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  • Hi, I'm Chris. We're gonna look some common mistakes in written English today

  • Hey Chris, I need some help Are you free right now?

  • Sure what's up

  • well I'm writing an email to a new friend in America

  • I want to introduce him to Hong Kong culture Do you mind checking it for me

  • to see if there're any mistakes? No problem. Let's see

  • People in the Hong Kong like to 'shopping'

  • After the verb like, you should use to plus infinitive, shop, or

  • gerund, shopping So I should write, people in Hong Kong

  • like to shop, or people in Hong Kong like shopping, instead?

  • Actually. Let me continue

  • I can't wait to find out more about America However I won't be able to check

  • my email until later as I'm going to 'take' dinner at seven p.m.

  • For meals we do not use the verb take before them. You should

  • I'm going to have dinner

  • Perfect. That's it for this week Ciao for now

Hi, I'm Chris. We're gonna look some common mistakes in written English today


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A1 初級

7.寫作常犯錯誤 - Wall Street English 英語教室 III (7.寫作常犯錯誤 - Wall Street English 英語教室 III)

  • 1329 119
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日