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  • [Alien] K.

  • [Official] Purpose of trip? [Traveler] Diplomatic mission.

  • - Duration of stay? - Lunch.

  • Any fruits or vegetables?

  • You wanna stay away from that guy. He's, uhh...

  • ...he's grouchy.

  • Three-hour delay in Customs after a trip o' 17 trillion miles is gonna make anybody cranky, ya know what I mean?

  • Hey, oh, what-- what branch of the government do we report to?

  • Well none; they ask too many questions.

  • So who pays for all this?

  • We hold the patents on a few gadgets that we confiscated from out-of-state visitors; um...

  • Velcro, microwave ovens, liposuction...

  • This is a fascinating little gadget.

  • It's gonna replace CDs soon. I guess I'll have to buy the White Album again.

  • Ah - that is a lot of fun; it's a universal translator. We're not even supposed to have it, and I'll tell you why:

  • Human thought is so primitive, it's looked upon as an infectious disease in some of the better galaxies.

  • That kind of makes you proud, doesn't it, huh?

  • 'Ey, what's this thi--?

  • OOOH-AH!

  • [Edwards] Just be calm! Just re-- relax! Ju--

  • Ooh, watch your head!

  • Somebody get him some ice!

  • Look o--! Move! Just move when it's comin' at you!

  • Aw, damn...!

  • Aw, I'm-- I'ma pay for that!

  • Ohh!

  • OHH!

  • This thing caused the 1977 New York blackout.

  • Practical joke by the Great Attractor. He thought it was funny as hell.

  • Sorry, y'all.

  • It was an accident. Sorry.

[Alien] K.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

Men in Black (1997) - Men In Black Headquarters Scene (3/8) | Movieclips (Men in Black (1997) - Men In Black Headquarters Scene (3/8) | Movieclips)

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    Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日