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  • Hello, everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

    大家好,歡迎來到 Lucy 英語教室。

  • The other day on my Instagram, I asked what sort of video would you like to see next.

    日前,我在 Instagram 詢問你們喜歡看甚麼類型的影片。

  • I asked on this photo here.


  • And by far, the most popular comment was tell us about your trip to Barcelona

    到目前為止,最受歡迎的留言是「分享你在巴賽隆納旅遊的經歷」 。

  • Unfortunately, I didn't film much or take so many photos so I can't do that.


  • The second most popular was phrasal verbs and the third most popular was travel vocabulary.

    第二個最受歡迎的主題就是「片語動詞」,而第個三最受歡迎的主題就是 「旅遊的詞彙」 。

  • I thought I would take travel and phrasal verbs, fuse them together, and talk to you about travel-related phrasal verbs.


  • So let's get started.


  • Now, obviously you know the ones like "take off" and "get away" and things like that.

    顯然,你們已經知道 take off(起飛)或 get away(外出度假)這類的片語動詞。

  • Today, I want to talk to you about some more advanced travel-related phrasal verbs.


  • So the first one is "to set off". To set off.

    首先,第一個的片語動詞是 to set off。

  • To set off means to start or begin a trip or a journey.

    To set off 的意思是一趟旅遊或旅程的開始。

  • So, I could say, "When I went to Barcelona, I set off at six o'clock in the morning and I arrived at the airport at eight o'clock."


  • So I began the whole journey at six o'clock in the morning.


  • Now, the next one is "to hold up".

    下一個片語動詞是 to hold up

  • And this means to delay something.


  • So, I could say, "There was a traffic jam which held us up for half an hour."


  • The next one is "to see somebody off" or just "to see off".

    下一個片語動詞是 to see somebody off 或只是 to see off。

  • And this means to go to a station or airport or specific place to say goodbye to somebody that is traveling somewhere.

    To see off 的意思是,去車站,機場或特定位置對一些出外旅行的人道別。

  • So, I could say, "My dad came into departures to see me off."


  • My dad came into departures to say goodbye to me before I traveled.


  • The next one is "to check in".

    下一個片語動詞是 to check in。

  • And this means to arrive and register at a hotel or an airport.

    To check in 的意思是,到達酒店或機場,並且進行登記。

  • So at the airport, I had to check in my luggage at the desk and at the hotel, I also had to check in and receive my keys.


  • Remember, at the end of the trip I would also check out.

    謹記,在旅行完結後, 我也必須 check out 。

  • The final one is "to stop over".

    最後一個片語動詞是 to stop over。

  • And this means to stop somewhere on the way to your final destination.

    To stop over 的意思是,在到達最終目的地前,短暫地停留在某地方。

  • So if you were going on a long journey to Indonesia, for example, maybe you would stop over in another country in another airport on the way and then make a connecting flight to break up the journey

    如果你要去一趟漫長的旅程,例如,你要去印尼,你可能需要在旅途中短暫地停留在其他國家的機場, 並且轉乘其他航班。

  • So my final destination is Indonesia, but I might stop over in Italy.


  • OK, guys, those were your five travel-related phrasal verbs.


  • I hope you enjoyed the video, I hope you learned something.


Hello, everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

大家好,歡迎來到 Lucy 英語教室。

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