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  • Hey naturals, what's up? It's Gabby Wallace from

  • Here to help you with your English fluency and today

  • I'm finally answering one of the most popular questions that I've ever gotten

  • This is a very frequent question that I get all the time, which is how long does it take to become?

  • fluent in English

  • And most teachers will tell you it depends which is a true answer

  • It does depend on a lot of things. But today we're going to go even deeper into that answer to understand why it depends and

  • what it depends on so that you can make an informed decision and

  • Know what you're getting into on the road to English fluency

  • So if you're interested in that then keep watching just before we jump into

  • The answer to this question if you are ready to work on your English fluency

  • I highly recommend that you get the English fluency formula audio ebook that I wrote for you putting together all of our best tips

  • Here at go natural English in one easy to download audio ebook. You can click right up there to get it or both to

  • slash ebook

  • Awesome. So it depends this is probably the most frustrating answer ever. Am I right? No one likes to hear

  • It depends it leaves you waiting wanting to know more like well, it depends on what just tell me

  • So first of all, okay, I'm gonna talk about three points today. We're gonna talk about what this question really means

  • we're gonna talk about how long it takes to become fluent in English and

  • how to

  • Actually use that time better so that you can learn

  • Faster because I was reading online

  • About the maximum number of languages like the world record of languages that one

  • Person can speak fluently and I learned this guy

  • odd fahza from Lebanon

  • Apparently speaks 59 languages fluently. Yeah five

  • 959 languages and I'm like, where did you get the time to learn all those languages because

  • supposedly now, this is a

  • spoiler but supposedly it takes

  • 1,200 to learn a language fluently

  • So I want to know how Ziad has all this time to learn 59 languages and we're gonna talk about that

  • okay, but going back to

  • The first point what this question really means because I think when you ask this question, you're not really asking

  • How much time it takes to learn a language fluently what you're really asking is

  • Is it worth it?

  • is it worth it is the time I put into learning the language actually worth what I'm going to get out of it or

  • Maybe you're really just asking because you want to know how much time it's gonna take and you want to know if you have time

  • but

  • this could change your thinking if

  • you actually

  • understand how to use your time better and

  • You become fluent in English faster using the tips that we're going to talk about today

  • So if you want to think about is English worth it to learn

  • well

  • Let's think about it. English is a global

  • Language that you can use when you travel when you're researching or learning about new things when you meet people from other countries

  • it's a language that you can use in your

  • career in most people's jobs

  • it's gonna help you to know English or to get a new and better job and

  • Three learning English is just really good for your brain. It's like a workout for your brain

  • It keeps your brain young and beautiful. Look at your beautiful brain. Yes, your brain speaks English, okay

  • so also becoming fluent in English is a

  • Process so it's not like something that just happens overnight

  • It's not like, you know getting a Christmas present where it's like ooh now I have it where before I didn't have it

  • It's not like that

  • I think a lot of us are trained to think of English fluency as something we get when we pass a test and

  • Passing that test has a specific date after I passed the test. Whoa, I'm fluent in English, but it's actually not that

  • Simple it's actually

  • Better in a way because it's an ongoing process and each day that you study is

  • Like putting money into a savings account

  • Into your bank account so that when you need to use English you can take that

  • Savings or that English study time out and use it. Okay, and you might get to a point where you feel like

  • well

  • I used all of my English savings and you need to study more or you need to

  • Save more English in your bank accounts. I

  • Think you get the comparison I'm making right?

  • That's when you need to keep pushing yourself to become more fluent in English

  • When you notice there's some discrepancy between the amount of English that you want to use and the amount that you have in your English

  • Savings account. Okay, very good. So now let's talk about this number 1200 hours

  • I told you I let the cat out of the bag how many hours it takes to become fluent in English?

  • This number comes from research online from the common European framework

  • for learning languages

  • Which has six levels from beginner a one to mastery or fluency C two and each of these six levels

  • supposedly takes 200 hours of study to complete

  • so

  • This is an average guys. This doesn't mean that for you. It's gonna take

  • 1200 hours it might take more it might take less and this depends on a few things

  • I'm gonna talk about three main points that this number depends on

  • Okay, first are you familiar with how to learn a language? Have you ever learned another language? Do you speak another language?

  • Have you studied in another language? Have you taught another language?

  • I know for myself that with each language that I study and also the more that I teach language

  • I've taught English now for over 17 years. Oh my gosh

  • So with each language that I learn and teach it becomes easier and easier because I understand

  • How to do it so it's kind of like cooking

  • I think when you learn your first recipe ever and you're like, oh my gosh, I can make spaghetti

  • This was so hard, but I did it, you know

  • It becomes easier each meal becomes easier and you can get creative and make own recipes

  • Anyway, I always end up talking about food because I'm always hungry but back to how long it takes to become fluent in English

  • So it depends on first of all, if you know how to learn a language

  • So what I try to help you guys out with is understanding how to learn the language. I'm

  • Not the kind of teacher who only uses you grammar rules or vocabulary or direct information. I do that too

  • but I also love to teach you about how to learn the language because that's gonna help you speed up and

  • Minimize the number of hours that it takes to learn English fluently. So and also help you learn any language right second

  • Let's talk about how you use these hours

  • there's a huge difference between a focused hour of study where you're just immersed in learning English and

  • An hour of study where you're not really sure

  • What you're doing or what you should be

  • Looking at or what materials to use or maybe you're looking at some good English materials

  • But you're also looking at your cell phone your text messages your Facebook your whatsapp

  • Instagram blah blah blah if you're not focused those hours are not

  • counting so you can't just open an English textbook and

  • Like go eat a hamburger and watch an hour pass and you're like, oh well

  • That's an hour of studying English because my book was open, but you weren't really actually

  • Applying yourself or focusing so your focus. Your attention is super important and it's a challenge

  • I'll admit it, you know

  • It's a challenge to say focus and in the last several years the average person's attention span has

  • decreased significantly

  • Because we're so used to fast paced media on social media on

  • YouTube it's true. Everything is getting faster

  • So we have to work harder to really focus and apply ourselves to learning new skills

  • Just know that you have to make that decision to focus and do the work in order to reap the benefits

  • Of English fluency and number three those 1,200 hours are going to go by a lot

  • Faster if you get help

  • Feedback. So if you get help to know what you should be studying in what order and a guide and actually get the right materials

  • That will help you because you won't be spending that time looking for materials or trying to plan your own

  • Study plan or your own syllabus if you can get help with that by taking a class

  • Maybe the go natural English course that will help you a lot and feedback is super important because you don't always know

  • What you don't know you just don't know what you don't know, right?

  • So if you're learning English and you keep making the same mistake

  • Or you have the same doubts each time you make a certain sentence. You're not progressing

  • You're not getting feedback. You're not getting corrections, and you're not improving

  • So it's totally okay to make a mistake

  • But you don't want to make the same mistake over and over and over just because you didn't know that you were doing it

  • So get help and get feedback. It's going to really speed up your learning process a lot

  • Also, the good thing is if you're watching this video

  • You are not a complete beginner

  • If you're watching this on understanding most of what I'm saying?

  • You're not a complete beginner you're already at the intermediate level in English

  • So that means that that cuts the hours that you need for

  • fluent speaking in English to probably about half about 600 hours now if

  • You are super focused and you have lots of free time

  • You can probably reach fluency in English in about mmm six months if you're studying about five hours a day

  • So we're doing some rough math here. But if you're a

  • normal person who has a job and has family they'd like to see and

  • Friends, they'd like to see and other hobbies and taking care of yourself and etc

  • Doing other things in life besides just studying English full time

  • It'll probably take you a little longer maybe a year if you're studying a couple hours a day. So the reality is it takes

  • time but

  • one thing that we do a go natural English is try to make English a part of your daily life because we need

  • Focus study time but we all Sony time where we're using

  • English on a

  • Day-to-day basis where we're making it part of your life

  • Because even if you study five hours a day

  • You need time to process English to live with English to make it a habit

  • To feel comfortable with using English as part of your life

  • I don't know if you've ever studied really hard for a test

  • then you take the test and you pass and then you forget everything because you just

  • Crammed so hard and you didn't actually internalize

  • What you learned? That's what can happen if you try to cram English into a very short time

  • So we try to develop good habits to make English a part of your life

  • That's part of the go natural English method is that you're not only learning English?

  • You're learning to make it a part of your life

  • so

  • learning English in small bursts throughout the day in five to fifteen minute bursts are it's really good for people who are

  • Busy and also who need to stay engaged with English if you lose your attention easily learning in small

  • Bursts will be best for you. So tell me in the comments how much time each day

  • Do you?

  • Focus on English how do you know how long it's gonna take you to become fluent in English?

  • Well first you have to know what level you want to be in English

  • So, where do you want to be ask yourself that question first? What is fluency to you? And

  • Second. Why do you want to become fluent in English?

  • So you have to know the reason why in order to stay motivated?

  • Because it takes time and there are times when it will be challenging and you might feel like giving up but knowing your reason why

  • Will help you to keep going so you know where you want to be now

  • you need to know where you are today and then measure the

  • space between where you want to be and where you are today and

  • How many hours of study will that take?

  • so with the common European framework

  • It takes 200 hours to get from one less to another so if you want to advance

  • your English to the next level think

  • 200 hours as an average

  • Amount of time that it will take to improve your fluency

  • So then think about how many hours per day or if it's less than an hour per day?

  • I think about how many hours per week. Are you able to?

  • Study then divide the number 200 by the number of hours

  • you can study per week and there you will have the number of weeks or the amount of time that

  • It will take you to reach the next level in English

  • So do the math to plan backwards from your goal and here's the thing

  • Those people who focus on the amount of time that it takes are

  • Usually not going to be as successful

  • Because you're not focusing on enjoying the journey. You're just focusing on the goal

  • The thing about English is that it is a journey and we have to use English as we go

  • It's not just a matter of

  • passing a test or

  • Waiting for 200 hours to pass

  • It's an active process of achieving fluency as you go. So the most

  • Important part of becoming fluent English is not counting

  • How many hours it will take or asking how much time will it take to become fluent? The most important time is?

  • devising a good strategy understanding

  • Techniques in order to become fluent in English and making English a habit and an everyday part of your life

  • So that your living English and not just counting the hours that you are studying. Okay

  • I hope this was helpful for you

  • If you enjoyed this then please make sure that you are subscribed to make sure you're part of the go natural

  • English group of subscribers here on YouTube and if you want to learn more of our strategies techniques and ideas for

  • Practicing English to get fluent faster get the English fluency formula ebook click right up there

  • Go to go to actual English comm slash ebook. Thank you so much for watching and I will you and another lesson soon. Mwah

  • Bye for now

Hey naturals, what's up? It's Gabby Wallace from


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A2 初級 美國腔

學會說一口流利的英語需要多長時間? (How long does it take to learn to speak English Fluently?)

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    BEN 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日