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  • hey what's going on everybody red rhino

  • music here bringing you another video

  • today we're back on some PC building sim

  • we've got two missions this guy wants to

  • play some rocket League and this person

  • needs some RAM so we're gonna take these

  • two hopefully is Riley one won't be too

  • difficult

  • they aren't paying us quite a bit of

  • money and we have two deadlines so I

  • assume they have four and we need like

  • eight or something like that

  • I actually know we have to replace it we

  • don't have to all right so they need an

  • eight this one we could do it next day

  • on that all right see what this guy

  • needs now would be nice to have the

  • second workstation all right all he

  • needs to do is play rocket League and I

  • don't know what the hell that takes but

  • we're gonna find out like you can play

  • rocket League on anything they have it

  • on the switch and all that rocket League

  • okay we need processor a graphics card

  • and some RAM how much is he paying us he

  • was paying us it's 500 bucks we need

  • some RAM CPU he's got an Intel board too

  • so that means we have to do that no boy

  • let's see what this is gonna cost memory

  • he's got two three more of those BPU he

  • needs what 1500 did it say 260 more the

  • board

  • doesn't need anything crazy from that

  • plus we had a bomb there's a graphics

  • card which is gonna cost a lot how are

  • these two the same price isn't this one

  • like better

  • mm-hm like isn't that just automatically

  • better because it has eight gigs of VRAM

  • or whatever we're gonna go with this one

  • just cuz that's on the list I don't

  • think there's any way we can save him

  • money actually what's a one stick of

  • eight no that's too much so what Ram did

  • he have that here that no he's got the

  • green stick yeah no there's no way it's

  • gotta be like we get paid based off of

  • just selling his old part I'm not going

  • to dismantle that yet we're going to

  • shut everything down I'm going to get

  • these shipments and we're gonna get this

  • other lady out of here with this Ram

  • this is like a whole fiasco going on

  • here it's also really stupid that they

  • both have the same case you just needed

  • a replacement and this one I am going to

  • have to clean out my lists here stolen

  • how are that on good help please thank

  • you for the money oh wait Dan all right

  • we got our stupid electricity bills hell

  • but I think we can just sell all of his

  • stuff besides the RAM you know what

  • before we do anything I'm going to clear

  • this out because it's way too much going

  • on in here this is the new one get this

  • thing out of here

  • it's just RAM I'm surprised it made us

  • like unless that's the cheapest chip we

  • could get you know there are CPU the

  • feel like of the 1500 isn't the cheapest

  • but I guess it's the minimum actually

  • the minimum the play rocket League is

  • that doesn't make sense to me doesn't

  • sound right would be cool if they

  • actually like went on the store and like

  • looked at what the minimum specs work

  • hey dad we saw that stupid or me not you

  • guys you didn't do anything

  • I hate that I sold that thing I didn't

  • sell it what the hell is it doing here

  • oh my god no I'm really pissed this game

  • hates me you know it this game hates me

  • oh that's not gonna fit thankfully let

  • me see what's going on before we do

  • anything maybe it's just being dumb no

  • it's definitely not gonna fit for some

  • reason that's strange

  • maybe that's why he said something about

  • cooling no I'm not removing that install

  • well he's got plenty of case fans in

  • here Jesus reminds me I should probably

  • get some more last week when I was

  • playing murderous pursuits or whatever

  • the thing was again hot things I want

  • some fancy ones light up and then I got

  • to buy the whole like thing for that

  • it's fun to work alright I guess we have

  • to get this gang a thing I don't do I

  • know what it fits this is the 150 so we

  • need something smaller than that we're

  • spending a fortune but I mean I want to

  • play the game as well I don't really

  • care like we may never get our fancy

  • tools but at least we're playing ok

  • what's the deal oh my god I'm an idiot

  • that's the deal you know I need to stop

  • playing this so late at night

  • that's the problem I always play this

  • late at night

  • I have a horrible sleep schedule so I'm

  • always tired I gotta fix that well

  • that's something for another day I

  • really hope I connected all of the

  • cables I'm pretty sure I did why is it

  • saying it's missing cables what did I

  • miss there's nothing in there

  • I have cable mode on right now I don't

  • see anything I was there no CPU what did

  • I do

  • I didn't put in his old motherboard did

  • I that wouldn't make any sense okay

  • what's going on now I also hate that

  • this takes off that thermal paste every

  • time I take it out wonder why it's sing

  • vents not in there see I definitely need

  • to find out more about pcs like I am NOT

  • the guy to be playing this yeah I like

  • this game's final I wouldn't understand

  • why this isn't working because we bought

  • the right board I believe motherboards

  • we buy we bought this thing yeah it

  • supports that once I failed to plug

  • something in well there isn't something

  • plugged in but I don't know what that

  • would be I don't see anything

  • only it's like a little orange dot

  • unless it doesn't like that fan yeah why

  • say there's missing cables no it's not

  • it say maybe his graphics card didn't

  • have enough how was that not connected

  • that wasn't there before if that was

  • there before I hate myself that was it

  • that was really the problem that doesn't

  • make any sense because we were getting

  • power to everything else I think that

  • was a book I don't know if that was

  • there before then somebody slapped me in

  • the face also how do we not have a

  • complete case all of course my favorite

  • little thing the lock having to take

  • that off the other day when I was fixing

  • my computer drove me crazy yeah if I if

  • I missed that thing I apologize for

  • being dumb it's it's late I need to stop

  • doing this I need to fix my sleep

  • schedule not record these at whatever

  • time 3:00 in the morning 4:00 in the

  • morning you and this hopefully it

  • doesn't bulb the computer well we also

  • got that other thing out of here plus I

  • have all of this parts now to sell so

  • let's see what's going on with it so so

  • so anti should probably wait until it's

  • fixed but we're selling all of it to all

  • that thing all right we got a little bit

  • of money I still think all these

  • upgraded missions are making us lose

  • money definitely the fact that I thought

  • I had to buy another CPU because I sold

  • everything I don't know if you'd notice

  • but like I've complained about it before

  • where like sometimes you'll have all of

  • their parts in this PC parts section and

  • then you got occasionally things show up

  • in occasionally thing

  • though what this fits in this PC thing I

  • wish there was like a bin for this

  • specific guys order like always we can

  • order things for certain computers and I

  • have it organized like that well he

  • survived that thing let's see if we've

  • got rocket League playable we meet all

  • these requirements good stuff get out of

  • my house

  • collect all right we got $1,000 again

  • getting literally nowhere plus we gotta

  • pay our damn bills don't know what

  • either one of those are I think it's a

  • motherboard and power suppliers I know

  • that our bill isn't that bad actually so

  • maybe saving up or say it's hurting

  • everything off is good we got some new

  • CPUs that's cool all right that's it for

  • this one guys thanks for watching if

  • you're not already hit that subscribe

  • button below because we're getting close

  • to 500 and I may have something going on

  • I don't know yet but anyways that's it

  • for this one thanks for watching see

  • y'all next time peace

hey what's going on everybody red rhino


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A2 初級 美國腔

讓我們玩。PC Building Simulator - Episode 15 - Late Nights = Dumb Stuff (深夜=蠢貨) (Let's Play: PC Building Simulator - Episode 15 - Late Nights = Dumb Stuff)

  • 4 0
    wei 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日