字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 IN TODAY'S SUPER SOUL SHORT FILM I came in not knowing what I was really coming in for A FASCINATING EXERCISE FROM THE OH SO CLEVER TEAM AT BUZZFEED. THEY ASKED PEOPLE TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SHARE THEIR PERCEPTIONS OF THEIR PHYSICAL TRAITS. I'm like, do I need to lose weight? You always want to have better skin, a better body… I've definitely struggled with weight issues I definitely look at people and think, do I look fat today? THE SUBJECTS DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE STRANGERS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR GAVE THEIR OWN OPINIONS. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WAS AN EYE-OPENING SURPRISE… I'm kind of self conscious of my round face especially like my cheekbones here he's in shape he has nice cheeks yes really nice cheekbones I feel like he's the life of the party and I'd gravitate towards him i think i have donkey legs that's a great body type I don't know if she realizes how lucky she is I never really felt like I was manly I definitely think that he's like masculine he seems like a cool guy I've always been self-conscious of my dimples I really like her smile she is really cute dimples she's probably a really fun person when I look in the mirror like do I need to lose weight I think she's in shape if she's mean to herself then that's just kind of one of those weird things Where everybody's harsher on themselves MUSIC i think she's pretty he's got a great beard she has a great smile he's like really fit I like her hair he doesn't say a lot, but when he does say something it means a lot that was so crazy what were you first thought? yeah wow I wasn't really expecting that so no one heard what was going on? Cool. I feel a lot better now it is cool to see somebody else's perspective the mirror lies. when I guess yeah I don't trust the mirror like people think completely different than like what you might think of yourself we all see what's bad about our own body we don't actually see what's great I am stuck in my body to like die so I what good is it going to do if I mean to myself you're better than who you think you are and that you're enough just the way you are so be kinder to yourself THANK YOU BUZZFEED. SEE YOU NEXT SUNDAY, SUPERSOULERS.
A2 初級 美國腔 超級靈魂短篇:陌生人怎麼看你?| 超級靈魂週日|奧普拉-溫弗瑞網絡頻道 (SuperSoul Short: What Do Strangers Think of You? | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network) 32 2 209 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字