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  • Hey everyone, it's Colin! How's it going?

  • I recently picked up this old ThinkPad. Let's see what it takes to get it up and running again.

  • [♪ Music - Intro ♪]

  • This is an IBM ThinkPad 390E from 1999

  • and it was a pretty mainstream kinda laptop during its day.

  • There were a few different configurations you could get on this particular model.

  • This is a low-end one. It comes with a 12 inch LCD, but it could also be had in a 13 and 14 inch version,

  • which also got you a little bit better resolution.

  • This one has a 300 megahertz Celeron CPU, but the higher-end models came with up to a 333 megahertz mobile Pentium 2.

  • Base RAM on these was 32 megabytes. Some of the higher end ones came with 64.

  • And you could get these with up to a 6.4 gig hard drive.

  • Obviously, this is an older type of machine before IBM started doing the touchpads in the palm rest,

  • so all you got was the little TrackPoint nubbin thing here on the keyboard.

  • But what's particularly interesting about this machine is its bay configuration.

  • Obviously, this particular computer has been used for quite a while.

  • I actually picked it up off of the e-waste pile, so I saved it from getting recycled.

  • It's overall in really good condition.

  • Surprisingly enough, it had the power supply with it, which doesn't always happen when you're grabbing stuff off of recycle piles.

  • But it's just got a few, you know, kinda basic scratches and some label residue and stuff like that...

  • from use, but it's overall in really good shape.

  • On the bottom is kinda typical IBM construction,

  • so there's these connectors here for plugging it into a docking station.

  • Here's the cover for, I believe, the RAM.

  • The battery comes out just by pushing this tab and sliding it forward,

  • and surprisingly enough, this battery still works. I'm- I'm quite surprised by that,

  • I left the machine plugged in for a while and it actually powered on...

  • um, with the battery in there and the AC adapter unplugged.

  • But this flex bay is really kinda curious.

  • So it's the same type of latching design...

  • and then, this entire bay that has the floppy drive and CD-ROM can come out.

  • This is a 24x CD-ROM, but you could get different modules that would go into this bay on the side.

  • And...

  • You can see, if I flip this thing up...

  • There's this flappy door, so you can stick a wide variety of things, not just different kinds of like floppy or CD drives.

  • But this thing was compatible with another battery.

  • Um, I've read that they also made additional hard drive carriers that you could stick in here.

  • And then things like Zip Drives and LS120 and all the- the supposed successor to the floppy that never really took off.

  • Also, one curious little note from back in the day when laptops were being made,

  • like, you know, these bigger style, this has got feet. *Chuckle*

  • Fold out, fold out little plastic feet. Been a long time since I've seen laptops with feet on 'em.

  • On this side, pretty typical layout. There's a built-in 56K modem,

  • sound, in and out with an actual like, analog volume dial. It's been a long time since we've seen that too.

  • Couple of PCMCIA card slots.

  • This one came with, I believe, this was an Ethernet, yeah. A 10/100 Ethernet card.

  • I do have the dongle for that, I think, somewhere? I'll have to look for it.

  • Around back, pretty straightforward compliment of ports.

  • Uh, this is, I believe, PS/2, serial, VGA, your standard parallel port, AC adapter in...

  • And then on this side: USB, the door is missing, so I'm not sure if this is S-Video or PS/2.

  • Actually, that I believe is S-Video out for hooking up to like an old TV to present or whatever.

  • Infrared for syncing with things like Palm Pilots, and then your power switch.

  • Nothing around front except for a couple of latches.

  • It's also been a long time since we've had laptops with latches to hold the screen closed.

  • When I first got this machine and powered it on,

  • I figured the hard drive was just blank.

  • Which is a good thing, right? If you're gonna send a machine out to get recycled, you wanna wipe the hard drive on it.

  • But, you know, I'd go into the- into the BIOS on here and I'd wanna look at the system specs.

  • And like I said, you know, I know that this thing has the 300 megahertz Celeron

  • because its got the sticker on the corner here and it actually says so, I believe, during- during boot.

  • And obviously, it's got the 12 inch display.

  • And here's, you know, the CPU and the speed.

  • One thing that's really kind of frustrating about this machine is it doesn't list anything about its internal hard drive capabilities.

  • Um, it'll tell you how much memory is in here.

  • And this one has actually received a memory upgrade. It's got 160 meg in it, which is totally awesome!

  • But nowhere in here do they talk about like... anything to do with the hard drive. So... okay, fine.

  • I guess IBM figured, you know, "There's only one hard drive bay, so...

  • What would there be for you to configure regarding the hard drive in this thing?"

  • Something curious also is this is from the day before operation systems had, you know, really decent support for laptops.

  • I believe this machine typically shipped with Windows 98. So all of your power saving features are actually in the BIOS here.

  • Um, settings for, you know, how long the machine goes before it turns off the screen or spins down the hard drive

  • or, you know, goes into sleep mode or whatever. Um, you actually set all those things in the BIOS...

  • instead of in the OS, which is very interesting.

  • So when I first powered this machine on, after going through the BIOS and not seeing any settings about the hard drive in there,

  • any ideas as to what its capacity was, I figure, "Okay, I'm just gonna let the machine finish booting...

  • You know, maybe- maybe it'll tell me somewhere in there. Maybe there will actually be an OS on this hard drive, who knows?"

  • So, I let the machine sit and basically, it never boots.

  • Uh, it just sits here at this blinking screen and then goes to "Operating System not found,"

  • so I figure, "Oh- Okay. They wiped the hard drive. If I wanna figure out what its specs are, its capacity, all that, I need to pull it out."

  • Now, the hard drive bay on this machine is actually quite serviceable, which is rather surprising.

  • It's this little door here in the back.

  • (And of course, I've got it loosened to make life a little bit easier for us here.)

  • And then this door comes off and then your hard drive goes *in there*!

  • But, when I took the door off, I saw...

  • that, which is...

  • so unfortunately, they had taken the hard drive out before putting the machine on the recycle pile.

  • The bummer though is you can't just stick any normal IDE laptop hard drive in here as-is.

  • This is a very specific size bay, there's no way to screw the drive in.

  • There's no holes in the bottom to screw the drive in or anything.

  • And... it's tough to see in there, but it's also not a standard connector on the inside.

  • So in order to get a hard drive working in that bay, first thing I needed to buy was this little adapter

  • and it basically takes you from the standard IDE pin arrangement

  • to this kind of edge connector/proprietary thing that IBM was doing. And this was easy enough to find.

  • It was all about I think, $4 shipped off of eBay, from somewhere here in the US.

  • But then, I got to thinking...

  • "You know, what kind of hard drive do I even wanna put in this thing? It doesn't even have anything in it now, so I can kinda blank slate this a little bit.

  • Do I wanna put in a really big hard drive in there? Maybe I can stick a whole bunch of games or multiboot different OSes or something like that?"

  • But then I got to thinking, "You know, do I really wanna stick a mechanical hard drive in this thing?"

  • So that, you know, the lack of having a spare part...

  • and my general reluctance to want to put another mechanical drive in this thing that ultimately, is gonna fail.

  • And I should note that I'm not necessarily like a purist when it comes to getting this machine back to its like original specifications.

  • I'm not trying to restore this thing back to factory condition or anything, I just wanna get it up and running again.

  • So that all kinda combined to lead me to go pick up one of these, and this is a CompactFlash card.

  • What's interesting about CompactFlash is that it's actually based on the same kind of set of protocols as IDE hard drives.

  • There are a few differences here and there... and, you know, it-

  • Obviously, there's major differences in capacities, like this is an 8 gig card and it's only like this big.

  • But, in general, these are compatible with computers that are just looking for a regular IDE hard drive.

  • And apparently, a lot of people will do this kind of conversion

  • where they'll get rid of a mechanical drive and swap it out for a CompactFlash card,

  • cause obviously this is solid state. It's gonna be way more reliable in the long term.

  • And if you can read the label on this card, it says "Mettler-Toledo" on there.

  • And, I don't know what specific product came out of, but I know that company makes things like industrial and commercial scales.

  • Basically, embedded kind of computing devices, so...

  • If they went and put a CompactFlash card in an embedded computing device,

  • obviously I'm on the right track because they know that doing this works.

  • So I picked up a lot of these cards. I think I got 3 or 4 of 'em.

  • These were not brand new, but I think I paid maybe $25-35 shipped for that entire lot of cards.

  • Which I think is a decent deal and 8 gig of space is still gonna be plenty for a machine like this.

  • Now in order to get that card to work in the computer, I need one more piece and that is... this.

  • This is a CompactFlash to IDE adapter.

  • And these are surprisingly inexpensive mostly because they appear to be really simple.

  • Uh, this one cost me, I think, $3 shipped from China.

  • Obviously it took forever to get here, but... you know what, it looks like a really simple device.

  • I'm not seeing any sort of like active electronics on it or anything.

  • Um, it just- you know, you just stick the card in *here*...

  • And then you plug the other end into, you know, your IDE cable or directly into your laptop or... into an adapter deal like this.

  • And then it should just work. Um, there are... some jumper settings here that you can use and...

  • Just looking at it... they're saying jumper 1-2 is Master/Slave and then jumper 2-3 is Slave/Master.

  • Why are they having the second word on there? Slave and... Master.

  • I would think that it would just be like jumper 1-2 is "Set this as master," jumper 2-3 is "Set this as slave."

  • Solder... pads, this...

  • Those are the same...

  • Oh! Ohhhh, interesting!

  • So this company- This is very crafty. Okay, so here's what's going on:

  • This board- this PCB can actually get used for multiple products.

  • So this is obviously a single card board, right?

  • You just stick- you can only stick one CompactFlash in here and it'll just present as one drive to your computer.

  • But if you look at the back, they've got the same solder pads here in these four corners as for this connector.

  • I suspect they sell another version of this adapter with a second CompactFlash card reader on the back.

  • So you could have two drives.

  • So you could have like, you know, effectively, a C: drive on one card and a D: drive on the other as separate hard drives.

  • And then this jumper basically flips as to which card is identified as Master and which one is identified as Slave.

  • That's really crafty! Okay!

  • So anyway, the idea is you know, I'm gonna drop the card into the adapter here,

  • and then I stick this guy on the end, and then... that's it!

  • Looking at that bay in the back of the computer, I can't necessarily just throw this in as is

  • because that's a pretty big hard drive bay. Obviously it's designed for a fullinch drive and this is a lot smaller.

  • I'm afraid this thing's gonna be kinda flappin' around back there and it may fall out.

  • I don't suspect this edge connector holds on very tightly.

  • So I picked up one more thing and this was actually quite a bit harder to find.

  • This is the metal cage that the original hard drive would go into.

  • This particular model of laptop seems really kinda standard, you know, it seems like a really typical kind of mainstream model, but...

  • It's really hard to find parts for this online!

  • It took me a while, I finally found a seller that had this cage on it, you know, in stock and available.

  • And, it was from a seller in Germany, so I guess hello to all of my German viewers.

  • Um, some e-recycling, you know, e-waste kinda shop.

  • It cost me $20 shipped from there, so not terribly expensive.

  • But it was the only one that I could find. I couldn't find anybody in the US selling this drive cage.

  • And maybe this cage is swappable between multiple ThinkPad models.

  • I dunno, I couldn't find any information about it, but...

  • Anyway, this is the last thing that I think I'll need in order to get this all working.

  • Now... something I'll have to figure out is how do I get that to stay in there...

  • You know, like, cause otherwise it's just gonna rattle around and stuff. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  • First things first, I wanna make sure that this works in the laptop

  • before I commit to figuring out how to adhere all of this down. Because, who knows?

  • Maybe they're doing something weird and this whole setup won't work, and I'll have to... you know, switch back to using a regular mechanical drive.

  • I took a piece of capped-on tape, stuck it to the back, and then... made like a little pull tab out of it.

  • Right, so this is all taped together. It won't fall apart on me.

  • But now I can pull it out of the back of the computer,

  • you know, without needing to stick it in that cage.

  • I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see this, and we'll see how well I can do this...

  • Yeah, see, it maybe- Okay, so I can feel it. It's in the edge connector, but it's in there really loose...

  • And... not sure if you can tell... it's really dark. But it's kind of... it's really loose in there.

  • Doesn't wanna stay put, so I definitely need to figure out a better permanent solution,

  • but for testing and getting this thing up and running, it should work just fine.

  • Alright, so let's plug in power here.

  • And just for grins, let's try turning it on.

  • Alright, uh, that's kind of what I was expecting, so operating system not found.

  • Let's try getting a boot CD in here and see we can maybe get a copy of Windows installed or something.

  • Okay, attempt number 2, I've got a Windows install disc in there.

  • *BEEP*

  • Let's see...

  • Yeah, I wanna boot from CD-ROM.

  • Uh... Let's just start Windows setup from CD-ROM, why not?

  • Let's see if the thing's formatted and just...

  • maybe doesn't have an operating system on it.

  • Not install- Does not have an hard disk. Your hard disk is not- Okay.

  • So the hard drive is... probably completely unformatted, so let's quit setup.

  • Uh...

  • Is fdisk on here?

  • "No fixed disks present."

  • Okay.

  • I'ma have to do a little bit of research.

  • Okay, so I did some digging. Here's what I was able to find out.

  • Yes, CompactFlash cards work great as boot disks for laptops, you know, anything that needs IDE...

  • Except, and now, my memory is being jostled after seeing this message about no fixed disks present,

  • the keyword "fixed" is what got me thinking.

  • CompactFlash cards can have two modes:

  • They can have what they call "Removable Mode" and then "Fixed Mode."

  • It's largely just a function of the way the firmware on the card has been set up.

  • Removable mode, obviously, is for if you wanna use this in something like a digital camera or, you know, whatever,

  • where you're gonna be frequently plugging in the card and removing it.

  • And... especially if you wanna be able to hotplug the card into something like a card reader on a PC,

  • so that you can, you know, maybe pick pictures up off of it, whatever.

  • And I remember doing that a lot when I would have digital cameras that would use this format.

  • Apparently, most CompactFlash cards ship in "Removable Mode".

  • But... Windows in particular and some other operating systems actually need

  • any drive that they can install to to identify as a fixed disk.

  • Which has a slightly different set of commands or something like that, I guess?

  • It basically makes it behave more like a traditional hard drive instead of, you know, removable media.

  • Now, in doing a little bit of digging, I'm lucky in that I bought a SanDisk card,

  • because at one point, SanDisk offered a utility that you could,

  • you know, boot off of and run to convert between the two modes.

  • Now, if you go to SanDisk's website today, they've got a knowledge base article that talks about this,

  • but they then go on to say that they no longer sell CompactFlash cards that are set as fixed from the factory,

  • and they also no longer offer a utility that lets you flip back and forth between the two modes on the cards.

  • And, one other little note is... I read some reports from people who have gone down this rabbit hole,

  • and found that not all of the SanDisk cards are compatible with the utility.

  • So SanDisk doesn't have that utility available anymore,

  • but I was able to *Cough* find it on the Internet, so...

  • Lemme get a boot disk going and we'll stick the card in there and see what we can do to get it converted.

  • Oh, I gotta say, when this thing's first booting up, like with the fan going on the side and the CD-ROM drive spinning up,

  • this computer is like, really really noisy.

  • Okay! Um, well yeah, I wanna boot to DOS, so I guess I can choose DOS.

  • Alright, so let's um...

  • Okay, so this first utility is the one that I am looking for.

  • It got shortened 'cause it's- the characters are too long, but...

  • It's "ATCFWCHG"...

  • is the name of the program and if you pass some parameters after it,

  • then it will supposedly switch the mode on the CompactFlash card, assuming it can see it.

  • So... let's see...

  • Uh... "~1"...

  • And then... it's "/p" for "primary," as in like the primary IDE...

  • and then "/f," as in fixed.

  • Let's see what that comes back with.

  • The CD-ROM drive in this thing is being weird, I dunno what's up with that. It's like, spinning up and down...

  • over and over, and now it seems to be having trouble reading. Is the disc dirty?

  • I just burned it, I dunno. Lemme um, lemme turn this thing off and back on again.

  • The joys of working on old computers!

  • Okay, take two, I blew the dust off the disc and off the laser lens and- and hopefully that uh... that does it here.

  • "CFWC~1"...

  • "/p" for primary, "/f" for fixed.

  • Alright, it ran...

  • Uh, oh...

  • Fail, error... #7.

  • But I- it sees the card.

  • 08G, 8 gigabyte. Okay, so this utility...

  • It can see the card...

  • But it... didn't want to do it.

  • That sucks.

  • *Sigh* Alright, so I went digging around in the closet and I actually found one of my old camera bags...

  • another CompactFlash card!

  • Um, I didn't realize that I had this in there, otherwise I- you know...

  • wouldn't have bought... the ones off eBay.

  • But, this is a 2 gig card. I'm hoping that's plenty, it probably will be, right?

  • Um... it's a bit slower, this one says it's 15 megabytes per second, the other one I think said 50, but...

  • at this point, I think anything's gonna be faster than an original IDE drive.

  • Um... I remember using cards like this with one of my old digital cameras, so...

  • Hopefully this one will work with this utility, it'll fit, you know, kind of in that same time range as to when that utility was common.

  • I don't know when that program was written

  • and there's no published spec as to which cards that program is compatible with,

  • so... it's- I think just gonna be kind of a trial and error type of a deal.

  • Um, I think this card is probably from sometime in the early 2000s, would be my best guess.

  • But let's get it swapped into that adapter and then run this utility again, and see what we get.

  • Okay, I got that card swapped into that adapter instead, let's give this utility another shot...

  • Cross fingers, we'll see what we get here. "ATCFWC~1 /p /f" for fixed.

  • Here we go!

  • Ohhhh... Ohh! I think we did it!

  • That's a much better result than we got last time with that error message, so let's swap out the discs here...

  • I'm just gonna do this right now, let's swap out CDs, so that was my boot disc.

  • *Disc Clatter sounds*

  • Let's put the Windows disc back in there.

  • Let her spin up for a second.

  • Three finger salute! Control-Alt-Delete, here we go!

  • Alright, so I'm off on my Windows install disc, I just booted straight into DOS mode instead of Windows setup,

  • 'cause I have a feeling I'm gonna need to wipe this CompactFlash card.

  • I'm quite sure I used it in a digital camera in the past, so that's... probably not gonna make Windows so happy,

  • so let's fire up fdisk and- and format this thing.

  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  • That's... not good.

  • Wait a minute- wait a minute, hang on, hang on...

  • When that utility runs...

  • to change between "fixed" and "removable" mode, what I read is that it sets a bit...

  • in the firmware of the card.

  • Right?

  • 'Cause the firmware can be in both modes. You know, either or.

  • And its basically just telling the firmware the card to switch between the two.

  • I just did a soft reboot on this laptop... so, the computer never turned off and back on again.

  • I wonder if you have to power cycle for that change to take effect.

  • Hang on, I'm gonna just turn the computer off all the way...

  • Okay, so I turned it *off* completely and back on again, let's see what we get...

  • Ohhh! Ah *Chuckles*, it's seeing it now!

  • I wouldn't get here if it didn't see the drive!

  • "Your computer has a disk larger than 512 megabytes."

  • Ohh, go figure! Okay!

  • So, you know... the- the kind of joke with tech support about "Have you turned it off and back on again?"

  • Yeah, there's a reason why that's a good suggestion, 'cause that totally fixed this problem, *Chuckle*

  • it literally just turn it off and back on again.

  • What do we have?

  • It's seeing the whole thing! Two gig, FAT16, wow...

  • Oh yeah! This was from my old digital camera, Nikon D70S!

  • That was my first DSLR that I owned, so this was an original card that I had from that, so...

  • I'm gonna need to wipe this disc, so let's go and delete the partition.

  • Yes, I want to delete that one...

  • Uh... volume label? Oh, that's right, they make you make you type it in...

  • to like, be *really sure* you wanna do it.

  • Am I sure?

  • I'm pretty sure I got all the pictures off of this card from...

  • That's gotta be over 10 years, that's probably- This card is probably... 13, 14 years old?

  • I- I imagine I got all the pictures off of it, so yeah, go ahead and wipe it.

  • Let's create a new primary DOS partition...

  • Well, we're verifying the integrity. That's pretty quick!

  • See, and that's the nice thing, right? It's a card like this is gonna be faster than a mechanical drive, for sure.

  • Yeah, I wanna use the maximum area...

  • We have to verify it again, I dunno why.

  • "You MUST restart your system for changes to take effect..." okay.

  • Alright, I've rebooted the machine, but I'm back into...

  • just the DOS shell here because...

  • I think...

  • I... need to set...

  • The partition as active. I don't think the Windows installer will do that for me.

  • Oh, it already is. Okay, well, that was a waste of time.

  • Okay, this time, I am booting from the CD-ROM,

  • but I'm gonna boot from the Windows- go straight into Windows setup,

  • 'cause my hard drive should be ready to go at this point.

  • Let's... cross fingers this time.

  • And what version of Windows am I installing, you wonder? Well, Windows ME, of course!

  • I mean, I've... put up with enough crap on this computer so far, I've...

  • had to figure out why it didn't wanna see...

  • the CompactFlash card and then dealing with the whole reboot and all that stuff.

  • Why not continue to, you know... cause myself pain and suffering by installing Windows ME on this machine?

  • So... yeah, Enter to Continue. Uh, format the drive, yeah, I probably should do that.

  • A routine check on my system, okay. Well, if you say so.

  • Boy, talk about like, making things hard on myself. I forgot how long it takes to install these older versions of Windows.

  • I thought it'd be like, 20 minutes. Well, you know, it's over an hour later and it's finally done.

  • It just sits there and wants to spend all its time detecting hardware and installing drivers, okay, whatever.

  • Windows is installed on this thing, I still have some more work to do with it, but whatever.

  • I wanna deal with that hard drive situation, so I'm gonna go ahead and shut this thing down,

  • and then we can figure out the best way to deal with that drive.

  • So, you'll remember that I had set up... this little pull tab.

  • It's a little warm! Forgot that that was actually warm.

  • Anyway... so let's come up with a more permanent solution for keeping this inside that hard drive bay,

  • I don't want it to accidentally fall out or whatever while... I'm moving the machine or something.

  • So... if you recall, I also bought this. And this is the cage that the original drive fits in.

  • Here's the bottom part and... there are like little tabs here that...

  • the mechanical hard drive would get held in by, it just kinda goes and locks into the holes on the side of the drive.

  • This adapter setup doesn't have that.

  • In fact, there's really no way to mount this to here with, you know, its own thing.

  • I'm suspecting it needs to sit in there... kinda like that.

  • But what am I gonna do to keep it in there? Well...

  • This is my secret weapon for a lot of stuff and this is called 3M VHB tape, that stands for "Very High Bond."

  • It's actually the same stuff that they use to hold like molding and trim and logos and stuff on cars on the outside,

  • Um, it's like this foam double-stick tape, but it's really strong

  • and it comes off clean if you ever need to. It's not like that cheap foam tape.

  • So I'm going to use some of this to hold this guy in place.

  • The question is... can I get this thing lined up properly?

  • So, let's take the old pull tab deal off the back here...

  • and I'm not going to bother taping the card into the adapter

  • simply because that card seems to fit in there, pretty uh, pretty sturdy.

  • Doesn't seem to wanna come out too easily.

  • I don't think I'm gonna need a whole lot of this tape...

  • So let's go somewhere kinda like that.

  • Before I commit, let's line this up... and I think...

  • I think this adapter needs to be on the outside.

  • So the idea is when this is all done and put together...

  • it kinda sits... something...

  • like that, maybe?

  • Urrgh...

  • There we go!

  • Okay! Let's see...

  • what we can do here. Something like...

  • that, I feel.

  • 'Kay, close it up.

  • *Click*

  • 'Kay, can we... there we go! Alright, it's in.

  • It's in.

  • Thumbs up.

  • Now we can get this cover back on...

  • *Clicking Noises*

  • Now I'll just use a spudger to screw it back in.

  • And... let's... finish getting this thing set up!

  • Alright, we're all booted up. Um, I don't remember putting a password in when I set it up, so...

  • I'm assuming it's blank.

  • What's really nice about this machine is when the fan isn't spinning and the CD-ROM drive isn't spinning, this thing is perfectly silent.

  • like there's absolutely no noise coming out of this computer

  • cause of that CompactFlash drive, which is another super awesome thing...

  • for, you know, if you wanna play old games or whatever, you won't have all this extraneous noise and stuff going on.

  • Okay, finally, to the desktop. Um...

  • Alright, let's... what is going on? Hang on a minute.

  • Do you see this?

  • What is that?

  • It... moving on its own? Wha?

  • Now it stopped.

  • The pointer was moving on its own.

  • I wouldn't be touching anything and it would be just kinda creepin', but now it's done?

  • Okay, anyway, so that kinda speaks to what I think I need to do next.

  • Um, I burned a CD for drivers.

  • I got the drivers for this thing, and I got- gotta give this community some credit for sure.

  •; plural ThinkPad.

  • Um, they've got like a *tooon* of drivers for all these different models of ThinkPads on their site.

  • including these really older models, it's not all just newer ones. Obviously, they talk about newer machines there, too, but...

  • They've got just tons and tons of these older drivers, so I was able to go through and find like, all the drivers and BIOS updates and everything.

  • And... they were just right there, so I burned them all to a CD... and yep, good, it sees it.

  • Yep, and there's all my files and everything.

  • But, I'm not sure how many of these are actually nneeecessary?

  • So, let's- Oh, it's been a while since I've used one of these TouchPoints, um... TrackPoint, whatever they call 'em.

  • Let's get into Device Mangler here and see... how much stuff I'm missing.

  • I don't think I'm missing anything.

  • Normally, I'd be seeing exclamation points where stuff is missing, with you know, it saying "Unknown Device" or whatever.

  • Um... let's just make sure it's not using generic drivers.

  • No...? That's- That's right.

  • 'Kay, I can install a monitor file.

  • Oh, let's check networking.

  • Wow, yeah, it sees my uh... sees the card bus adapter, sees the infrared port...

  • Uh, sound card? Yeah, sound card's there.

  • There's some random utilities here too. Let's install the monitor file.

  • I don't think that's actually necessary 'cause this screen is showing the correct resolution.

  • One of the things to remember with these old displays, these old laptops, is...

  • They don't necessarily all do video scaling,

  • so if I were to go into the display properties and change this from like 800x600 down to 640x480,

  • it wouldn't stretch the image out to the full size of the screen,

  • it would just show 640x480 kind of in a box in the middle of the display.

  • Okay, so it did it install that or did it just extract it somewhere?

  • I wasn't paying... attention 'cause I was talking to you guys, so...

  • Let's go back into here and see if that device changed.

  • So yeah, let's try and give it a new monitor file here.

  • I'm gonna have to specify... Uhh...

  • It's not in there, it's gonna be...

  • It's going to be in the C: drive. No, there is no... Thank you.

  • Oh, drivers? "WIN?"

  • "MONITOR!" Uh... "WINME."

  • Oh, okay. Well, so there is no monitor file to worry about.

  • So yeah, I'm done with drivers. Okay, thaaat's cool. I- I don't have to worry about that after all. Um...

  • I guess 98 needs drivers, but maybe Windows ME doesn't, even though they published Windows ME drivers?

  • Not sure.

  • The next step is we need to put some software on this guy before we call it done.

  • And, if you know me, which, at this point, if you've been watching for a while,

  • you probably do, you should know what software I'm gonna be installing next.

  • Of course, it's gonna be SimCity 2000 because why would it not be SimCity 2000?

  • Oh, I can make sure that the sound works this way too. Alright.

  • Uh... yeah, just put it all in there, why not?

  • Yes. Uh...

  • 'Kay.

  • Yes.

  • There we go! Ding-ding-ding! *Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding*

  • Cool.

  • Kinda quiet, but...

  • But we've got sound, so yeah, all the drivers are done, we've got...

  • good old SimCity 2000 on here.

  • Let's go check how much hard drive space that took up. So remember, I put a 2 gig drive in there.

  • 2 gig flash card.

  • And... oh yeah, this thing- Windows only took up 500 meg, that's like nothing.

  • So I got plenty of room for more games or whatever I wanna put on here.

  • And that's about all there is to it with this one.

  • The old ThinkPad 390E from 1999 is back in action and it actually doesn't perform too badly!

  • Obviously, the RAM upgrade that it came with was a big help,

  • but that CompactFlash card is definitely gonna lend some reliability for the long term.

  • Those old mechanical hard drives are just gonna keep dying as time goes on

  • and they're gonna become harder and harder to find.

  • Yeah, I spent a few bucks getting this thing up and running again...

  • that adapter was $3 or $4 to go from IDE to CompactFlash,

  • the little edge connector was $4, that drive cage was about $20.

  • I ended up not needing to buy the CompactFlash card

  • after all because I just found one that I didn't realize that I had.

  • But even if you had to go buy one of those cards, it's a few bucks.

  • This is generally a really inexpensive type of conversion and the benefits are great!

  • The fan is turned off on this machine, I don't have a disc in the optical drive, so it's completely silent,

  • and it's gonna be good to go for quite a few years going forward.

  • So, if you like this episode, I would appreciate a thumbs-up,

  • be sure to subscribe if you haven't already.

  • You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at thisdoesnotcomp, and as always, thanks for watching.

Hey everyone, it's Colin! How's it going?


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