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  • -Woo! Hey!

  • We just reached half a million subscribers, guys!

  • So, that has to be celebrated with some real champagne.

  • And there's no better way to celebrate this

  • with the traditional "Yannick, catch!"

  • -Nice!

  • [Party horns sound]

  • [Cinecom's intro music]

  • It's Jordy here for

  • and welcome again to another Copy Cat Friday!

  • A weekly series where we recreate an effect

  • from a popular film, music video or creator.

  • My Copy Cat t-shirt is in the laundry,

  • but this one has a cat on it too, so we're good to go.

  • Now, trick shots like the guys do over at Dude Perfect

  • are not easy to recreate,

  • which is why we're going to fake it.

  • But before we start, I'd like to make a big shoutout to Adorama

  • who are sponsoring us today.

  • If you're looking for film equipment, then you need to head over to Adorama.

  • Their professional team helps you with any questions when you're buying a new camera,

  • lens, lighting kit or anything else.

  • To find out more make sure to click the first link in the description below.

  • -We don't have a basketball, or a basketball ring,

  • so, that's what we're getting right now!

  • [Upbeat music fades in]

  • -What you got, Lorenzo?

  • -They've got a basketball and the basketball ring.

  • -Such a good intern!

  • -Now we're back at the studio and now we can do the fun part:

  • unboxing.

  • Maybe we should start an unboxing challenge with all the goodies we get here.

  • [Music]

  • There're two ways to cheat on a trick shot.

  • The first one is from a realistic distance.

  • But if you're just terrible at basketball, then you'll need to cheat.

  • We're gonna film everything from a tripod,

  • as we're going to blend some clips together.

  • Your first shot is you throwing the ball somehow in the right direction.

  • You do wanna avoid having the ball bounce back to you,

  • so you might wanna ask someone else to catch it underneath.

  • Then ask someone who can actually throw the ball in the loop

  • or you can use a ladder.

  • -You suck, Lorenzo!

  • -Say it again.

  • Then in Adobe Premiere Pro you place your throwing shot on the bottom

  • and on top of that goes the shot where the ball goes into the loop.

  • With the upper layer selected, you head over to the effects controls,

  • and take the Pen tool under Opacity.

  • Draw a mask around the loop, which will reveal the layer below.

  • Now you'll need to find a way to match the movement

  • of the ball from your first and second shot.

  • And there you have faked your first trick shot.

  • But it's probably not impressing anyone.

  • And that's where the second technique comes in,

  • where you stand at an unrealistic distance.

  • The setup goes the same: you throw the ball from your spot,

  • then get closer and throw the ball in the loop.

  • Only now you also wanna film a shot of the ball itself,

  • floating in the air without too much motion blur.

  • And that is why I'm throwing it gently in the air.

  • Finally, you wanna run outside of the frame and get an empty shot in there as well.

  • So there where four shots, which we'll now bring into Premiere Pro.

  • The empty shot goes on the bottom, then the shot where you throw the ball

  • and on top of that the ball going in the loop.

  • Like before, we're going to draw a mask.

  • This time it'll be around the two actions.

  • Draw one around you throwing the ball and one on the other clip.

  • Where it goes into the loop, the distance is of course too far,

  • we'll need to manually add a virtual ball in there.

  • And that's where the fourth shot comes in.

  • I'm gonna search for a point in that clip

  • where the ball looks nice and clear to cut out.

  • Then trim the clip to that point, right click and choose Add Frame Hold.

  • Then with the Pen tool draw a mask around the ball.

  • And then we're gonna animate it. But first we'll need to nest it.

  • You can do that by right-clicking on it and choosing Nest.

  • On this sequence we can now add the Transform effect.

  • We're gonna position that ball with that effect so that it connects with my throw.

  • Then create a keyframe for the position,

  • If your ball goes into a distance, you'll also need to animate the scale.

  • But that property shouldn't need much more tweaks.

  • Then scrub forward at where the ball goes through the loop

  • and there you wanna drag your fake ball to it

  • and match its position as well with that.

  • Next we're gonna pull the ball up somewhere in the middle of the animation,

  • so that the ball goes into an arch.

  • With the levers on the side, you can make it go in a smooth curve.

  • Finally, disable to use composition's shutter angle

  • and set one of your own, like 180°, which gives you a natural motion blur.

  • It might be that the movement already looks good,

  • if not, then adjust the position of your keyframes to make the ball go slower or faster.

  • It takes some trials and errors to find the right spot.

  • -Catch!

  • -Nice!

  • And that's how to fake those trick shots!

  • You can find a link to all the gear that we used in the description below,

  • and they all point to Adorama, our beloved partner.

  • Thank you so much for watching and like always:

  • stay creative!

  • [Cinecom music]

  • -Ha, ha, ha!

  • -Damn it! My materials!

  • -My stuff! Ha, ha, ha!

-Woo! Hey!


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B1 中級 美國腔

在Premiere Pro中的不可能的特技鏡頭(Dude Perfect) (IMPOSSIBLE TRICK SHOTS in Premiere Pro (Dude Perfect))

  • 51 1
    cn98206 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日