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  • Hithis is Crown


  • Today I'll be introducing quotes from About Time


  • Last episode was about The Fault in Our Stars


  • Today,I'll be talking about my favorite movie


  • 真愛每一天,About Time!

    真愛每一天,About Time!

  • It's been a long time since the last Movie Spotlight


  • It is definitely not because it wasn't popular enough


  • A few days a go,I saw someone's comment that she wants to see About Time

    但是呢因為前幾天看到有人留言說想要看 About Time

  • Since it is my favorite movie,I decided to do this episode


  • When I was re-watching it


  • I suddenly remembered that it's a British Film


  • I shouted through out the movieOHLook at that view


  • OMG,I've taken that subway


  • This is really a great movie


  • so I suggest you watch it first


  • before going through this film


  • Spoiler Alert!I don't wanna ruin this great film


  • I'll be choosing some really touching quotes from the movie


  • Let's check it out


  • All the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.

    Big lesson number one

  • 「不管再怎麼樣的穿越時空,也無法使一個不愛你的人愛上你。」

    All the time travel in the world can't make someone love you

  • Tim kept going back in timetrying to let his first loveCharlottefall in love with him


  • but he ended up failing

    So the love of my life just drove away

  • the all and in the world emphasize the point that

    遇到初戀的 Tim 不斷的嘗試穿越時空想要讓 Charlotte 愛上自己

  • no matter how many times you travel back in time


  • you can't make others fall in love with you

    這邊的 all 跟 in the world 就是要非常明確的告訴大家

  • To make someone do something means 迫使某人做某事


  • so the make someone love you means 強迫使他愛上自己


  • What do you have to do as Little Drops do?

    To make someone do something 就是迫使某人做某事

  • make all your friends watch this video!!

    所以這邊的 make someone love you 就是強迫使他愛上自己

  • The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your worried mind.


  • 「人生當中發生的真正災禍,往往都是那些,你從沒設想過的事。」

    就是 make all your friends watch this video!!

  • When people livethey keep worrying about different things

    The real troubles in your life

  • The worry may be as small as a test to as big as the future

    will always be things that never crossed your worried mind

  • so the worried mind is a description


  • Cross one's mind means 經過某人的想法


  • so it means you thought about something

    所以這邊用 “worried mind” 來形容

  • Has it ever crossed your mind that Crown spent hours working on this video?

    Cross one’s mind 直譯來看就是「經過某人的想法」

  • So make all your friends watch this video!!


  • Life's a mixed bag, no matter who you are.

    Has it ever crossed your mind that

  • 「不管你是誰,人生就是會經歷各種酸甜苦辣。」

    Dmei spent hours working on this video?

  • Tim's father always give him directions and wisdom.

    So make all your friends watch this video!!

  • He said that despite being able to travel in timeit doesn't guarantee a wonderful life

    I never said we could fix things

  • a mixed bag is a container holding all kinds of things

    I specifically never said that

  • so sometime life is beautiful but sometimes it is hard

    Life's a mixed bag, no matter who you are

  • when mixed is used as verbit means 混合

    Tim 的爸爸總是給予方向跟智慧,他說儘管我們可以穿越時空

  • If you add -edit becomes an adjwhich means with all kinds of situations


  • It's like what Forrest Gump said

    mixed bag 就是一個裝著不同綜合物的容器

  • Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get


  • they have similar meaning

    mixed 當作動詞,就是混合的這個動作

  • Try and marry someone kind. And this is a kind man with a good heart.

    那如果加上 “ed” 變成形容詞的話,就是混合著各種不同事情的狀況

  • 「試著找一位善良的伴侶。而這一位就是一個好心腸的善良男人。」


  • In the moviethe conversation between Tom and his dad is always really touching

    Life is like a box of chocolate

  • and warm as well

    you never know what you’re gonna get

  • We can see the love for his son


  • and his philosophy clearly

    I'd only give one piece of advice to anyone marrying

  • this is a simple oneso not much talk about

    Try and marry someone kind

  • but we can connect kind and heart

    And this is a kind man with a good heart

  • it'll become an adjectivekindhearted


  • I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it


  • as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary ordinary life.


  • 「我試著每天都如同已經特地穿越時空又回到同樣的這一天來生活著」


  • 「把這天當作是我非凡的平凡人生中的最後一天來享受著」


  • Tim listened to his father's suggestion and carried it out in a higher level

    不過我們可以把 kind 跟 heart 連結在一起

  • which is to live everyday as if he has deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it

    變成形容詞 kindhearted,也是一個英文單字喔~

  • Deliberately is a hard onebut it isn't uncommon

    The truth is, now I don't travel back at all

  • it means 刻意的,故意的

    not even for the day

  • synonyms are intentionally and purposely

    I just try to live every day

  • As if it was is a subjunctive mood

    as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it

  • in Chinese it means 如同什麼什麼一樣

    as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary

  • we all know that ordinary stands for 一般

    ordinary life

  • if you add extra

    Tim 把爸爸給自己的建議又提升了層次去執行

  • it means its not in the ordinary zone


  • so extraordinary means 非凡、特別

    Deliberately 這個字比較難,不過不是不常見的字

  • putting extraordinary ordinary kinda has a rhyme


  • reminding me of pen pineapple apple pen

    那同義詞有 intentionally 或者是 purposely

  • We're all travelling through time together every day of our lives.

    As if it was 這邊的使用方法是假設語氣

  • All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.


  • 「我們其實每一天都一起穿梭在時空當中。」

    我們都知道 ordinary 是普通,一般的意思

  • 「我們能做的就是盡其所能的珍惜這美妙的人生旅程。」

    那在它的前面加上了 extra 一字

  • I like the quote's concept of space traveling


  • We can't really travel in time now

    所以 extraordinary 也就變成了「非凡、特別」的意思

  • but we are living through time

    疊在一起就變成 extraordinary ordinary,有種重複同一個單字的韻味

  • Relish is a rarebut beautiful word

    讓我想起 pen pineapple apple pen

  • it's meaning is 享受、喜愛

    We're all travelling through time together

  • Remarkable is remark plus able

    every day of our lives

  • remark means 評論,and able is 有能力

    All we can do is do our best

  • So if something is worth commenting

    to relish this remarkable ride

  • it means it's something nice


  • and worth spending time on


  • and there is actually a poem technique herecalled alliteration


  • alliteration is 頭韻, travel through time together all begin with letter T

    Relish 這個字比較少見,但我覺得是個蠻美的字

  • and relish remarkable ride all starts with R


  • How interestinggotta share with you guys

    Remarkable 拆開來看,就是 remark 跟 able

  • That's basically the quotes from About Timewhich one make you have goose bumps?

    remark就是「評論」的意思,而 able 就是「有能力」的意思

  • It's really a warming piece of work


  • with some magic elements


  • The movie is presenting that even with simple love


  • You can find the happiness of life

    最後我發現,這一句有種詩詞的意境,英文叫做 alliteration

  • This time I shared my favorite film

    也就是頭韻,它的 travel through time together 都是用 t 開頭

  • What's yours

    而它的 relish remarkable ride 都是用 r 開頭

  • Comment below and let us know which movie you want me to share next


  • If you like this filmgive it a like

    那以上就是 About Time 的經典台詞,大家覺得哪一句最感動呢?

  • If you wanna see more videos


  • Don't forget to subscribe


  • There will be new films every Mon and Thurs at 9 pm


  • We also have Instagram and Facebook


  • Just simply search 阿滴英文 or Ray Du English to find us


  • And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always,


  • and I'll catch you guys next time! See ya~~~


Hithis is Crown



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