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  • Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

    嘿,夥計們,這是怎麼回事 斯蒂芬妮的英語 教練在這裡,來自

  • in this video we are going to talk about ten common mistakes that English

    在這個視頻中,我們將談論 英語的十個常見錯誤

  • learners make and I am hoping that after watching this video you'll never make

    學習者做出,我希望在 看了這個視頻,你永遠不會使

  • these mistakes again because I'm making you aware of what they are and okay so

    因為我又犯了這些錯誤 你知道他們是什麼,好吧,所以

  • let's just get into it the first mistake that a lot of English learners make is

    開門見山,先入為主 很多英語學習者所做的是

  • they say I didn't wanted to go okay wanted is the past tense like I wanted

    他們說我不想去好嗎? wanted是過去式,就像我想

  • to go but when you say I didn't then you just have to use the regular verb want I

    但當你說我沒有去,那麼你 只需用常規動詞 "要我 "即可。

  • didn't want to go instead of saying I didn't want it okay so remember that

    不想去,而不是說我。 不想要它 好吧,所以記住

  • when you're speaking in the past tense about something you didn't do or want to

    過去式 違心之事

  • do okay you have to just use the regular form of the verb I didn't want to go not

    做好你要只是用普通的 我不想去的動詞形式

  • I didn't want it okay number two a lot of you guys say thanks God okay instead

    我不想要它,好吧,二號很多。 你們說感謝上帝好了,而不是

  • of thank God we just say oh thank God it didn't rain today or thank God I don't

    感謝上帝,我們只是說哦,感謝上帝吧。 今天沒下雨或者謝天謝地我沒下雨

  • have to go to work or thank God like whatever it's a beautiful day thank God

    上班、謝天謝地 天公作美

  • okay but I've seen a lot of you guys right

    好的 但我已經看到了很多你們的權利。

  • thanks God okay so now you know that's not how we say it and from now on you

    謝天謝地 好吧,現在你知道了,這是 不是我們說的那樣,從現在開始,你...

  • can just say oh thank god thank God we have this awesome youtube

    謝天謝地 感謝上帝,我們有這個真棒YouTube

  • channel where we can improve our English right okay another mistake number three

    頻道,在這裡我們可以提高我們的英語水平 好吧,好吧,另一個錯誤第三

  • is when you guys say I have 27 years old now I hear this one a lot even from

    就是當你們說我有27歲的時候 現在我聽到這一個很多,甚至從

  • people that have a pretty good level of English but the way we say it is just I

    有相當水準的人 但我們說的方式,只是我

  • am 27 years old or I am 35 years old I am 10 years old I am and then the years

    27歲或35歲的我 十歲的我,然後歲月靜好。

  • old okay so not I have now the next one it's not necessarily a mistake number

    舊的還好,所以沒有我現在有下一個 不一定是錯號

  • four isn't necessarily like a grammatical mistake or something like

    四不像 語法錯誤

  • that but I'm going to count it as a mistake because it's something that we

    但我要算作 錯,因為這是我們

  • don't do like socially what am I talking about

    不喜歡社交 我在說什麼? 關於

  • I'm talking about when you guys say hi teacher or thanks teacher or teacher can

    我說的是你們打招呼的時候。 師長或謝師長可以

  • you help me with this teacher can you do this teacher can you do that in English

    你幫我這個老師能不能做 這位老師你能不能用英語說一下

  • we don't we don't do that we don't address our teachers

    我們不,我們不這樣做,我們沒有 拜師

  • like that okay we just use their name or we use their last name like in

    像這樣好了,我們只是用他們的名字或 我們用他們的姓,比如

  • elementary school or high school when you have a teacher you say like Mr.

    小學或中學時 你有一個老師你說像先生。

  • black or Mrs. white okay for example if you have a professor in

    黑太太 例如,如果你有一個教授在

  • college you could say professor black professor white and I don't know why we

    黑大 白教授,我不知道為什麼我們

  • have all these last names that are like colors or shades of colors but we do

    有所有這些姓氏,就像 顏色或顏色的深淺,但我們做

  • okay so those are the examples I came up with mr. Smith professor Smith but when

    好吧,所以這些都是我想到的例子 與史密斯先生史密斯教授但當

  • it comes to like online teachers and English coaches and all that stuff you

    它來喜歡在線教師和 英國教練和所有的東西,你

  • can just use our first name this is kind of like an informal relationship it's

    就用我們的名字就可以了,這是種 的像一個非正式的關係它的

  • not super formal you don't have to say Miss Stephanie just say Stephanie don't

    不拘一格,不必多言 史蒂芬妮小姐,你就說史蒂芬妮吧。

  • say teacher that's that's kind of weird and as we're going along with this you

    說老師那是 那是一種怪異的 而當我們與此有關的時候,你...

  • know number four not to say teacher I also want to throw in there that you

    知道四號不說老師我 還想在那裡扔你

  • don't have to say ma'am okay ma'am is extremely formal it's something that you

    不用說夫人 好的 夫人是... ... 拘謹

  • know native English speakers use with elderly women like a woman who's like 65

    知道英語母語者與 老太婆

  • or 80 years old then maybe you say ma'am or if you're on a phone call with a

    或者八十歲,那你就說夫人吧 或者如果你在和一個人打電話的時候

  • client or something and it's very it's a very formal situation then we use ma'am

    客戶端什麼的,它是非常它是一個。 那就用女士

  • okay but not in this situation not I'm like I'm making a video in my room I'm

    好吧,但不是在這種情況下不是我的。 就像我在我的房間裡做一個視頻,我...

  • wearing a regular t-shirt like this is not a formal situation okay so

    穿著這樣的普通T恤是 不打緊

  • addressing me as ma'am or teacher to me it feels weird and it's incorrect in you

    拜師 感覺很奇怪,在你身上是不正確的。

  • know English-speaking society like it's socially incorrect not necessarily

    摸清英語社會的底細 不合時宜

  • grammatically incorrect so that tip should definitely help a lot of you guys

    誤打誤撞 應該可以幫助你們很多人

  • now number five a lot of you say explain me or can you explain me you need to say

    現在第五條,你們很多人說解釋 或者你可以解釋一下你需要說的是

  • can you explain this to me or can you explain to me how XY and Z okay explain

    你能給我解釋一下嗎? 給我解釋一下XY和Z好嗎解釋一下

  • to me or explain this to me but not just explain me now along with this one we

    解釋給我聽,但不只是解釋給我聽 現在跟我解釋一下這個我們

  • also have asked to I can't even say it asked to me a lot of people say oh he

    也有求於我,我都說不出口了 問到我很多人都說哦,他。

  • asked to me to go to the store or will you ask to her to come with us instead

    問我去商店或將。 你叫她跟我們走吧

  • of saying that just they ask me or ask her will you ask her

    話說回來 他們問我還是問她 你會問她嗎?

  • if she wants to come with us or he asked me to go to the store ok number seven

    如果她想和我們一起去,或者他問。 我去商店好嗎 七號

  • the difference between funny and fun a lot of you guys get this confused and

    趣與樂的區別 你們很多人得到這個困惑和

  • let's say someone does an English class and you go to the class and you

    比方說,有人做了一個英文 類,你去上課,你

  • say oh that class was so funny but maybe you meant that it was fun ok

    說哦,該類是如此有趣 但也許你的意思是,它是有趣的確定

  • something that's fun it's like a party you have a great time something that's

    開心事 你有一個偉大的時間的東西,是

  • funny is a joke a joke makes you laugh it's humorous ok so when something is

    笑話是個笑話,笑話讓人發笑 它的幽默 好吧,所以當東西是

  • funny usually it's something somebody says or it's a movie or you know

    有趣的是,通常它的東西有人 說,或它的電影或你知道的

  • something that made you laugh that's funny but something you enjoyed and had

    逗你笑的東西 有趣的東西,但你喜歡和有

  • fun with that is something that's fun ok so number eight him/he her/she let's talk

    有趣的是,這是有趣的東西好嗎? 那麼八號,他/她,她/他,我們談談吧

  • about this because a lot of you guys accidentally start your sentences or use

    因為你們很多人 誤打誤撞

  • he and and him when you're talking about a woman you know and and you'll get

    他和他,當你說起 一個女人,你知道,你會得到。

  • confused you might start out by saying oh she goes to my school he's in the

    糊塗你可以先說 哦,她去我的學校,他是在。

  • same class with me and it's like whoa how did you just change the gender of

    同類與我,它就像哇。 你怎麼只是改變性別的

  • that person that's confusing ok so keep in mind keep this in mind try to be very

    那個人是混亂的 好吧,所以繼續保持 牢牢記住這一點,儘量做得很好

  • careful about using he and him you know for men and her she you know for women

    小心使用他和他你知道的 對男人和她來說,她你知道對女人來說

  • and try not to confuse them when you're speaking about a woman make sure you

    儘量不要混淆他們,當你在 說起女人,你一定要

  • consistently use her she etc in your speech okay now let's move on number

    慣用 講話好了,現在讓我們繼續數

  • nine a lot of you guys instead of saying like it is you just jump in and stay is

    九你們很多人而不是說 就像你跳進去待著一樣。

  • you forget to say it so you might say is hot out here is hot today or

    你忘了說 所以你可以說是 這裡的熱是今天的熱還是

  • something like that or when you write a lot of the times also you forget to say

    諸如此類的東西,或者當你寫 很多時候你也會忘記說

  • it is and you just jump in and say is and then the rest of your sentence okay

    它是,你只是跳在說是 然後你剩下的句子就好了

  • so that's a mistake and I want to remind you guys to use it is and then the last

    所以,這是一個錯誤,我想提醒 你們使用它是,然後最後的

  • one is just about the way you guys ask questions a lot of times you ask

    一個就是你們問的方式 很多時候你會問

  • questions like when we will get they're what you will tell me how she

    問題,比如我們什麼時候能得到 他們是什麼,你會告訴我,她是如何的

  • will do it and you need to switch two words in the sentence around instead of

    會做,你需要切換兩個 繞口令

  • when we will it needs to be when will we okay or what you will needs to be what

    當我們將它需要的時候,我們將在什麼時候 好吧,或者你會的需要是什麼

  • will you how she will needs to be how will she okay so you have the question

    你會怎樣 她會需要怎樣 她會沒事的,所以你有問題

  • word the when the what the how then you have the will and then you have the you

    話說何時何地何事何人 有志者事竟成

  • the she the I etc does that make sense so instead of you know what we said earlier

    雌雄同體 而不是我們之前所說的

  • just say when will we get there what will you tell me how will she do it does

    只是說我們什麼時候能到那裡呢 你能告訴我她會怎麼做嗎?

  • that make sense I hope so alright you guys there you have it those are ten

    有道理,我希望如此 好了,你們有了,這是十條

  • extremely common mistakes that English learners make let me know in the

    非常常見的錯誤,英語 學員讓我知道在

  • comments if you've been making any of these mistakes and I hope that now that

    評論,如果你一直在做任何 這些錯誤,我希望現在

  • you're aware of this you won't make them anymore that's it and I'll see you in

    明知不可為而為之 再這樣下去,我就會看到你在。

  • another video bye hey guys thanks so much for watching this video if you

    另一個視頻再見,嘿,夥計們感謝如此 多看這個視頻,如果你

  • liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure to subscribe to if you're

    喜歡就點個贊吧 如果你想訂閱的話,請務必訂閱。

  • new here so you get more videos from me and also go ahead and check out the

    新來的,所以你從我這裡得到更多的視頻 也去看看

  • description because I often include extra tips there or resources or links

    的描述,因為我經常會加入 額外的提示或資源或鏈接

  • to other things that I think you might find helpful so go ahead and check that

    到其他的事情,我想你可能 覺得有幫助,所以去檢查

  • out so for more English stuff from me you can also go ahead and follow me on

    所以,我的更多英文東西 你也可以繼續關注我

  • Facebook and check me out at my website all the links are


  • in the description thanks again and I'll see you guys in another video bye

    在描述中再次感謝,我會 看到你們在另一個視頻再見

Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

嘿,夥計們,這是怎麼回事 斯蒂芬妮的英語 教練在這裡,來自

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