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  • Ciao y'all! Naturally Kenya here, and today, I'm going to be talking about what it is

  • like to study engineering in the US versus Italy... Okay. Honestly. I don't need

  • these. I have contacts on, but I was trying to make geek effect... nerd effect...

  • you know... Because every engineer is in a nerd, right? Sure... Ciao y'all!

  • NaturallyKenya here, and welcome back to my channel. Make sure to subscribe to my

  • channel if you haven't already. Today is going to be a fun video, because I am

  • talking about what it's like to study engineering in the US, where I'm from

  • versus Italy. As some of you may or may not know, I actually moved to Italy last

  • year to complete my master's degree, but I have my bachelor's degree in the U.S.

  • in Civil Engineering. That's a little bit about me, but I'm gonna go into a few

  • pointers of what it's like in the U.S. vs Italy. Number one is the format. For

  • example, in the U.S. if you do a bachelor's degree it is four years and in Italy the

  • bachelors is three years, plus the two years that you will do for your master's

  • degree. So in total it will be five years. Whereas, in the U.S. if you did a master's

  • and a bachelor's degree, it would be a total of six years. So, the calendar and

  • exam schedule is definitely a lot different than the U.S. here in Italy,

  • because in the U.S. generally the semester is fourteen or fifteen weeks long and

  • following that, you have an exam period... and following that, I mean three-

  • four- or five days later you'll start taking your exams for your four or five

  • classes, and the thing that's most different here is that you have

  • approximately two months or even three months to take these exams whereas in

  • the U.S. you have your 15 weeks plus three or four days of nothing, plus holiday days --

  • but they're "technically" not holiday days, because you have to study-- and then it's followed by

  • a few days of exams. Maybe two weeks or

  • ten days where you have to take all of your exams in that time period.

  • Here in Italy, I have noticed that the semester varies between 13 or 14 weeks

  • and then you have months to take the exams. For example, the fall semester in

  • the U.S. will be from the last week of August to the first or second week of

  • December, and then you have your two weeks or so of exams. Here, I have

  • classes from the end of September to around the middle/end of December

  • before Christmas holidays, with a period of two or three weeks break, and

  • then you have the option to take those two exams in January and February of the

  • following year, but also you have a summer session that you can take those

  • exams in, as well. Which I will go into more detail later in the video about. So,

  • to summarize, the semester in the U.S. is a bit longer by two weeks, but the time

  • you have to take your exams is minimal, up to approximately ten days. Where in

  • Italy, it's 13 or 14 weeks of the semester and you have two months + to

  • take your exams in that time period. In terms of admission, in the U.S. there were

  • a lot of things that I had to submit going from high school into University.

  • For example, the application fee, there was an essay, you had to obviously submit

  • your transcripts, there was an option to submit your resume as well, a letter of

  • recommendation, your SAT or ACT scores, like the list goes on and on. But for

  • example, here in Italy, at least in my case, I know there's different

  • specifications or degrees that have a limited number of entrances available,

  • but I just had to send my (for my master's degree), I had to send my high

  • school transcript and my university transcript and a passport photo and that

  • was it. So it wasn't like I had to do brain surgery. There were no letters of

  • recommendation - nothing like that for me to study here in Italy. So the process

  • was much faster in that sense. So you didn't have to prepare documents and

  • documents and have a lot of different effort, but like I said before this may

  • just vary between universities in Italy. So don't get happy thinking that you

  • might be in the same situation as I was. It could very well be quite

  • different. Oh, the fun topic! The money part. The tuition costs and fees... When you

  • compare the U.S. to Italy this is probably the most different topic. I'm

  • actually going to be comparing the school that I went to in the U.S. to

  • Italy. So, for example, if I wanted to do a master's degree in the U.S. my tuition for

  • the year will be approximately twelve thousand dollars. Here it is! That is a

  • full-time schedule and it calculates

  • only the tuition. That's not food, that's not water, that's not housing, that's

  • not breathing, that's not living, that's not socializing, that's not walking down

  • the street- well... okay. That could be walking down the street, as long as you

  • don't have to take a bus or drive your car. You're good. That would be free. It's

  • essentially twelve thousand one hundred and forty six dollars a year.

  • I actually took it upon myself to convert that into euros, so you can see that

  • that's one year. Here in Italy, the tuition actually varies depending on if

  • you choose a public or a private school. It can be anywhere from five hundred

  • euros from people from developing countries, to up to maybe four or five

  • thousand euros. But, I mean, if you go to a public university, I think it would bury

  • anywhere between one thousand euros and maybe three thousand. I know that it

  • definitely varies based on your personal income and your university. And

  • supposedly there are scholarships available. There are Italian government

  • scholarships available. The United States was not on the eligible countries list,

  • so I wasn't that lucky. There are definitely opportunities available for

  • people coming from different countries. You really just have to do your research

  • and look into it. Because, generally, it's not that organized. Oh, the good one! This is

  • also a good one. Homework, which just seems so different here. So in university

  • in the U.S. for some of my classes, we would have to take assignments,

  • do the exercises and they will be do the following class. So, if this was a Monday-

  • Wednesday-Friday class, you'll be assigned Monday exercises, they would be due

  • Wednesday. You would be assigned exercises Wednesday and then they would be due Friday and so

  • on. Friday-Monday, Monday-Wednesday and Wednesday-Friday so on and so on.

  • Here, it's not necessarily like that. It's your responsibility to pick up all the

  • information in class. The only homework I've had so far are group projects and

  • that's not necessarily a homework assignment because it generally goes

  • over the entire semester. So, it's not like tonight you have to do THIS tonight,

  • it's due tomorrow. It's not like that at all at least not in the situations that

  • I have been in I would definitely say in the U.S. there's a lot more homework.

  • There are a lot more projects at least for a my a master's degree there will be

  • more projects I'm assuming in the U.S. There's just a lot more I guess you

  • could say independent work in the U.S.

  • So, let's talk about exams. Earlier, I mentioned how we have approximately 10

  • days to take all the four or five exams of a full-time semester, where in Italy

  • there are different exams for different dates. So, for example, if I'm taking four

  • or five classes and the semester ends, I have different exam dates available to

  • take the exam for each class. Which is also very important, because the exam

  • format in Italy is a lot different than it is in the U.S. specifically in the U.S.

  • you have one try. That means if you destroy the exam... I don't know anyone

  • that's that was able to redo a final exam... you essentially have one, try that's

  • it, and it's a written exam usually or it could be a presentation or project and

  • that percentage of the final exam really depends on how many exams were in the

  • class earlier in the semester. So if there's like a first exam or a midterm

  • for 20% and second exam was 20% and the rest is homework and participation and

  • then you get to the final exam that could be 30%, but here in Italy the exams

  • are a lot different than what I'm used to in the U.S. This is probably the most

  • difficult part of Italian University in my opinion. I know that Italian students

  • have taken oral exams almost their whole lives, but for people coming from other

  • countries it may not be the normal thing to do. For me, that's not a normal

  • thing to do. You definitely have to know of the theory, all of the formulas for

  • some classes. It's really honestly much more mentally exhausting than the exams

  • in the US were. The professor can ask you anything he or she wants and you have to

  • be able to describe that in detail. At the end of everything, I really think

  • that I'm going to become a better engineer for these oral exams, just

  • because we don't necessarily have that place for you to formally present your

  • ideas and topics immediately. Like, you have to think and answer the

  • question in two seconds. I guess it's a skill that I think everyone should have.

  • It is something that's definitely growing on me I definitely don't think

  • even after the two years in the master's program I will be completely an expert

  • in it because it is still new for me, but I just like to try my best

  • anytime I have one of these exams. The grade scale. For example, in Italy you are

  • graded on a thirty point scale. You have... well... I don't want to say unlimited tries.

  • You have more than one try. I think you could even have up to five, six, seven

  • eight tries, whatever the program allows you to have, just for passing one class.

  • Of course you don't want to use five or eight tries to pass a class, but the

  • opportunity is there. Whereas in the US you have one try and that's all, so it's

  • like hit-or-miss. In the U.S. there is a 4.0 scale for university. Actually, I'm

  • going to put the scale here. This is the university scale that's used by my

  • university in Texas. You have a thirty point scale here in Italy and I think... 18

  • is passing. I'm going to put exactly what the Italian system in the U.S. system

  • and how they align here, just for a little bit of a comparison. At the end of

  • your entire master's program, you're actually graded on the classwork and the

  • thesis for your final mark. And last but not least, the resources and

  • support. This is very different from me being a student from the U.S. and coming

  • to Italy, because it's very different in the U.S. Professors will allow you to

  • have open office hours Monday-Wednesday- Friday from noon to 2 p.m. or by

  • appointment, but it seems like here in Italy a lot of the time, if you

  • needed help to meet with your professor you would actually have to do it by

  • appointment. The time limit of office hours are very small. They're not... I guess...

  • published as readily as they are in the U.S. Also in the U.S., with your tuition

  • fees you actually get certain services. I remember there was a gym or if

  • you needed counseling services, certain things like that those were all free and

  • included with the tuition... Mmm... I say free, but I mean I hardly think $12,000 means

  • you know it's know that's not really free. So guys, that is the overview

  • of what studying engineering is like in the U.S. versus Italy. There are definitely

  • a lot of differences- not necessarily be positive or negative- but just it's just

  • different. You know? If you have any questions or comments leave them for me

  • down below. Make sure to like this video, if I helped you in any way. Make sure to

  • subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and I will see you in the next

  • one. Ciao y'all!

Ciao y'all! Naturally Kenya here, and today, I'm going to be talking about what it is


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