字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi. James from EngVid. I've had a little to drink. Hold on. Sorry. James from EngVid. 嘿,我是EngVid的James,我昨晚喝一點,沒事的,OK,EngVid的James I had a little to drink with my friend Mr. E. Today we're going to do "bar talk", and 昨天和我朋友E先生喝了一點,今天我們來談談酒吧用語 why it's very important. You know what you're getting. 還有告訴你它的重要性。切入主題吧 So let me tell you a little story, okay? I was sober when I started this video, and then, 我來跟你說個故事,好嗎?我一開始拍影片都還清醒,後來 well, Mr. E invited me out to a bar. He said, "It's on me." I'm not a rich man, but I'm E先生找我去喝一杯,他說「算我請你」 我不是有錢人 a smart man, so I said, "Sure, I'll go with you." So, you know, we go to the bar, and 但我是聰明人,所以我說,當然,讓你請,知道了吧,然後我們到酒吧 he said, "You know what? It's cheaper to get a pitcher than it is to buy a glass of beer." 他跟我說,你知道嗎,直接點一壺喝比瓶裝的更划算 And I went, "That's great." So he goes up to the bartender, and he says, "Bartender 然後我說,不錯,他就走到吧檯,跟調酒師說 -- barkeep, he said, what's on tap? What's on tap?" "Well", the bartender said, "Well, 嘿,酒保,來些酒吧,你有什麼酒?嗯,調酒師說 what can I get you? Bud? Blue? Ex? Amsterdam Light? Whatever." Mr. E -- pardon me. So Mr. 你喝什麼?百威?Labatt Blue?Ex?淡阿姆斯特丹特調?或其他的?然後E先生,嘿,不好意思喔 E said, "Sure, but I've got my own drink, and it's my own creation. It's two parts beer, E先生說,好啊,給我一杯特調,我要兩盎斯啤酒 one part vodka, one part you don't need to know." Okay, so it doesn't matter. He brings 一盎司伏特加,其他你不用知道,好的,那不重要 this back. I'm sitting at the table. I drink it. After two seconds, I'm moving around like 他把酒拿過來,我坐吧台那邊嗑完它。不到三秒,我搖來搖去 this about to fall because this drink was really potent, terribly potent. You can see 好像隨時可以倒地,這杯超烈 the worm is here. I got intoxicated in about five seconds. The police had to call. 這酒蟲也不敢在喝,直接躺平,五秒馬上喝掛,警察快來了 And you know what? The bartender said, "Hey, dude, you're cut off, and take the worm with 然後你知道嗎,酒保告訴我,嘿,兄弟,你喝茫了,回去吧 you." Long story. Now, this is "bar talk". Because in Canada 好,故事很長,這些是酒吧用語,在加拿大 and many places across the world, we use a lot of the words I've given you, all this 還有其他國家,我們都會用這些字 vocabulary, to explain or express things. And today, I'm going to let you into our secret 這些詞,來形容當下的情況,今天呢,我要帶你們看看我們這圈子 world, so you can socialize and improve your English. 讓你知道些酒吧用語,在酒吧中穿梭自如 So let's go back to the beginning. What did I say? I said I was "sober". Well, if you 好,我們從頭開始講,我說了什麼?我說過,我沒醉,那就是 don't have any alcohol whatsoever, which is this, okay? You don't have any of this, you're 如果你沒有喝任何含酒精飲料,你就可以這樣說,懂嗎?你沒碰這個 going to be "sober" -- no alcohol. I have no alcohol in my body. 你是清醒的--無酒精,你沒喝酒精飲料 Now, here's the good thing: When you go to a bar, you want somebody to say to you, "It's 再來,告訴你好東西,你去酒吧,一定要讓別人先說 on me". What that means is they are paying. Now, if you say these magical words, "it's 「算我的」就是說,我來付,所以,你如果說出這幾個字 on me", you're paying. Please take this from your vocabulary. Otherwise, they're always 「算我的」你就要付錢了,嗯,忘了這幾個字,不然,出場時他們都會說 going to go, "Who's paying?" "It's on him." "Great. He's paying." Okay? So "sober" is 誰付?「It's on him」,酷,他來付,瞭嗎?「sober」就是 the first word -- no alcohol. So when you're driving, you should be sober, really. "It's 剛講的第一個--你沒碰酒,所以開車,不能碰酒,真的,「It's on me" -- somebody's paying money, right? Whoever says that, they're the one who's going on me」-就是有人要付錢了,對不對?誰說這句話,誰付錢 to pay. Now, here is a "mug". It's not a word I put 再來,這個字「mug」,這不是今天的單字 in for your little quiz at the end. Don't forget you have a quiz. But there's a mug 但我最後會考你,別忘了,有考試,這裡有「mug」 or a jug of -- a mug of beer. A pitcher is bigger. It's like a big thing. So it has two, 或一杯--一杯啤酒。「pitcher」是大一點的,一大壺,大概有二杯 three or four glasses of beer. Because it has so much in one container, it's called 三杯或四杯的酒量,因為他份量大,全部裝在一個容器 a pitcher, and it's cheaper. So you can go to a bar in Canada and go, "I want a pitcher 所以叫他「pitcher」(原意大水罐),也比較划算,所以之後你可以到加拿大酒吧說 of beer", and they'll give it to you, and it will be cheaper than buying bottles. Remember 我要一壺啤酒,調酒師就知道了,這會比買瓶裝更便宜。記得嗎 the bottle I showed you? Right? It would be two, three, four of these. Save money. Drink 我拿給你看的瓶子?是吧?一壺等於兩瓶,三瓶或四瓶,省更多 more. "On tap": This is a -- well, it's because 喝更多。「on tap」就是...嗯,這個 it's different. "On tap" means it's not from a bottle; it comes from, like, a "tap" -- in 不太一樣,「on tap」不是裝在瓶子裡的,他從,像「水龍頭」的東西出來的 your house, where you wash your dishes. It comes from a keg. And a keg looks like this. 你家那種水龍頭,洗碗的地方,他就從這裡出來的,長這樣 I'm a really horrible drawer, so forgive me, okay? Forgive me, for I am about to sin in 我畫畫技術超爛,不要怪我,好嗎,原諒我,原諒我將要犯的罪~ many ways. A keg looks like something like that, and it's on tap. So the beer comes out 一桶像這樣,上面有個水龍頭,啤酒就從這裡出來 of that. Yeah, I know. Listen, this is an expensive special effects department we have 嗯,你懂,這是高檔的,特製的,都從這邊出來 here, okay? Imagine this, and your mug goes here. There's your pitcher, and they put the OK?想像一下,你的酒從這出來,這是32盎司的,然後啤酒倒進這裡 beer in there. So it comes from a keg. So if you say, "What's on tap?" -- at every bar, 他是從酒桶出來的,所以呢,如果你說,「What's in tap?"」幾乎在每個酒吧 in Germany, and other places as well, in Japan, they have these taps, and they pour the beer. 在德國,或其他地方都一樣,在日本也是,他們都有這種水龍頭,能倒出道地上等的啤酒 You've seen them do that. They pour the beer from there -- not a bottle, which is more 你一定有看過,酒從這裡出來--不是瓶子倒出來的 expensive. So you go, "What's on tap, man? Give me some good Canadian stuff." 這個更貴,你可以說「兄弟,有沒有酒桶的?來點加拿大道地好酒。」 Next, the bartender will probably say -- if you're not talking about beer, which is the 再來,調酒師可能會說--如果你不談啤酒了,也就是 first part, but you want other alcoholic drinks, he or she might say, "What can I get you?" 剛剛講的,但你想要喝其他的酒,他可能會問你「What can I get you?」 You think "get" is "go somewhere", and they're meaning, "Yes, I'm going to leave talking 你可能在想,「get」是「去那裡」的意思,所以你會想「對,我要離開我們之間的談話 to you, go behind, arrange or make a drink for you, and bring it back." And they usually 去後面準備你的酒,再拿給你。」而且他們通常會說 say, "What can I get you?" Yeah, you're slowing it down now, saying, "What did he say?" "What 「What can I get you?」對,你的腦袋可能還在緩慢熱機運轉,「他在說什麼?」 can I get you?" "What can I get you?" That is, "May I help you? May I serve you?" Cool? 「What can I get you?」 「What can I get you」意思其實是「我能為你服務嗎?」猛吧? Okay, so we're moving from here. We've got something off of tap. The next part of the 好,我們接下來學別的,我們不講Tap,我們來聊 story: Remember Mr. E gave me some kind of vodka, beer? I don't remember. My head still 還記得E先生給我伏特加?還是啤酒?忘了,我的頭 hurts from the drink. Well, when somebody says "It's my own brew" or "my own creation", 還很痛,宿醉,好吧,當有人說「It's my own brew」或 「It's my own creation」 it means this isn't normal -- a normal drink you can buy. I, at my own house, invented 表示這不是一般常見的酒--那種每個酒吧都買得到的,像我呢,我在家時就會自己做 or created it. I have a drink, and you're going to like this. So if you're watching 我自己配的,我有我的酒單,相信我,你會超哈,所以螢幕前的你們 and you're under 18, go watch The Simpsons or something, okay? My drink is called a "Pink 如果你未滿18,去看辛普森家庭或幼幼台,OK?我的酒叫 Lemonade", okay? It is one part vodka, so that's one ounce vodka. Two San Pellegrino 「粉紅檸檬」,OK?裡面有1份伏特加,就是1盎司伏特加,兩份聖沛黎洛氣泡水果飲 -- you've got another part San Pellegrino. Then you get a blueberry smoothie, and you 可能還有其他地方加聖沛黎洛,再來加點藍莓奶昔 mix it together. It looks like pink lemonade, and it is potent. There you go, "potent" -- "strong". 攪拌均勻,看起來就像粉紅色的檸檬汁,這很烈,好,「potent」就是「很濃烈」 Because it tastes so nice like real lemonade, you drink it -- you don't even notice what's 因為他喝起來真的就像檸檬汁一樣,酸酸甜甜,但你喝了之後,你根本沒發現 happening. Why is this word important? "Potent" means "strong". So my own creation -- you 後勁有多強,這個字為什麼重要呢?「Poent」就是酒很烈的意思,所以說我的特調酒單裡 heard me say "parts". In alcohol, when people talk about what's in the drink -- you say, 你聽到"parts"在酒單裡,通常講到酒的成分,會說 "What's in it?" They'll go, "One part this, one part that, two parts this". And they're 「這裡面加什麼?」 他們會回答「一份這個,一份那個,兩份這個。」 他們還會說 telling you, "This is how much you should put of each one." So usually, an ounce of 「你一份要加這麼多。」所以,通常1盎司 each one equals a "part". So the bartender says to you, "In a Brown Cow, there're three 就是1「part」(1份),那調酒師可能會說「brown cow裡面有3 parts vodka, one part vermouth." Everybody now knows I don't drink because I don't know 份伏特加,1份苦艾。」你可能會說,我沒喝過,我根本不知道 what's in a Brown Cow. So don't make fun of me on YouTube. Anyway. Brown cow裡有什麼,所以不要在youtube上嘲笑我,哈,反正 So they'll tell you what the parts are, how to make the drink. And they'll say, "My own 所以他們會告訴你裡面有幾盎司的酒,怎麼做成的,再來他可能會說 creation is this." Mine is the -- remember? That's right, Pink Lemonade, baby. I've got 「這是我的特調。」我的特調,記得嗎?沒錯,baby,就是粉紅檸檬 another one. You're going to love it. So you can make it "potent". It means that it has 我還有別的,你會上鉤的,所以你調「烈一點」,就是 more alcohol than anything else, okay? So when you say "potent" -- more alcohol than 裡面酒精成分多於其他成分,懂吧?所以當你說「potent」,那就是酒精放最多 anything else. So "potent" drink. So let's go from here. If something's potent, 所以我們可以說「這酒很烈。」好,再來看其他的,如果我說一個東西「potent」 and you have many of them, you're going to have something called "intoxication". To be ,你又喝太多的話,就會醉。 "intoxication" means - it comes from "toxicity" or "toxin". You have more alcohol than you 「intoxication」 就是「中毒」或「毒」,你攝取過多酒精讓 should in your body, and it's now becoming poisonous, or as we like to say, "drunk", 身體無法負荷,導致中毒,或我們會說,「喝醉」 okay? If you're intoxicated, the word we use normally is "drunk". It means "I have had 懂了吧?如果你「intoxicated」,就是指你「drunk」的意思。代表 too much alcohol in my body, and now I cannot think properly or clearly." "Intoxicated". 「我的身體無法負荷這麼多酒精,現在我無法正常思考」、「酒精中毒」 Now, do not drink and drive or be drunk while you're driving your car or intoxicated, because 好啦,喝茫的時候不要開車,開車也不要喝, the police will stop you. And if you're making too much noise while walking on the street 條子會把你攔下來,但你如果喝茫了在街上起肖 while intoxicated, they will arrest you as well. So remember this word. Potent drink 條子一樣會逮補你,所以記得這些字,濃烈的酒 -- possible intoxication. Next -- where are we? If you are too intoxicated, --會酒精中毒的,再來,我們講到哪?如果你喝太鏘 you will -- what? You will be "cut off". This -- what they mean by "cut off", in Canada 你會--怎麼樣?你會被"cut off",這個意思,在加拿大 anyways, other places as well. In Canada specifically, it means "you have had too much alcohol, and 或其他國家也是,特別是在加拿大,代表「你喝太多酒 the place where you're staying does not want to be legally responsible for you." So they 你待的夜店或酒吧不想替你負法律責任」,所以呢 will say, "You are cut off. No more alcohol because we will be responsible." They might 他們會說,「你被禁酒了,再喝下去我們可是要負法律責任的。」他們 even say, "Give me your car keys so you cannot drive." Serious stuff, friends. Now, in other 甚至有可能說「汽車鑰匙交出來,你不能開車。」老兄,這可開不起玩笑。 places, if you cause trouble -- like, you get into fights or you talk to the girls like, 在其他國家,如果你鬧事,比如說,你打群架或醉醺醺的搭訕女生 "Hey, baby. What's up?" -- they will cut you off real quick: "Cut off, and get out!" 「嗨~美女~給虧嗎?」他們會馬上給你個禁酒令:「你被禁酒了,滾出去!」 Now, I've got one more thing I've got to tell you. These are -- excuse me. These are the 好啦,我還有一個要告訴你,是...拍謝,是 worst two words. When you're at the bars, you never want to hear this. It's called "last 最令人沮喪的兩個字,你在酒吧絕對不會想聽到的,叫做「last call", or as Americans say, "last call". This means you have 15 minutes to drink your drink, call」或是美國人說「last call!」,這代表你15分鐘內要喝完你的酒 order, and get your butt out of the bar, and the good times are over, okay? 結完帳,然後拍拍屁股閃人,這代表美好時光已經過去,瞭嗎? Well, I've got to go through this very quickly before we hit our last call for this video. 好吧,我們再快速的掃過一遍這些字,就要來到我們影片的「last call」 So there are ten things I want you to learn. Try and remember which are the ten things 我要你們學會十個用語,動腦想想你記得那些 because one's not on the board. But I said it. It was the last thing I said. See? There's 因為還漏了一個,但我跟你講過,這是我最後講的,看吧! the hint. Listen. And you're going to go to the quiz and check it out to see if you remember. 我都給提示了,聽好,有個小小的考試來看看你記住了沒 Okay? First, you arrive sober when you go to a bar, 準備好了嗎?第一,你「清醒的」到來到酒吧 right? Okay. So you arrive sober. But if you're lucky, you have friends with money, they'll 對吧,好,所以你也沒有酒駕,但如果你好狗運,剛好有公子哥兒朋友 buy it. The drinks will be on them. Anyone who says it's on them, that person's paying. 他們就會請你,你喝多少他付多少,說「it's on somebody」,代表somebody要買單 "Pitcher": College students, you guys are all studying because you're young, got no 「pitcher」。學生聽著,你還年輕,還在念書 money. Get pitchers; don't buy bottles. It's cheaper. Get drunk faster. I said it. Next: 沒賺錢,買「pitcher」(一壺),不要買瓶裝的,這便宜,又超快喝茫,我保證,再來 "on tap". You ask them, "What's on tap?" They'll tell you the two, three, five, or six beers 「on tap」你問吧台的,「What's on tap?」他們會告訴你兩三種或五六種 that they have that's in a funny-looking thing called a "keg". This is called a "keg". Remind 他們有的酒,這有個長得頗滑稽的東西叫「keg」這個叫「keg」(啤酒桶),讓我想到 me to talk about "kegger" when I was in university. You'll want to hear about that. Anyway. Next, 我大學時都說「kegger」,你一定超想聽我的鳥事,OK,隨便,下一個 bartenders, especially in nice restaurants -- bars -- go, "What can I get you?" or "What 調酒師,特別是高檔餐廳或酒吧,都會說「What can I get you?」或「What can I get you?" Okay? Practice that. All right? Next. If you have your own drink, you might can I get you?」OK嗎?多練練,還行?好,再來,如果你有自己的特調,你可能有 have -- you might make your own creation or your own brew. Some people actually make wine 你會「make your own creation」或「make your own brew」,有些人調酒 at home and they'll say, "This is my own brew because I made it at home" or their own beer. 大部分在家,他們會說「這是我的特調,因為我在家做的。」或是自家發酵的啤酒 Welcome to Canada, eh? Okay? "Parts": When they say, "What parts?" What's in there? How 歡迎來加拿大,好嗎?「parts」,他們說「What parts?」意思就是裡面有什麼? much liquid: alcohol, water, seasonings, flavours, whatever, right? Hops. How many "parts". Finally, 含多少酒,水,調味,香氣,這些,對嗎?含多少parts(份,盎司),最後 you drink too much, and especially if it's strong -- it's "potent". It'll be "potent". 你喝太茫,又喝超烈的,可以說,「potent」,酒很「potent」(烈) You'll get intoxicated, or the common word is "drunk". See my worm? Drank, intoxicated, 你會「intoxIcated」(酒精中毒),或著我們常用「drunk」(喝醉),看見我的酒蟲了嗎?乾杯,酒精中毒 fall down flat. Now, that's why we said here, "You've got to 'cut off' the worm", okay? 倒地睡死,好,所以我們走到這個地步,你必須要「cut off」這酒蟲,OK? So I've done a quick review. I hope you remember all this. Go back to the story at the beginning. 這就是超神速複習,希望你都記住啊,好,回到故事一開始 See how much of the story you understand from the words, and -- oh, I'm sorry. It's last 看看你從在故事裡了解多少,然後,噢,拍謝,是「last call. I've got to get going. My beer is waiting for me, so last call for me, son. Oh, before call」我要閃人了,我的啤酒在等著我呢,所以,我的最後通牒,噢 I go, www.engvid.com, where "eng" stands for "English" and "vid" stands for "video". That's 我走之前,請上www.engvid.com,「eng」代表「English」(英文),「vid」代表「video」(影片) the commercial break. So go there: www.engvid.com. I'll see you. We have, like, seven other people, 這是工商時間,請上網搜尋:www.engvid.com. 再見啦,我們有,嗯,還有七個同事 I don't know. We're all going for a drink after this. Anyway. Take care. Got to get me some cold, frosty ones. 我不清楚,反正我們等下都要去鏘一下,保重,我先來杯長島冰茶啦
A2 初級 中文 酒吧 酒精 啤酒 調酒師 中毒 伏特加 【英文社交技巧】去Party或夜店和老外輕鬆講 (Improve your social skills with Bar English) 14995 1412 VoiceTube 發佈於 2013 年 10 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字