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  • Hi!

  • Bob the Canadian here.

  • A while ago I think in November I asked if people could send me a postcard and a lot

  • of you did.

  • So in this video we're going to do two things.

  • I'm going to look at each postcard and I'm going to help you learn some phrases that

  • you can use to describe what you like about something.

  • So I'll hold up each postcard and then I'll tell you what I like about the postcard.

  • And I'll, of course I'll mention who the postcard is from.

  • Before we get started though I do have to say I was overwhelmed with the number of postcards

  • that I received.

  • It was really fun for me each day to go to the post office and check my post office box

  • to see if I had gotten anymore postcards.

  • So thank you so much to everyone who sent me a postcard and I'll probably do another

  • postcard video in a few months so if you do want to send me a postcard still please do.

  • I'm very interested in learning more about your country.

  • So the first postcard I want to show you is from Taiwan, and this postcard is extra special

  • to me because this is from John and Iris.

  • John and Iris live in Taiwan and it says here Hello Bob, My name is John and I always watch

  • your video.

  • Taiwan is a lovely island.

  • I hope you can come someday for a vacation with your family.

  • The reason I like this one a lot, I like all the postcards, but I like this one a lot because

  • John's wife Iris made this postcard.

  • So this is a handmade postcard.

  • Thank you very much John and Iris.

  • The next postcard I have to hold up a little differently.

  • So this postcard is from Olga.

  • Olga watches my videos a lot and it says here I'm Olga.

  • I'm from Taiwan.

  • Your videos make it easy for me to learn.

  • I want to say thank you.

  • Taiwan has many delicious foods and a Night Market.

  • You should come and visit it someday.

  • Taiwan is a very beautiful place.

  • So thank you very much Olga for this card and hopefully I can come someday and visit

  • Taiwan.

  • Next card, right here, next postcard.

  • This is from Jun and Jun is from Japan and Jun says I'd like to introduce to you the

  • Tokyo Skytree.

  • It's 634 metres tall.

  • It is the tallest tower in the world and the second tallest structure.

  • I enjoy your channel.

  • Thanks.

  • So that's from Jun in Japan.

  • What I like about this card is, I like seeing things that people have built that are really,

  • really cool to look at really really awesome so this Tokyo Skytree is a really neat tower.

  • So I like this card because it shows me a part of the city that I've never seen before.

  • The next postcard.

  • This postcard is from Wendy and it's says I'm Wendy from Taiwan.

  • Taiwan is a big island.

  • There are beautiful beaches and mountains.

  • The picture on the postcard shows our tradition of releasing sky lanterns to pray for luck

  • and I hope you can visit our country someday.

  • From Wendy.

  • So thank you very much Wendy so if you can see here one of the things I like about this

  • postcard is just all of the colour.

  • It's just very vibrant, that's maybe a new word for you, but vibrant, it's a very vibrant

  • postcard.

  • So thank you very much Wendy.

  • Next postcard.

  • This postcard is from Clive and it says I'm from Taiwan, and I like to watch your videos

  • everyday.

  • Thank you so much.

  • So what I like about this postcard is I like water and I like sunshine so this is a really

  • cool picture of a sunset or a sunrise, but thank you very much Clive!

  • Next postcard.

  • It says I'm Alisa, let me hold that back a little bit, from Taiwan.

  • I haven't written a postcard for a very long time.

  • I just want to tell you that Taiwan is very wonderful, there's lots of delicious food

  • and warm and welcoming people.

  • So thank you very much Alisa from Taiwan.

  • That's a very cool postcard.

  • Thank you!

  • You might see there's a theme here.

  • I get a lot of postcards from Taiwan.

  • Here's the next one.

  • This one is from Doreen and it's, it says the night market is one of Taiwan's specialties.

  • I really want to come and see that someday.

  • At the night market you can enjoy a variety of food and you can get a good taste of the

  • food that we eat.

  • Thank you Doreen.

  • That's an awesome postcard as well.

  • Thank you.

  • Here we have a postcard from, I'm having trouble finding the name here, maybe there is no name

  • on here, but it says, I love your videos they really help me a lot.

  • This is a seaside city called Dalian in China and I hope you like it and thank you very

  • much I'm still trying to find the name on this postcard but I don't see it but what

  • I like about this postcard is you can see this large island out in the water and you

  • can see some people I think they're windsurfing.

  • If you see really close up I think those people are windsurfing.

  • Very cool.

  • Thank you!

  • Next one.

  • This is from Jackey in Beijing and it says I'm writing this on December 25th.

  • Happy Holidays!

  • I wish you and your family happiness always.

  • And then we have a picture here I think this is Disney, grand opening of Disneyland in

  • China or Disney, a Disney resort in China.

  • So very cool.

  • Thank you very much Jackey.

  • We have another card here.

  • What I like about this card is it has like a little bear riding a bicycle, but I like

  • it because, it's , it's a really, it's almost, it's very artlike.

  • It's like artwork so it's very cool.

  • Bob, I'm excited to write you because this is my first time that I've been communicating

  • with someone from a foreign land.

  • If I make mistakes in my writing please help to correct it.

  • I'm a student in China.

  • One of the reasons I like China is because people are very, very kind.

  • It has a long history filled with wisdom and a great civilization and also this is from

  • Blossom so there we go postcard from Blossom.

  • My daughter also really liked this postcard Blossom just so you know because it had the

  • bear on the front.

  • Here we have a postcard from Jan, or Jan, who also goes by DarkBlue and it says here,

  • "Dear Bob, greetings from Aachen, Germany.

  • I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • Still love your videos and thank you for your passion.

  • So I really like old buildings in Europe.

  • In Canada we don't have a lot of old buildings so this a cool picture of and old building

  • in Germany.

  • So it's very cool.

  • Thank you very much Jan, DarkBlue.

  • Next one we have is, this is from Thailand, and it's from, I have to say this name right,

  • I think it's Christie, yes, Christie says, I am from Bangkok, Thailand.

  • I like my country because my country has the nickname, the Land of Smiles or the Land of

  • Smile.

  • And every person here has kindness.

  • Thank you for the clips, video clips that you have made to teach us English.

  • I have learned a lot of English language from your videos.

  • Merry Christmas.

  • Happy New Year.

  • Thank you very much Christie.

  • That's an awesome postcard from Thailand.

  • So we've seen this one twice.

  • I got this postcard twice.

  • It must be a popular postcard in Taiwan.

  • It says I like the food in Taiwan because it has lots of diversity.

  • Oyster Omelette and all kinds of bubble tea drinks.

  • I haven't had bubble tea yet I should do that soon.

  • And then I'm not sure who this is from (It is from Richard!) because there is a big sticker

  • on the back where they kind of covered it up, maybe I can try and get that off later,

  • but thank you so much for this postcard from Taiwan.

  • And again I like this one because it has a cool reflection right?

  • I don't know if you can see the sky is reflected in the water.

  • Very awesome.

  • So this is from Una, and it says I'm Una.

  • I'm from Taiwan.

  • This postcard is to promote our township for Eco-Travel.

  • So Eco-Travel is when you visit places to try and take of them and it says I wish that

  • you can, I wish that you're able travel to Taiwan someday and visit Heng Chung.

  • So I think what I like about this card is it shows animals here.

  • I really like animals and this, there's a person I don't know if you can see it a little

  • person with a backpack there.

  • So very cool.

  • I like the green colour of the postcard.

  • Here we have a postcard from Germany, awesome, from Berlin and it says hello Bob the Canadian.

  • I really like to watch your videos.

  • It's really educational and sometimes very funny.

  • Well I try!

  • My name is Monika and I live in Berlin.

  • My husband and I visited Toronto in 2016 and we loved the kindness of the Canadian people.

  • So that's from Monika and I love this one cause it's a winter scene.

  • I love snow.

  • I love winter.

  • I love postcards that show winter.

  • So here we have another tallest building postcard.

  • This is from Taiwan as well.

  • This is from Annie, and it says Hi!

  • I'm Annie from Taiwan.

  • I like the enthusiasm of the Taiwanese people, and I like the delicious food.

  • I hope you enjoy this postcard and I look forward to your willingness to make more videos.

  • I've basically, I've loved Canada since I was a child but I've had no chance to travel

  • there.

  • I wish you happiness and health!

  • And that's from Annie or Chia-Yi.

  • So thank you very much Annie for that postcard.

  • What I like about this postcard is I like the deep rich blue sky, er purple sky and

  • I like pictures of city skylines.

  • So we would call this a skyline at night.

  • So that's a really cool, really cool look.

  • We have this super colourful postcard from Taiwan.

  • This is from Judy and it says here Hi Bob I'm Judy.

  • I'm from Taiwan.

  • I love Taiwan because the weather is warm and we have many delicious fruits.

  • You know Bob the Canadian doesn't eat enough fruit.

  • I should maybe come to Taiwan someday and eat more fruit.

  • This postcard photo is about a religious festival and it celebrates God's birthday.

  • It's very interesting.

  • Thank you for your channel.

  • I enjoy learning English with you very much.

  • So you can see, what I like about this is you can see people who are dressed up in traditional

  • clothing.

  • Very colourful clothing, and it looks like they're having a lot of fun at their religious

  • festival.

  • So thank you very much Judy for that postcard.

  • Last one folks!

  • This is from, let me see if I can find the name, sometimes it's hard to find the name,

  • Vicky!

  • Thank you Vicky!

  • Greetings from Taiwan.

  • It's usually hot and wet here which is the opposite of Canada where it's usually dry

  • and cold.

  • I like our multicultural aspect of our country and our very nice environment.

  • On the cover of the postcard is the traditional lantern festival where we write down our wishes

  • for the coming New Year on a sky lantern.

  • So you can see here the sky lanterns are being sent off into the sky.

  • So that's it for postcards.

  • I have two more things to show you though.

  • I got two Christmas cards.

  • So here's a Christmas card.

  • It's a tradition in North America to send Christmas cards to family, so this is from

  • Wendy and it just says.

  • My name is Wendy.

  • I came from China but my family and I moved to B.C. Canada, that's British Columbia, about

  • four years ago and right now we are living in Canada.

  • There are a lot of kind and funny people here just like you!

  • Every day I look forward to watching your videos.

  • So thank you very much Wendy.

  • That's a beautiful Christmas card.

  • Says Season's Greetings!

  • And then I have one more Christmas card that I got right here.

  • So you can see this one, this one's kind of sparkly.

  • I'm not sure if you can see that on the front and this is from Silvana and it says Bob I

  • just want to let you now thank you for your videos and I wish you Happy Holidays and a

  • Happy New Year 2019.

  • And this is from Silvana and Silvana actually lives in Montreal, Canada.

  • Anyways, that was super fun, it was so fun to get postcards.

  • I'm sure I will still get a few more over the next few weeks.

  • Again in about three or four months I will ask again for postcards.

  • I'll probably ask something more about your country.

  • I hope you enjoyed this video.

  • If you want to send me a postcard just scroll down in the description of every video is

  • my post office box.

  • So if you want to send me a postcard please do.

  • It's really fun for my wife and kids and I to, to kind of go check the mailbox and to

  • find postcards or letters from people in other countries.

  • So thank you very much.

  • I hope you have a great week ahead of you and I'll see you next week in the next video.

  • Bob the Canadian here.

  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

  • See you next week.



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加拿大人鮑勃 謝謝你的明信片! (Bob the Canadian Thanks You For The Postcards!)

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