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In 2011, scientists created glow-in-the-dark cats.
2011 年,科學家培育出螢光貓。
The researchers took a gene from glowing jellyfish and inserted it into the unfertilized eggs of house cats.
It was a neat trick, but they had a bigger goal in mind.
They also made the cats more likely to be resistant to a feline form of AIDS, by, again, manipulating their DNA.
在研究過程中,他們也讓螢光貓具備較能夠抵抗「貓愛滋」的能力,當然也是靠著控制牠們的 DNA 來做到這件事。
And cats aren't that different than humans.
In fact, we share around 90% of our DNA with them.
事實上,我們的基因大約有 90% 都跟貓咪一樣。
So why can't we engineer humans in the same way?
Well, we can—engineer ourselves to be resistant to life-threatening illnesses, that is.
In fact, one scientist claims that he's genetically engineered two babies using a revolutionary tool called CRISPR.
一位科學家就宣稱他用革命性的工具—CRISPR 創造出了 2 名基因編輯寶寶。
But what exactly is a CRISPR baby, anyway?
但 CRISPR 寶寶究竟是什麼?
Would you like to be 6 feet tall or never bald?
The secret to traits like these lies in the 6 billion letters of your genetic code.
這些表徵的秘密都藏在你體內的 60 億個遺傳密碼之中。
But there could be something else in there as well: mutations.
Genetic mutations are linked to at least 6,000 medical conditions from sickle cell anemia to Huntington's disease.
基因突變會造成至少 6000 種病徵,像是鐮刀型紅血球疾病和亨丁頓舞蹈症。
But what if you could make those mutations simply disappear?
That's where the gene-editing tool CRISPR comes in.
這就是基因編輯工具 CRISPR 派上用場的時候了。
CRISPR is made from specialized proteins and other compounds found in certain bacteria.
CRISPR 由特殊的蛋白質和在特定細菌中找到的化合物所組成。
Normally, these proteins protect the bacteria by destroying enemy invaders like viruses.
But the inventors of CRISPR figured out how to turn those proteins against genetic mutations and other genes linked to disease.
CRISPR 的發明者想出一個方法,讓那些蛋白質可以對抗基因突變和造成疾病的基因。
First, they give the proteins coordinates of the wanted gene.
Then, CRISPR runs a seek-and-destroy function.
接著,CRISPR 會搜索目標基因並加以摧毀。
After that, other molecules are dispatched to repair the gene with new, healthy DNA.
最後,其它帶著健康 DNA 序列的分子才會被派遣去修復基因。
And just like that, you can edit the human genome.
But while the edits may be quick, their changes can last for centuries, especially if you're editing the DNA in an embryo.
Embryos start out with a single cell that eventually replicates into millions and then trillions more.
So if you alter that initial cell first, you're manipulating the ingredients for every cell that follows later in life.
And those same altered cells can be passed on from generation to generation.
That's one reason why most experiments on human embryos haven't left the lab.
That is, except for the work of Dr. He Jiankui.
He claims to have used CRISPR to target and knock out the CCR5 gene in human embryos, which is linked to HIV infection.
他宣稱自己使用 CRISPR 修改了讓人類感染愛滋的蛋白質—CCR5。
And then he did something that shocked the scientific community.
He implanted the embryos into several women, one of whom gave birth to genetically modified twins.
Resistance to HIV aside, most scientists say the procedure was too risky.
At least two studies suggest that edited cells might actually trigger cancer.
And another found that CRISPR can accidentally take aim at healthy DNA.
其他研究則顯示,CRISPR 會在無意中攻擊健康的 DNA。
So while CRISPR could make us immune to disease, who knows what else we might get on the side?
所以雖然 CRISPR 能夠讓我們免於一些疾病,但誰知道它有哪些我們還看不見的影響呢?