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I don't mean to say I'm smarter than a ten-year-old girl, but...one of us buys Katy Perry records,
the other has our parents buy them for us. So I'm not gonna say a little girl who likes
this game would be wrong about this game, but...it's a collection of 24 minigames. And
none of those minigames are any longer than a minute.
That's, like...this thing lasts half an hour, at best.
Teenage Dream is, like, twice that long.
It's Travel Adventures with Hello Kitty for the Nintendo 3DS.
So if you've ever played Cooking Mama, you'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect
here. Travel Adventures gives you a selection of countries to visit, and each country has
a selection of minigames. So if you choose America, you get to make steaks and potatoes.
Because obviously.
City on a hill, and all that.
And the minigames are kind of connected. So first, you skin the potatoes. Then, you mash
them. Then, you're grilling the steaks. And eventually, you serve some tables.
I mention Cooking Mama not only because so many of the minigame groupings are based on food...but
also because of the actual mechanics. It's a lot of taps and swipes, short and fast.
There's not a lot in terms of control—the objectives almost just happen automatically,
provided you tap the right things.
It's clearly for a very young audience.
Now, that said...for what they are, they're at least well done. The controls are responsive,
the games are simple...and each one has two difficulties. So you can pick easy or hard
at the beginning of each minigame, which is nice. It gives older kids the option of a
challenge, without ever being too challenging.
It's just a really good game for little kids.
Obviously, part of that is the game's quality. It looks good, it's well made...and even though
the minigames are few, they actually use the system pretty well. The game is completely
touch controlled, and it even uses the 3DS gyroscope for some motion controls, which
are also surprisingly good.
Especially these little ball mazes.
All freaking...two of them.
And therein lies the problem, with this game. There's just not much of this game. You see
everything this game has to offer in less than an hour. You can buy stuff using the
money you earn in the minigames, but...it's mostly just outfits to dress up your Hello
Kitty, and that element of the game is really sparse.
Not fleshed out very well at all.
Then again, neither is the game, really. What is there is a great game for young Hello Kitty
fans, but there's a lot more that isn't there. And for 35 dollars new? Eh, unless you want
to pay, like, a dollar a minute for Hello Kitty minigames.
I mean, it's not like it's Katy Perry. Who would be worth a dollar a minute.
It's Travel Adventures with Hello Kitty for the 3DS.