ones and small ones. 你看兔子 有大隻的還有小兔兔

  • They're so cute. 真的非常可愛

  • You can spend an entire day here. 這裡一天真的逛不完

  • There are places for kids to play with water, 有適合小朋友玩水

  • and there are places for barbecue and camping. 也有適合朋友們一起來烤肉或露營的地方

  • Besides, there are many concerts and activities here. 也有不定期的音樂會或者活動

  • Also, we have many theme pavilions here. 還有很多不同的主題館

  • That's a lot, isn't it? 是不是很豐富呢

  • When you visit Danei, 有機會來大內

  • don't forget to take a tour to the farm! 記得來農場走走逛一逛喔!

  • Now that we're in Danei, we definitely have to see local products here! 來到大內當然要來看看這裡的特產有哪些囉

  • The best way to know what a place produces 想知道在地特產最快的方式

  • is to go to the local markets! 就是到當地的果菜市場

  • Come on, follow me! 走 跟我去逛一逛

  • Danei Fruit and Vegetable Market opens 大內的青果市場主要是在

  • during June to August each year 每年的六月中到八月中有攤商進駐

  • from 7:00AM to 3:00PM. 從早上七點到下午三點

  • There are different types of mangoes 這裡有很多不同品種的芒果

  • and avocados. 還有酪梨

  • Besides, you can also find pobuzi here. 同時你也會看到破布子

  • Danei is best known for avocados. 我們大內的酪梨最有名

  • We have the best avocados here. 品質最好

  • In addition to avocados, 除了酪梨之外

  • Danei also produces many famous fruits. 大內其他的水果也很有名

  • People in Danei have done a lot of studies on produce. 我們大內對農產品很有研究

  • We reduce the size of papayas 木瓜研究到小小顆

  • and produces male papayas only 做成公瓜比較好吃

  • because they taste better without seeds. 都沒有籽

  • Besides, guavas here have been improved and are quite large. 芭樂也是改良到很大顆

  • They are popular export produce. 外銷很受歡迎

  • In addition to the impressive fruits, 我發現大內除了水果很厲害之外

  • residents in Danei are all impressive, too. 在地各個都是大內高手

  • Fresh fruits from Danei! 大家都來大內買水果喔

  • Wow! Even the kids are selling the fruits. 哇 小朋友也很認真幫忙推銷大內的水果

  • Avocados! Mangoes! 吃酪梨 吃芒果喔

  • Chicken restaurants in Danei are famous. 大內這裡的土雞城非常有名

  • Everyone here has his/her own favorite restaurant, 每個人都有自己的口袋名單

  • and each restaurant has its own recipes. 每一間各有特色都很好吃

  • The most famous dish here in Danei isCizaichicken. 大內最特別的是「莿仔雞」

  • What is Cizai chicken? 什麼是莿仔雞

  • Let's go check it out. 跟我去了解看看

  • Cizai, or sweet acacia, is a plant that grows in the mountain. 莿仔是生長在山區的植物

  • Its formal name is Vachellia farnesiana. 學名為「金合歡」

  • To make the dish, dry stem and root slices of sweet acacia under the sun, 將「金合歡」的莖和根部切片曬乾後

  • and stew them for more than 4 hours. 熬煮四小時以上做成湯頭

  • Then, the soup is stewed with Chinese herbs. 再加入中藥熬煮而成

  • This is Cizai chicken. 這一鍋就是莿仔雞

  • It looks black. 看起來黑黑的

  • There are many Chinese herbs in the pot, 然後有蠻多中藥材

  • but the fragrant aroma doesn't smell strongly of medicine. 味道聞起來並不是強烈的藥味

  • I can't tell what the aroma is. 但是說不出是什麼味道

  • Let me try it first. 我來吃吃看

  • Wow! It's really special. 哇 這味道真的很特別

  • I don't know how to describe it. 我很難形容

  • I think there is sesame oil in it. It smells good. 好像有一點麻油的味道 它很香

  • The soup is not too thick. 不是很濃郁的那種

  • It has a light taste, 湯喝起來很清爽

  • and it's not greasy. 不油膩

  • This is different from what the color of the soup may have implied. 跟這個顏色有一點不搭

  • It's really special. 我覺得非常特別

  • I'll try the chicken. 我來吃吃看雞肉

  • Hmm! The chicken is really tasty. 嗯 雞肉熬煮地非常入味

  • It has a light aroma. 有一種淡淡的香味

  • I think the meat was fried with sesame oil before it was added into the soup. 感覺雞肉有先用麻油拌炒過

  • The soup contains some rice wine, 這湯裡有加一點點米酒

  • and I feel like I've had a lot of wine. 喝完湯好像喝了酒一樣

  • It's so special. 好特別

  • But the owner said he had only added a little rice wine. 但是老闆說他只有加一點點酒

  • By the way, pregnant women should avoid this dish. 我聽長輩說孕婦不能吃這一道菜

  • Remember to consult your doctor first if you're pregnant! 懷孕的朋友要記得先問過醫生喔

  • The food here is tasty 這裡的菜也非常美味

  • and inexpensive! 而且很平價

  • When you visit Danei, you definitely have to try local dishes here! 來大內 一定要來品嚐在地的美味喔

  • There are lots of fun places to visit in Danei. 大內的景點都非常好玩

  • And you can spend more than an entire day here. 一天絕對玩不完

  • If you visit Danei, 有機會來大內

  • make sure you have enough time 一定要安排多一點時間

  • to go hiking, stargazing, eating local dishes and buying local products. 可以踏踏青 看星星 品嚐在地的美食和特產

  • They're definitely worth it! 絕對值回票價

Hi, everyone. This is Katie. 嗨 大家好 我是Katie


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B1 中級 美國腔

炎熱的臺南EP9.格陵蘭的星空 (Hot Tainan EP9. Starry Greenland)

  • 28 1
    Hot Tainan 哈臺南 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日