字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Well, the emotional world of little children 倫敦佛洛伊德博物館 is not a peaceful world. 幼兒的情感世界並非太平世界 It's a world in which the child 其中,幼兒經歷強烈的慾望與焦慮 experiences intense desires, 在那裡,愛的關係首次浮上檯面 intense anxieties. 有愛的關係,就有問題 It's a time when, for the first time, 精神分析是什麼? 第三部:伊底帕斯情結 love relationships come onto the scene. 在伊底帕斯階段,約3到5歲 And with love relationships, 你被要求做很多困難的事情 problems appear on the scene. 得放棄很多東西 Around the Oedipal period, 要聽話、不能堅持想要的東西 必須禮讓他人等等 around the ages of three to five, 佛洛伊德日後談到「嬰兒陛下」 you're being asked to do such difficult things, 也就是小孩視自己為全世界的中心的看法 to give up such a lot. 對佛洛伊德而言,伊底帕斯情結所代表的 I mean, the idea of becoming obedient, 是必須面對自己並非全能 of not taking things that you want, 不能佔有父母的事實 of letting other people go first. 他認為這對幼兒時期帶來巨大無比 激烈暴力的衝擊 He talks later of the baby as 而且每個人都是如此 'His Majesty the Baby', 每個來到地球的新生命都得面對一個任務: as a figure who's at the centre of everything. 掌控伊底帕斯情結 And for Freud, the Oedipus complex is about 1905年佛洛伊德《性學三論》 having to face the fact 伊底帕斯情結確確實實是很複雜的 一點也不單純 that we're not omnipotent, 以 被簡化、被誤解 伊底帕斯情結而言 伊底帕斯情結指的是 that we can't possess our parents, 小孩愛雙親中 與自己性別相異的那個人 而憎恨雙親中 與自己性別相同的那位 and he thinks this has a tremendous 並且將之視為競爭對手 powerful, violent force in infancy, 精神分析早期有個既存的觀念 that's universal. 男生愛媽媽,女生愛爸爸 The Oedipus complex is a genuine complex. 迄今還是有些人認同這觀念 So it's not Oedipus simplex. 然而佛洛伊德已經指出 In its simple and misunderstood form 事情其實更為複雜 it is about that the child loves the parent 佛洛伊德修正了簡化的看法 of the opposite sex 認為無論小男孩或是小女孩 都會先愛媽媽 and hates the parent of the same sex 因為母親 (或任何擔任母親角色的人) 是提供嬰兒一切所需的人 as a rival. 我看不出引進「戀父情結」這個詞彙 所代表的進步與好處 There was the early idea in psychoanalysis 因此不鼓勵這詞彙的使用 that the boy loves the mummy 1920年佛洛伊德《一位女同性戀個案的心理成因》 and the girl loves the daddy 無論是男是女,母親都是最原初的客體 and some people today still believe in that. 1925年佛洛伊德 《兩性解剖學差異所造成的心理影響Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction between the Sexes》 But Freud had already recognised 佛洛伊德毫不遲疑與保留地認為 這和”性”有關連 that things are more complex. 但是,「幼年時想與父母發生性關係」 He revised that theory to say that 並不是那麼直接明白的 both little girls and little boys love, 因為這牽涉到「想要有性關係」 究竟是指要有什麼? first of all, their mother 我不認為佛洛伊德曾說過 兒童想與父母發生性關係 because she's the one who has provided 在伊底帕斯階段,兒童想要的是 all the care for the child, 以某種方式佔有母親 or whoever stands in for the mother. 與母親融為一體 Now Freud had absolutely no reservation 孩子大概模糊地知道 生殖器在這當中有一定的角色 calling this sexual. 但他們並不全然地明白 But the idea of wanting to have 成人所謂的經由生殖器官的性交 到底是什麼 sex with a parent at a very young age 所以,舉例來說 一個23歲的人說 it's not really so straightforward 「我想跟那個人發生性關係」 because there's the question of 意思當然很明確 what wanting to have sex means. 但對一個3歲小孩 I don't think Freud said children 想從母親那裡得到滿足 want to have sex with their parents, 而母親也一直是給他滿足的人 what children want is, at the Oedipal stage, 這種對母體的渴望 代表著完全不同的意義 they want to in some way 所以,兒童可能想用性器官摩擦母親 possess the mother. 吸吮母親的某個部份 They want to fuse with her. 跟母親做各種事情 They have some idea that the genitals 之後再也不想承認 自己曾經想對母親做這些事 may play a part in this as well, 到了10歲、12歲 兒童可能會覺得這類渴望非常的噁心 but they have no clear idea, 有些兒童非常害怕傷到雙眼或者失去它們 and certainly not the idea that it involves 諺語說道 what adults would consider to be genital sex. 我們要珍惜某物 And so if, as a, I don't know, a 23 year old, 如同眼中的蘋果 (註:眼中的蘋果 語出聖經申命記 珍貴的事物 掌上明珠) you say 'I want to have sex with that person', 1919年佛洛伊德《難以思議The Uncanny》 that might mean one thing to you. 佛洛伊德認為,兒童本身希望被愛 But a three year old child 不只是兒童愛誰而已 who wants to get satisfaction 他也需要被愛 from its mother somehow, and its mother 可是母親還有別的活兒要做 who has been giving it satisfaction 她還對其他事情有興趣 all of its life, 這是一場競爭、角力 有個對手 it means something totally different. 因此伊底帕斯三角關係 So it might want to rub its genitals against her, 講的是愛與嫉羨、愛與排除他者 it might want to suck part of her, 以及交織其中的恨 it might want to do all sorts of 其中包含了對母親強烈的愛 things with her 對任何競爭對手的恨 包括手足、父親 that then it might never want never want to 對同一個人又愛又恨 衝突從中而生 admit to having wanted again. 還有 如果針對對手的敵意若被發現 他們會對自己如何的焦慮 By the time its ten or twelve 兒童會自然而然地黏著母親不放 it might find that just ultimately disgusting. 但是如果母親也黏著孩子不放 For Freud, 不允許足夠的分離 the child itself wants to be loved. 也許是因為 孩子是這位母親生命中唯一欣慰的對象 It's not just about the child loving, 那麼,對這孩子來說 就可能會產生有待克服的問題 it's also about the child being loved. 這也是伊底帕斯情結的一部分 But mother's got other fish to fry, 母親可能會像排山倒海而來 父親可能會介入採取行動 she's interested in other things. 兒童對父親的反應可能是「啊,討厭」 There's a competition, there's a rivalry of some sort. 因為父親在設立規則 So the Oedipal triangle is about 但同時兒童也可能覺得非常寬慰 love and jealousy, 因為父親能為他這麼做 so it's about love and exclusion, 父親的角色,在佛洛伊德的理論模型裡 and hatred as it weaves itself into that. 代表著權威、法律 Its got the strong love for the mother. 同時也擔任母親的愛的客體對象 後面這一點非常重要 Its got the hate for any rival: a sibling, a father. 必須有某些事物,比我們的所為 更能夠捕捉母親的關注 Its got conflicts arising 這可能是另一個女人、家庭友人、親戚 from the love and hate for the same person, 有能力將母親與兒童分離 and the anxiety of 或將兒童與母親分離的任何人 what they might do with him 在這個階段 if they discover his hostile feelings. 我們必須分別討論男孩與女孩的不同發展 The child will naturally cling to the mother. 因為這是性別的差異 Now, when the mother also clings to the child 第一次透過心理的表現而呈現出來 and doesn't allow enough separation, 1905年佛洛伊德《性學三論》 maybe because the child is the only thing 伊底帕斯情結 能化解的關鍵 that the mother enjoys in her life, 是要有認同的發生 then that can become problematic for the child. 佛洛伊德認為 人不是生而為男,或生而為女 And that would be 他認為,我們趨近於男生或女生的位置 part of the Oedipus complex. 或說是男人或女人的立場 And so a mother might be incredibly overwhelming 這些過程 其實是在伊底帕斯情結裡完成的 and actually, you might, you know, 根據古典精神分析 有一個父親或有一個母親的重點之一 the idea that your dad could step in and 就在於提供範例,提供不同性別的模範 do something about that, 你必須對「男人」與「女人」這些分類概念 you might go 'errrgh' to your dad 找到自己的定位,然後賦予這些分類意義 because he's laying down a rule, 某個程度來說 其實無法歸納出恆常、固定的意義 but you might also be incredibly relieved 歸納出男性應該如何後 馬上會遇到一個不是這樣的男性 that he was able to do that for you. 反之亦然 So the father, in the Freudian model, 這些其實是很困難且強烈的危機時刻 is the person who represents authority, 讓兒童難以應付招架 who represents the law, 其結果也不見得總是穩定的情況 and who, in a sense, also functions, 基本上,沒有所謂適當、完美或乾淨利落的方式 來處理伊底帕斯情結 and this is very crucial, 總是有弄虛作假、模模糊糊的部分 as a love object for the mother. 所以解決方式變成:「沒關係,繼續如此,不會崩潰的,大家都可以共存等等。」 It just needs to be something 但往往都是 哇!真是一團亂 that captures mother's interest 某個層面來說,精神分析探討的是 more than we do. 一個人為何無法把自己建構成男性或女性 It could be another woman, 我們在這些案例中所看到的是 it could be a family friend, 每個男孩或女孩都無法順利、完美地通過這個情結 it could be a relative, 這是每個人都必須處理的課題 anyone who has the function of separating 但令人驚訝地 卻很少有人能夠以理想的方式來應對 the mother from the child 1917年佛洛伊德《精神分析引論》 and the child from the mother. 精神分析有一個概念 The crucial thing 認為伊底帕斯情結 以及怎麼處理這個情結 about the resolution of the Oedipus complex 會留下一生的印記,或一輩子糾纏我們 is the identifications that take place. 這是非常重要的一件事 For Freud, 你可以在成人身上看到伊底帕斯情結的運作 he didn't believe that you were just 個案來找精神分析師時 'born a boy' and 'born a girl'. 除了直接討論症狀之外 還會說些什麼呢? He thought that 除了重複的惡夢、憂鬱、焦慮之外 他們還說些什麼呢? how we move to the position 他們會談職場的人際關係 of either being a boy or a girl, 男女朋友以及伴侶的感情關係 or indeed a man or a woman, 但是他們也會談到自己的父母、家庭 comes about at the time of the Oedipus Complex. 我們經常看到 So one of the points of having 佛洛伊德標舉、重視的伊底帕斯情結 a father and a mother, 仍然持續在成人的生命裡運作 according to classical psychoanalysis, 有人主張所謂的伊底帕斯情結 is that you have these exemplars, 其實是有著規範的功能 將男與女區隔開來 these instances of gender. 至於我們是否能在於每個個案中 You have to position yourself in relation 都確實看到伊底帕斯情結 則是另一個問題 to this idea of 'man' or 'woman', 我們得見的是,人們透過各種方式 then you have to try to ascribe the meaning to it 無法達到教科書所描述的伊底帕斯情結 and, in a way, you can't really 精神分析在某個程度上 ascribe a meaning to it that sticks. 就是在探索這個失敗的歷史過程 Whatever you say a man is, 是呀 人類的生活不就是如此嗎? you'll come across a man who isn't that, 你得嘗試克服家庭帶給你的恐懼! and vice versa. (中文字幕由臺灣 吾境思塾 楊明敏 校閱) And these are really difficult and intense Chinese subtitles are checked by Yang M.M. ,iAnalysis ,Taiwan crisis moments for a young child to cope with and the result is not necessarily always a stable situation. Basically, there is no proper, perfect, neat resolution of the Oedipus complex. It's always something fudged. And so the resolution is kind of: 'It's okay, you can function, you're not going to melt down, everybody can co-exist.' But, it's always just... blergh! It's a mess. In a way, psychoanalysis is about how someone hasn't been able to constitute themselves as a man or woman. What we witness in each case is the failure of each boy and each girl to move through, perfectly, that complex. There is the idea in psychoanalysis that the Oedipus complex, and how we dealt with it, either marks us for life or haunts us. That it's very, very critical. And you can see that at work in adults because, what do people talk about when they come and see a psychoanalyst, apart from directly about their symptoms: recurrent nightmares, depression, anxiety. What do they talk about? Well, they talk about relationships at work, they talk about the relationships they have with boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, but they also talk about their parents. They talk about their family. Quite often one sees that what Freud characterised as the Oedipus complex continues to work through in adult life. One could say that there's a normative Oedipus complex, which differs for boys and for girls. Whether we actually see that complex obtaining in each individual case is another question. What we see are the ways in which people have failed to live up to the kind of Oedipus complex that we read about in textbooks. And psychoanalysis is really about, to a certain extent, exploring the history of that failure. Oh yeah, isn't that what human life is? Just trying to get over the horror of your family!
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 情結 佛洛伊德 母親 兒童 精神 分析 什麼是精神分析?第3部分:俄狄浦斯情結 (What is Psychoanalysis? Part 3: The Oedipus Complex) 166 14 Christina Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字