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  • Singer John Mayor has a song called "Daughters" that discusses the importance of fathers being there for their daughters.

  • Mayor wanted to emphasize the message that daughters have to be nurtured well in their childhoods.

  • Because those actions will affect the relationships they have when they become adults.

  • But, not every girl gets the treatment they hope for.

  • But, not every girl gets the treatment they hope for.

  • Some of them grew up with hardships and only understood the unstable, fragile love they received from the "person" they called their dad.

  • Here's six types of unhealthy father/daughter relationships.

  • Number one - The Lost Father. The lost father is someone who is physically present in their daughter's lives, but abandons her emotionally.

  • Number one - The Lost Father. The lost father is someone who is physically present in their daughter's lives, but abandons her emotionally.

  • He never praises her daughter for her accomplishments,

  • or notices the changes she's going through. As a result, daughters with a lost father often feel confused about their

  • self-identity and have trouble identifying their strengths and talents.

  • They also typically suffer from low self-esteem issues, and usually look for the love and affection they crave in the romantic relationships

  • Number two - The Abusive Father. The abusive father often has unstable moods and exhibits unpredictable, destructive behavior.

  • He usually has a hard time controlling his anger, and takes his stress out on his daughter... Which results in verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.

  • The abusive father only cares about his own needs, and fails to treat his daughter right.

  • Daughters of abusive fathers often grow up with no true identity.

  • They are fearful, timid, and prefer not to be noticed by others.

  • In romantic relationships, daughters of abusive fathers expect to be mistreated by their partners, and struggle with vulnerability and intimacy.

  • Number three - The Pampering Father. The pampering father is the opposite from the abusive father.

  • Whereas the abusive father takes, the pampering father gives. He doesn't set healthy boundaries, and treats his daughter like a princess.

  • Consequently, she often grows up being manipulative, and self-absorbed. In romantic relationships, daughters of pampering fathers usually seek to be

  • served, and puts her needs first over their partner's.

  • Pampering fathers have a hard time saying no, and allow their daughters to be spoiled.

  • They worry about being mean and controlling and thus,

  • mistake their giving nature to be supportive... when they fail to teach their daughters to treat them with respect.

  • Number four - The Toxic Father. The toxic father creates a codependent relationship with his daughter.

  • He often exercises helicopter parenting, and has a hard time letting go of his daughter as she grows up.

  • Even when she's capable of taking care of herself,

  • he clips her wings off so she can rely on him for support...

  • The toxic father fails to teach his daughter the proper life skills

  • she needs to grow.

  • He often domineers and makes decisions for her. Thinking "he knows what's best for her"

  • As a result, daughters of toxic fathers have a hard time living successful, independent lives.

  • Number five - The Ruined Father. The ruined father constantly relies on his daughter to survive.

  • He may suffer from an addiction, severe depression, or be unemployed and meets his daughter by his side, in order to function.

  • He often guilt trips his daughter into doing favors for him,

  • Which'll lead to bitterness and anger down the road, as she tries to make it out on her own - without having to look out

  • for him. Daughters of ruined fathers tend to be selfless, and have a hard time setting healthy boundaries with others,

  • because they had to play the role of the caretaker all their lives. As they reach adulthood.

  • they may enter relationships where they end up babying, or giving their partner special treatment without receiving the same love and attention.

  • Number six - The Anguished Father. The anguished father constantly lets his daughter down. As a result,

  • She reacts to his perceived faults, failures, and indifferences, with rebellious behavior and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

  • Such as eating disorders, or risky sex, to demonstrate

  • what's bothering her. Daughter's of anguished fathers take part in unhealthy choices,

  • hoping that their self damage will influence their fathers to stop or quit their own bad habits.

  • They are willing to hurt themselves because they don't know how to address the concerns they have for them that will reach them.

  • Although daughters of anguished fathers might feel like they are free to do as they please, in reality,

  • they are actually trapped by the feeling they have towards their fathers, that are strongly expressed in their reactions and behavior.

  • Which type of "unhealthy" father - daughter relationship do YOU resonate with?

  • We know how hard it is to talk about toxic family dynamics, and want to be a safe,

  • Non-judgmental place for you. Please Share your story with us down below.

  • Also, don't forget to subscribe for more content from Psych2Go, and check out our patreon. Thanks for watching!

Singer John Mayor has a song called "Daughters" that discusses the importance of fathers being there for their daughters.


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B1 中級 美國腔

父女關係不健康的6種類型 (6 Types of Unhealthy Father Daughter Relationships)

  • 80 4
    robert 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日