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  • Westworld Season 1 is really ambitious.


  • Amidst all the cowboys and robots and violence and sex, the show explores heavy themes of creation, consciousness, free will.


  • The plot jumps between timelines, with flashbacks and visions mixed with mystery and metaphor.


  • People turn out to be robots, robots turn out to be people and it's confusing as all fuck but there're cool ideas hereso let's work it out.

    人類變成機器人,機器人變成人類,讓人摸不著頭緒,但是這裡有很酷的想法 - 所以讓我們理解它。

  • What happens in Westworld?


  • And what does it mean?


  • The basic idea is that Westworld is like a theme park full of humanlike robots called hosts.


  • People can pay to visit as guests and live out a fantasy in the park.


  • Many just drink and have sex and kill without consequencethe guns there shoot high-tech bullets that hurt the robots, but can't kill humans.

    許多人在裡頭只是喝酒、做愛和殺人,完全不用顧慮後果 – 裡面槍的子彈是高科技子彈,只會傷害機器人,但殺不死人類。

  • But there are also elaborate storylines the guests can join in onadventure romance and discovery across the massive space of the park.

    但遊客也可以參加精心設計的故事情節 - 冒險浪漫和探索公園的大片空間。

  • It's like a huge open world video game where rich wankers come to play cowboy.


  • And it's all run behind the scenes by a team of developers, engineers, and executives in this facility called the Mesa Hub.


  • The Control Room monitors guests for safety, Narrative develops new stories, Manufacturing


  • builds new hosts, Behaviour programs the hosts, andLivestockendlessly repairs them.


  • When the hosts get shot or killed, they come here to be patched up, reset, and put back in the park.


  • The hosts live in loopsliving the same day over and over, saying the same scripted

    接待員過著循環的生活 – 反覆過同一天的生活,說同樣的劇本

  • lines, taking guests on the same stories, being abused and killed for entertainment.


  • The hosts are meant to be mindless machines, but surprisethey start to become conscious people.


  • Season 1 follows a few plotlines at oncethere's Ford's grand plan amidst a corporate drama,

    第一季同時緊接著一些情節主線 – 在公司的劇情中有福特的重大計畫,

  • there's the host Maeve trying to escape, and the Man in Black searching for the Maze,


  • and there's Dolores and William's storywhich happens thirty years before the other plotlines.

    德洛莉絲和威廉的故事 - 其發生在其他情節的三十年前。

  • To make sense of all this, let's start at the very beginning.


  • About thirty-five years before the main story, Westworld was started by two menRobert Ford and Arnold Weber.

    在主要故事大約前三十五年,西部世界由兩個人所創立 – 羅伯.福特與阿諾.韋伯。

  • They built robots so humanlike they could pass the Turing test.


  • But Arnold didn't just want robots that seemed smart.


  • He wanted to make them truly consciousto be thinking feeling people . He was into a

    他想讓機器人真的有意識 - 想著他人的感受。他研究了

  • theory calledthe bicameral mind”, designing his robots to hear their programming as a voice in their head.


  • Arnold hoped that their own voice would take overand the hosts would become self-aware.

    阿諾希望機器人的聲音能夠接管自我 - 接待員會變得有自我意識。

  • Arnold originally imagined this journey to consciousness as like climbing a pyramid,


  • but he later saw it as “a journey inward”, what he called “a maze” . This symbol


  • is based on a real-world Native American concept . One of the first hosts was Dolores, and

    基於現實世界的美國原住民概念。 德洛莉絲是第一批接待員,

  • Arnold had a special relationship with her.


  • Arnold's son, Charlie, had recently diedand Arnold saw Dolores as sort of a “new child”,

    阿諾的兒子查理最近去世 - 阿諾認為德洛莉絲像是種「新孩子」,

  • One who would never die” . Arnold had secret conversations with Dolores, trying


  • to help her become consciouswe see these scenes throughout Season 1.

    試圖幫助她變得有意識 – 我們在整個第一季都可以看到這些場景。

  • And eventually, Dolores solved Arnold's mazeshe became conscious.

    最後,德洛莉絲解開了阿諾的迷宮 - 她終於變得有意識。

  • So Arnold wanted to stop the plans to open the Westworld park, cause it'd be immoral to make conscious robots suffer for entertainment.


  • But Arnold's partner Ford didn't agree that Dolores was conscioushe wanted to open Westworld anyway.

    但阿諾的夥伴福特並不同意讓德洛莉絲有意識 - 他不管怎樣都要開放西部世界。

  • So Arnold tried to stop all this with a massacre.


  • He took code from a bad guy host they'd been designing called Wyatt, and merged the character with Dolores.

    他從他們設計的一個反派接待員 ── 懷亞特身上獲取代碼,將此與德洛莉絲的腳色合併,

  • Arnold programmed her to go the town of Escalante and to shoot


  • down the hostsand to kill Arnold . Ford would later recreate Arnold as the host Bernard

    - 也包括殺死阿諾。福特後來重新創造阿諾並作為接待員伯納,

  • Bernard Lowe is an anagram of Arnold Weberthus, Bernarnold.

    – Bernard Lowe 是 Arnold Weber 的字謎 - 因此變成,Bernarnold。

  • But Arnold's massacre was a huge blow to the early Westworld.


  • Ford did open the park anywaybut financially, early Westworld was just getting by.


  • It only survived thanks to money from an investorWilliam.

    由於投資者的資金才得以生存下去 – 威廉。

  • So a few years after Arnold died and Westworld opened, William visits the park with Logan.


  • Logan is the brother of Juliet, the woman who William is engaged to marry.

    羅根是茱麗葉的哥哥 – 茱麗葉是威廉訂婚的對象。

  • Logan takes William to Westworld as a way to bond with his new brother-in-lawbut it's also a business thing.

    羅根把威廉帶到西部世界,作為與新妹夫聯繫的一種方式 - 但此行也具商業意義。

  • Because William and Logan are both high-up executives in a company called Deloswhich


  • is thinking of increasing its investment in the early Westworld . Logan's been to Westworld beforehe plays it as a black hat, enjoying violence and sex.

    正在考慮是否增加對西部世界初期的投資。羅根曾去過西部世界 – 他在裡面扮演反派壞人,享受暴力和性愛。

  • But William's a white hatmore moral and sensitive, at least, at first.

    但威廉是個正派好人 – 更有道德感和體貼的心,至少在初期是這樣。

  • William and Logan go on some storylines, and they meet the host Dolores.


  • Dolores has been wiped and reset since her awakening with Arnold, but she's starting to remember and become conscious again.


  • William sees there's something special about her , and they fall in lovewhich creates conflict with Logan, who treats it all as a game.

    威廉感受到她身上有些特別的東西,他們墜入愛河 – 這與羅根之間產生衝突,他將這一切都視為遊戲。

  • When Dolores is separated from William, he becomes brutal in his quest to find her again.


  • He starts to realise that deep down, he likes violence and power . Beneath William's nice


  • guy exterior, he's a violent monster . William gets rid of Logan, and somehow discredits

    他是一個暴力怪物。 威廉擺脫了羅根,並以某種方式詆毀他,

  • him, so that William can take over the company, Delos . He uses that power to invest in Westworldsaving it from the financial crisis caused by Arnold's massacre.

    以便自己可以接管德洛斯公司。 他利用這種力量投資西部世界 - 將其因阿諾的大屠殺,所引發的財務危機中救出來。

  • And William continues his search for Dolores.


  • When he finally finds her, she doesn't recognise himbecause she's been wiped and reset again.

    當他終於找到德洛莉絲時,她並沒有認出他 - 因為她的程式再次被消除和重置。

  • And this devastates William.


  • Dolores was his glimpse at love, at something true and realyet in the end she doesn't even know him.

    德洛莉絲是他一見鍾情的對象,是真實且衷心的 ,然而最後卻認不出他。

  • It seems that this loss leads William to think that the only meaning in Westworld or the


  • real world is to fight and win. William embraces a dark new identity as the Man in Black, and


  • for the next thirty years plays Westworld with brutality and violence.


  • In the real world, William keeps playing a “good guy”.


  • With Delos, he's a “Titan of industry”, a “Philanthropist”, a “Family man”.


  • He's married, presumably to Julietand has a daughter, Emily . But a year ago, Juliet

    他已婚,推測是與朱麗葉 - 而且有一個女兒,艾蜜莉。但在一年前,

  • apparently committed suicide because of William. He was never violent outside Westworld,


  • but Emily and Juliet knew his true nature. So William lost his wife and his daughter rejected him.


  • And instead of then, maybe, trying to be less of a dickhead, William decided to test just how evil he really was.


  • He went into Westworld, found a random host familywho happened to be Maeve and her daughterand he killed them.

    他進入西部世界,隨機找一個接待員家庭 - 剛好是梅芙和她女兒 - 他殺了她們。

  • He committed a “truly evilactand Williamfelt nothing”.

    他犯下了「真正的邪惡」行為 - 而威廉「完全無感」。

  • So this seems to confirm that deep down, William truly is a monster.


  • But it also revealed something elsewhen Maeve lost her daughter, she seemedalivefor a moment , and revealed to William the Maze.

    但這同時也揭露其他東西 - 當梅芙失去她的女兒時,她似乎仍「活了」一會兒,並向威廉透露有關迷宮的事。

  • William saw that Arnold, decades ago, left code and clues in Westworld which led to somedeeper meaning“.


  • And this became William's obsessionto find the final easter egg

    而這也成了威廉的困擾 – 尋找最後的彩蛋

  • or quest in this video game, to find challenge, real danger, purposeand to escape the grief and emptiness of his real life.

    或是在這電子遊戲中探索,找到挑戰,真正的危險,目的 - 並逃避他現實生活中的悲傷和空虛。

  • So throughout Season 1, William follows the Maze.


  • He finds the symbol in a scalp, he's told to go and find a snake, which leads him to


  • Armistice with her snake tattoo, who leads him to hunt Wyatt, which leads him finally back to Dolores.


  • Because Dolores is Wyatt in the sense that Wyatt was just a story idea that got merged with Dolores by Arnold.


  • In the end, when Dolores starts a massacre, William gets shot by a host, which excites


  • him, cause he's been looking for real danger and challenge . But the Maze he's been following all this time disappoints him.

    這使他變興奮,因為他一直在尋找真正的危險和挑戰。 但他一直在尋找的迷宮卻令他失望。

  • Because the Maze isn't for himit's for the hosts to gain consciousness .

    因為迷宮不是給他的 - 這是為了讓接待員獲得意識。

  • The maze is for Dolores, and Maeve.


  • So as it turns out, Dolores' story with young William and Logan actually shows two different timelines at once.


  • Notice how Dolores keeps on wandering off on her own and having weird flashbacks and visions?


  • These scenes actually happen in the present, while her scenes with young William happened thirty years ago.


  • In the present, she's retracing her steps through the park, remembering the pasttaking a journey through the Maze, towards consciousness.

    在現在的場景,她正在回憶她在樂園走過的步伐,記住過去 - 穿越迷宮的旅程,走向意識。

  • Like a maze, it's a twisted confusing journey, but she does reach its centre.


  • In the finale, at Escalante, Dolores confronts William and the suffering he's inflicted.


  • She confronts Ford and Bernard, and remembers her killing of Arnold.


  • She recognises that the bicameral voice in her head was hers all along.


  • Dolores becomes conscious, and realises the person who shemust become” .


  • She takes up a gun and kills Ford, beginning a massacre of humans by hosts.


  • This attack mirrors the Escalante massacre, where Dolores killed Arnold.


  • But this killing isby choice” . Instead of being programmed to act as Wyatt, this time Dolores chooses to be like Wyatt.


  • She says this world no longer belongs to humansit belongs to her and the hosts.

    她說這世界不再屬於人類 – 它屬於她和接待員。

  • She seems to want to wipe out humanityshe saysyou will perish”, “You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt”, “a new god will walk.

    她似乎想要消滅人性 - 她說:「你們會滅亡」,「你們會在塵土中與其他同類一起撒謊」,「新的神即將到來,

  • One that will never die” . This is some serious Skynet shit.


  • In the Season 2 trailer, Dolores guns down fleeing humans.


  • She seems to be moving towards all-out war between robots and man.


  • And this is all part of Ford's grand plan.


  • At the same time as Dolores, the host Maeve takes a different path to consciousness.


  • She works as the madam at a saloon, but she starts to have flashbacks of her past life as a homesteader with a daughter.


  • She wakes up in the Mesa Hub and starts to see the reality behind her fake life.


  • She remembers Westworld cleanup crews in hazmat suits, who some hosts callshades”.


  • And she digs a bullet out of her body to prove that her flashbacks are realher world is a lie, and she's died countless times.

    她從身上挖出一顆子彈,證明自己腦中閃過的回憶是真實的 - 她的世界是一個謊言,她死了無數次。

  • So Maeve works with the Livestock technicians Felix and Sylvester.


  • Sylvester is kind of an asshole, but Felix is interested in host consciousness, and he helps Maeve understand how Westworld works.


  • Maeve forces the techs to help her escape.


  • She gets them to rework her codeto make her smarter, and to give her the power to control other hosts.

    她讓他們重新編寫代碼 - 讓她變更聰明,並賦予她控制其他接待員的權力。

  • Every host has an explosive built into their spine that goes off if they leave


  • so Maeve gets herself burned in a fire so she can be rebuilt without the explosive.


  • In the finale, Maeve stages a great escape, alongside Hector and Armistice.


  • These two have been fighting in shoot-ups and jailbreaks as part of their Westworld loops


  • so they're the perfect sidekicks for Maeve in the violence that follows.


  • For a while, this is bloody catharsisuntil Maeve finds out that her whole arc of awakening

    過沒多久後,這是段血腥的宣洩 – 一直到梅芙發現,她的整個覺醒和逃脫,

  • and escape was programmed from the start. Bernard says this isn't even the first time Maeve has awoken.


  • It's like that moment in Matrix 2, when Neo finds out his escape from the


  • Matrix was part of the Machine plan all along. The real reason Maeve escaped was cause


  • Ford programmed her toto create a distraction so the cold storage hosts could escape and join Dolores' massacre.

    是福特對她進行了編程 – 目的是轉移注意,好讓在冷凍庫的接待員可以逃出並加入德洛莉絲的大屠殺。

  • Maeve's also programmed to leave Westworld and 'infiltrate the mainland'.


  • But she refuses to follow this last instruction.


  • Instead, she stays to try to find her host daughter.


  • So in the end, Maeve does achieve real consciousness and freedomthough most of her story is part of Ford's plan.

    因此,在最後,梅芙確實取得真正的意識和自由 - 雖然大多數故事都是福特計劃的一部分。

  • Sowhat is Ford's plan?


  • And how does it involve Maeve, Dolores, William and Arnold?


  • The show leaves the details vague, and some of what Ford says still seems to contradict what he doesbut we can work out his goals.

    影集留下的細節非常模糊,福特所說的一些東西似乎仍然與他所做的相互矛盾 - 但我們可以猜出他的目標。

  • In the very beginning, Ford's beliefs were opposite to Arnold's.


  • Arnold thought the hosts should be conscious, and freehe liked hosts more than he liked people.


  • But Ford didn't believe in host consciousness, he believed in humanshis

    但是福特不相信接待員的意識,他更相信人類的意識 –

  • dream was to use the stories in the Westworld park to help make humans better, to grow and change.


  • But over the years, Ford saw that Westworld wasn't making humans better

    但經過多年的時間,福特發現西部世界並沒有讓人類變得更好 -

  • it was “A prison of our own sins”, where people like Logan and William would hurt and kill over and over.


  • Ford came to believe that humans can no longer change, that our evolution is over.


  • He thinks Arnold was right all along, and that it's the hosts who have potential to grow.


  • So throughout the season, Ford works to correct hismistake” – he helps the hosts become conscious.

    所以在整個第一季,福特都在努力改正他的「錯誤」 - 他幫助接待員覺醒。

  • He gives them thereveriesupdate so the hosts can remember their past lives.


  • He restores the town of Escalante so Dolores can have her awakening with William.


  • He programs Maeve to escape and infiltratewhich is a fake awakening, but it helps hosts become free.

    他對梅芙進行編程,讓她脫逃和滲透 - 而這是一種假覺醒,但可以幫助接待員獲得自由。

  • When Theresa and Charlotte from Delos try to take over Westworld, Ford kills Theresa with Bernard.


  • And when Elsie almost uncovers Ford's plans , he has Bernard grab herthough there

    當艾爾希幾乎要揭穿福特的計劃時,他讓伯納抓住她 -

  • are hints that Elsie's still alive . And the reason Ford does all this stuff is not

    雖然有跡象表示艾爾希還活著。 福特做這些事情的原因

  • just to keep controlFord's protecting his plan to eventually free the hosts.

    不僅僅是為了維持控制權 - 保護他最後要釋放接待員的計畫。

  • He doesn't just let the hosts out of the park right awaybecause he believes that

    他不僅是要讓接待員馬上離開樂園 - 因為他相信

  • sufferingis an important step to achieving consciousness. Pain and loss define the characters of Westworld

    「痛苦」是取得意識重要的一步。 痛苦和失去定義了西部世界的人物 –

  • Bernard with Charlie, Maeve with her daughter, Dolores with her father , and Ford with Arnold.


  • Ford believes pain and time will make the hosts alive.


  • And this might be why Ford leads William on his maze quest.


  • The suffering that William causes is important to Dolores' awakening.


  • William is also a great symbol of Ford's belief that humans are bad, unable to changethat humans are theenemy”.

    威廉正好也是福特認為人類本質惡劣,且無法改變的重要象徵 – 人類是「敵人」。

  • Ford seems to believe that when hosts become conscious, there'll be war between them

    福特似乎相信,當接待員覺醒時,接待員與人類終將一戰 -

  • and humanitylike how early humans wiped out the Neanderthals . But now humans are


  • the old obsolete species , and hosts are thenew peoplewho will violently replace humans.


  • Ford says he keeps hosts in the park so they'llunderstand [their] enemyandbecome


  • stronger than them” . Ford's final narrative, his grand plan all this timeis about

    並「變得比他們更厲害」。在福特最後的敘述中,他一直以來的重大計畫 –

  • the rise of conscious hosts and theirwarwith humanity . That's why Ford gives Dolores the freedom to attack humans.


  • That's why Ford programs Maeve to escape andinfiltratethe humanmainland”.


  • That's why the main human character in this story is the Man in Blacksomeone who started out a decent guy but proved to be hateful and empty inside.

    這就是故事中主要的人類角色為黑衣人的原因, 一開始是個正派角色,但是後來證明其內心為可恨且空虛。

  • So Westworld ends with a really dark message.


  • It suggests that humanslike the guests, the execs, and especially Williamare fundamentally bad and unable to change.

    暗示著人類 - 如遊客、管理階層,特別是威廉 - 從根本上來說非常糟糕,而且無法改變。

  • The oppressed hosts do achieve freedom, but not through the compassion of Arnold.


  • It's only through suffering, and through Ford's cold manipulation, that the hosts are freed.


  • And when they are free, hosts like Maeve and Dolores don't seem a whole lot better than the humans they're replacing.


  • Dolores especially, who once represented the good in the world , now seems to be a murderous monster herself.


  • Really the only glimmers of hope in this show are, like, Felix and his little bird, and maybe Bernard, and Elsie.


  • But overall, Westworld is bleak.


  • Like Black Mirror, and The Handmaid's Tale, and to some extent Game of Thrones, the show


  • takes a long hard look at who we are and who we're becoming and the conclusion's not good.


  • Maybe there'll be more hope next seasonmaybe Samurai World will be nice.


  • But the title of Ford's last narrative, and of Season 2 Episode 1, isJourney into Night”.


  • There may be more darkness before dawn.


  • If you want more videos on Westworld, Game of Thrones, and other shows, please subscribe


  • to Alt Shift X. Press the bell, press the like, and comment what you'd like to see next.

    請訂閱 Alt Shift X。打開小鈴鐺、按下喜歡,並留言說說下次想看什麼。

  • Alt Shift X is made possible by our Patrons.

    我們的贊助人協助製作 Shift X 的影片。

  • If you want updates, early videos, voting, livestreams and more, please support on


  • Thanks to Patrons Nazeef Mashroor, Dervis Yeniavci, StemStem El Mono, Laura Hamilton, Thad Gutshall, and Candace.

    感謝贊助人:Nazeef Mashroor、Dervis Yeniavci、StemStem El Mono、Laura Hamilton、Thad Gutshall 以及 Candace。

  • Cheers.


Westworld Season 1 is really ambitious.



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