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  • Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.

  • Oh my god! The next building has just blew up! Oh my god! Oh my god!

  • Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.

  • If I could tell the world just one thing it would be, that we're all okay.

  • The entire building has just collapsed. It has folded down on itself and it is not there anymore.

  • The whole side has collapsed? The whole building has collapsed.

  • And not to worry cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these

  • They have shut down all aircraft take offs. It is obvious the massive casualties.

  • I won’t be made useless

  • And another apparent explosion at the Pentagon in Washington.

  • I won't be idle with despair

  • We saw what we thought was debris but we realized it was people jumping.

  • I will gather myself around my faith Well this is a horrible attack. for light does the darkness most fear

  • Flames engulfing what’s left of the World Trade Center.

  • My hands are small I know

  • One of the emergency workers I could hear them screaming the police code for help.

  • And they're not yours they are my own. And I am never broken

  • A free American people will not be intimidated, our resolve has not been weakened

  • nor will we be defeated, by these horrific and cowardly acts, and justice will be done.

  • And I will pray

  • I really don't know...

  • in this madness...

  • ...but I do know that god is speaking.

  • My hands are small I know, but they're not yours, they are my own.

  • And I have to know, that god will use even this tragedy to shake up the world.

  • The resolve of our great nation is being tested.

  • Make no mistake, we will show the world that we will pass this test.

Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.


B1 中級

唱出911事件 Sing for 911

  • 616 43
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2013 年 09 月 11 日


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