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  • Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.

  • In many of our episodes we've looked at t-tests, which among other things, are good

  • for testing the difference between two groups.

  • Like people with or without cats.

  • Families below the poverty line...and families above it.

  • Petri dishes of cells that are treated with a chemical and those that aren't.

  • But the world isn't always so binary.

  • We often want to compare measurements of MORE than two groups.

  • Things like ethnicity, medical diagnosis, country of origin, or job title.

  • So today, we're going to apply the General Linear Model Framework we learned in the last episode

  • to test the difference between multiple groups using a new model called the ANOVA.


  • The GLM Framework takes all the information that our data contain, and partitions it into

  • two piles: information that can be explained by a model that represents the way we think

  • things work, and error, which is the amount of information that our model fails to explain.

  • So let's apply that to a new model: the ANOVA.

  • ANOVA is an acronym for ANalysis Of VAriance.

  • It's actually very similar to Regression, except we're using a categorical variable

  • to predict a continuous one.

  • Like using a soccer player's position to predict the number of yards he runs in a game.

  • Or using highest completed degree to predict a person's salary, note that this alone

  • isn't evidence that getting a degree causes a higher salary, just that knowing someone's

  • degree might help estimate how much they get paid.

  • Like Regression, the ANOVA builds a model of how the world works.

  • For example, my model for how many bunnies I'll see on my walk into work might be that

  • if it's raining I'll see 1 bunny, and if it's sunny, I'll see 5.

  • I walk through a bunny preserve...

  • 1 and 5 are my predictions for how many bunnies I'll see, based on whether or not it's raining.

  • Yesterday it rained.

  • And I saw two bunnies!

  • My model predicted 1, and my error is 1.

  • And we can represent this model as a sort of Regression where there are ONLY two possible

  • values that the Variable Weather can have.

  • 0--if it rains--or 1--if it doesn't.

  • In this case, expected number of bunnies on a rainy day is 1 and beta is the difference

  • between the two means, 5-1 = 4.

  • Which means our ANOVA model looks like this:

  • In a Regression we did a statistical test of the slope and that's what this simple

  • ANOVA is doing too.

  • Since we assigned rainy days to be coded as 0, and sunny days as 1, the change in the

  • X-direction is just one (1-0).

  • So the slope of this line is the difference between mean bunny count on sunny days, five,

  • minus mean bunny count on rainy days, one.

  • This difference of 4 is the change in the Y direction.

  • We test this difference in the same way that we tested the regression slope.

  • And this slope tells us the difference between the means of the two groups.

  • Usually we'll like to think of this slope as the difference between two group means.

  • But, knowing that our model treats it like a slope helps us understand how ANOVAs relate

  • to regression.

  • In a regression the slope tells you how much an increase in one unit of X affects Y.

  • Like for example, how much an increase of 1 year increases shoe size in kids.

  • An ANOVA actually does the same thing.

  • It looks at how much an increase from 0 (rainy days) to 1 (non-rainy days) affects the number

  • of bunnies you'd see.

  • another example.

  • Let's look at the ratings of various chocolate bars based on the type of cocoa bean used.

  • We'll use a dataset you can find at courtesy of Brady Brelinski.

  • Our three groups are chocolate bars made with Criollo beans, Forastero beans, or Trinitario beans.

  • Chocolate making is complex, so we took a small sample of bars that only contained 1

  • of these three beans.

  • And the chocolate taster used a scale--with 5 as the highest score --transcending beyond

  • the ordinary limits.

  • 1 wasmostly unpalatable”...

  • But is there reallymostly unpalatablechocolate out there?

  • We want to know if the type of bean affects our taster's ratings.

  • To find out, we need the ANOVA model!

  • Like Regression, we can calculate a Sums of Squares Total by adding up the squared differences

  • between each chocolate rating, and the overall mean chocolate rating.

  • This gives us our Sums of Squares Total, or SST.

  • If that sounds like how we calculated variance, that's because it is!

  • SST is just N times Variance.

  • This Sum represents the total amount of variation, or information, in the data.

  • Now, we need to partition this variation.

  • When we previously used a simple linear regression model, we partitioned this variation into

  • two parts: Sums of Squares for Regression, and Sums of Squares for Error.

  • And the ANOVA does the same thing.

  • The first step is to figure out how much of the variation is explained by our model.

  • In an ANOVA--what we're using here--our best guess of a chocolate bar's rating is

  • its group mean.

  • For bars made with Criollo beans 3.1, Forastero beans 3.25, and Trinitario beans 3.27.

  • So we sum up the squared distances between each point and its group mean.

  • This is called our Model Sums of Squares (or SSM) because it's the variation our model explains.

  • So now that we have the amount of variation explained by the model.

  • In other words, how much variation is accounted for if we just assumed each rating value were

  • it's group mean rating.

  • We're also going to need the amount of variation that it DOESN'T explain.

  • In other words, how much ratings vary within each group of Cacao beans.

  • So, we can sum up the squared differences between each data point and its group mean

  • to get our Sums of Squares for Error: the amount of information that our model doesn't explain.

  • Now that we have that information, we can calculate our F-statistic, just like we did

  • for regression.

  • The F-statistic compares how much variation our model accounts for vs. how much it can't

  • account for.

  • The larger that F is, the more information our model is able to give us about our chocolate

  • bar ratings.

  • Again, SSM is the variation our model explains and SSE is the variation it doesn't explain.

  • We want to compare the two.

  • But we also need to account for the amount of independent information that each one uses.

  • So, we divide each Sums of Squares by its degrees of freedom.

  • Our ANOVA model has 2 degrees of freedom.

  • In general, the formula for degrees of freedom for categorical variables (like cocoa bean

  • types) in an ANOVA is k-1, where k is the number of groups. In our case we have 3 groups.

  • Our Sums of Squares for Error has 787 degrees of freedom because we originally had 790 data

  • points, but we calculated 3 means.

  • The general formula for degrees of freedom for your errors is n minus k where n is the

  • sample size and k is the number of groups.

  • For our test, we got an F-statistic of 7.7619.

  • This F-statistic--sometimes called an F-ratio--has a distribution that looks like this:

  • And we're going to use this distribution to find our p-value.

  • We want to know whether the effect of bean type on chocolate bar ratings is significant.

  • In this case we have a p-value of 0.000459.

  • Small enough to reject the null.

  • So we've found evidence that beans influenced the chocolate bar ratings.

  • A statistically significant result means that there is SOME statistically significant difference

  • SOMEWHERE in the groups, but it doesn't tell you where that difference is.

  • Maybe Trinitario is significantly different from Criollo but not Forastero beans..

  • An F-test is an example of an Omnibus test, which means it's a test that contains many

  • items or groups.

  • When we get a significant F-statistic, it means that there's SOME statistically significant

  • difference somewhere between the groups, but we still have to look for it.

  • It's kinda like walking into your kitchen and smelling something realllllllly stinky.

  • You know there's SOMETHING gross, but you have to do more work to find out exactly what

  • is rotting...

  • We already have tools to do this, in statistics at least, because you can follow up a significant

  • F-test in an ANOVA with multiple t-tests, one for every unique pair of categories your

  • variable had.

  • We had 3, which means we only need to do 3 t-tests in order to find the statistically

  • significant difference or differences.

  • To conduct these T-tests, we take just the data in the two categories for that t-test,

  • and calculate the t-statistic and p-value.

  • For our first t-test we just look at the bars with Trinitario and Criollo beans.

  • First, we follow our Test statistic general formula:

  • We take the difference between the mean rating of chocolates made with Trinitario and Criollo beans.

  • And divide by the standard error.

  • And once we do this for all three comparisons, we can see where our statistically significant

  • differences are.

  • It looks--from our graph--like ratings of chocolate bars made with Criollo beans are

  • a statistically significant way... than those made with Trinitario or

  • Forastero beans.

  • And our graph and group means show that Criollo bars have a slightly lower mean rating.

  • But bars made with Trinitario beans are NOT statistically significantly different than

  • those made with Forastero beans.

  • So our ANOVA F-test told us that there WERE some differences, and our follow up t-tests

  • told us WHERE they were.

  • And this is interesting.

  • Criollo beans are generally considered a delicacy and of a much higher quality than Forastero.

  • And Trinitario are hybrid of the two.

  • But we this data set... that Criollo bars had statistically significantly lower ratings.

  • This might be because we excluded bars with combinations of our three bean types...or

  • because the rater has a different preference...or even be caused by some other unknown factor

  • that our model does not include.

  • Like who made the chocolate.

  • Or the country of origin of the beans.

  • We can also use ANOVAs for more than 3 groups.

  • For example, the ANOVA was first created by the statistician R.A. Fisher when he was on

  • a potato farm looking at studies of fertilizer.

  • In one of the first experiments he described, he looked at 12 different species of potato

  • and the effect of various fertilizers.

  • Let's look at a simple version of Fisher's potato study.

  • Here we have 12 different varieties of potato.

  • We'll represent each of them with a letter A through L.

  • There are 21 of each of the potato plants, for a total of 252 potato plants.

  • We give our future french fries about a season to grow, then we dig them up and weigh each one.

  • This graph shows the potato weights that we recorded, as well as the total mean potato

  • weight and each group mean potato weight.

  • Using these numbers, we can calculate our Total Sums of Squares, Model Sums of Squares,

  • and Sums of Squares error.

  • We're going to let a computer do that for us this time.

  • And our computer spit out this: the degrees of freedom, sums of squares, mean squares,

  • F-statistic, and p-value.

  • This is called an ANOVA table and it organizes all the information our ANOVA models give us.

  • Here we can see that our Model had an F-statistic--or F-value--of around 3, and a p-value of 0.000829.

  • So we reject the null hypothesis.

  • We found evidence that the potato varieties don't all have the same mean weight.

  • But since this was an Omnibus test, our statistically significant F-test just means that there is

  • some statistically significant difference somewhere in those 12 potato varieties.

  • We don't know where it is.

  • In that way, ANOVAs can be thought of as a first step.

  • We do an overall test that tells us whether there's a needle in our haystack.

  • If we find out there is a needle, then we go looking for it.

  • However, if our test tells us there's no needle, we're done.

  • No need to look for something that probably doesn't exist.

  • But you can see that this significant F-statistic for potato varieties will require MANY follow

  • up tests.

  • 12 choose 2.

  • Or 66.

  • We showed a lot of calculations today, but there's two big ANOVA ideas to take away

  • from this.

  • First, a lot of these different statistical models are more similar than they are actually different.

  • ANOVAs and Regressions both use the General Linear Model form to create a story about

  • how the world might work.

  • The ANOVA says that the best guess for a data point--like the rating of a new chocolate

  • bar--is the mean rating of whatever Group it belongs to.

  • Whether that's Criollo, Trinitario , or Forastero.

  • If we don't know anything else, we'd guess that the rating of a Criollo chocolate bar

  • is the mean rating for all Criollo bars.

  • Also, an ANOVA is a great example of filtering.

  • If there's no evidence that bean type has an overall effect on chocolate-bar ratings,

  • we don't want to go chasing more specific effects.

  • Our time is precious...and we want to use it as best as we can.

  • So we have more time out in the look for bunnies.

  • Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.


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方差分析:速成班統計數字#33 (ANOVA: Crash Course Statistics #33)

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    黃柏鈞 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日