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  • It's graduation day at a children's school in Tokyo.


  • From the metro station it's just ten blocks to their school,


  • but these children aren't totally safe. Old men from their community have to stand at

    然而學生們並不全然安全 必須有來自他們社區的老警衛

  • every corner to make sure that these kids aren't harassed or bullied.


  • It's happened before. In fact, there's been a lot of rallies in Tokyo lately:

    因為這樣的事件曾發生過 其實 最近在東京有許多示威

  • protesting these kids and their school.


  • This is because, even though these kids


  • and their parents were born in Japan, they're not Japanese.

    還有家長 雖然生在日本 卻不是日本人

  • This is North Korea's bubble in Japan.


  • It's a community of about 150,000 Koreans,


  • holdovers from the 1940's when Japan's military forcibly brought over


  • their relatives.


  • They run a network of schools, where they teach their kids


  • about Korean history, teach them Korean language. They teach them the ideology of

    教育他們的孩子朝鮮歷史和韓文 還有偉大領導金日成的思想意識

  • the great leader Kim Il-Sung.


  • The guards are here this morning because three days ago,

    三天前北朝鮮飛彈試射 就落在日本海岸外

  • North Korea tested a bunch of missiles that landed right off Japan's shores.

    學生放學前 他們必須換掉傳統朝鮮服裝

  • Before the students can leave, they have to change out of the traditional Korean clothing.

    (要是我還穿著傳統服裝)我會怕 路人會盯著我 我只是為了上學才穿

  • But this community isn't giving in to the pressure.


  • Their schools are the place where they can protect their identity


  • and quietly revere their great leader and the homeland that he founded.

    並在此安靜的讚嘆偉大的領導 和他所建立的祖國

  • A place none of them have ever lived.


  • This North Korean bubble is a nation within a nation,


  • whose borders are made out of culture, language, history, and ideology.


  • And it shows how borders exist as much in our minds as they do on maps.


  • In 1910 the Korean Peninsula was annexed by Japan's expanding empire. During its rule

    1910年 朝鮮半島遭擴張中的日本帝國併吞

  • the empire brought tens of thousands of Koreans to Japan, mainly to work and to


  • serve in their army. Or in the case of Korean women, to serve as sex slaves in

    主要是為了勞力和軍事需求 而朝鮮女性 則被當作性奴

  • brothels for Japanese soldiers.


  • Japan's empire grew until 1945 when World War II,


  • brought its sudden defeat and the loss of much of its empire, including Korea.

    直到二戰使之面臨挫敗 輸掉了多數的帝國領土 其中包含朝鮮

  • The Koreans who were in Japan were free, but they found themselves in a country that

    在日本的朝鮮人獲得自由 卻身在一個不被

  • didn't recognize them as citizens. The United States and the Soviet Union


  • quickly filled the power vacuum of this newly liberated Korean Peninsula and two


  • new countries were formed: the U.S. backing the new South Korea, and the

    剛被解放的朝鮮半島上就誕生了兩個國家 美國支持的南韓

  • Soviet Union backing the North, installing a rising leader, Kim Il-Sung

    以及蘇聯支持的北朝鮮 並扶持了領袖金日成

  • who a few years later invaded the U.S.-backed South, starting the Korean War.

    他在幾年後侵略了美國支撐的南韓 造成韓戰

  • Most of the Koreans in Japan went back to Korea, but about 600,000 decided to

    多數在日本的朝鮮人都回到了朝鮮半島 但有約60萬名決定留在日本

  • stay in Japan.


  • The Korean War changed everything,

    它造成南北兩方的對立 所以在日朝鮮人

  • creating a bitter division between these two new Koreas. So the Koreans in Japan

    不能單純只是朝鮮人 他們突然就需要決定

  • could no longer just be Korean. They suddenly had to choose which Korea they

    自己隸屬於哪邊 他們多數都來自現在的南韓

  • affiliated with. Almost all of them had originally been from what was now South Korea,


  • but this new North Korea began paying special attention to the Koreans


  • in Japan, sending the money and helping them build schools and businesses.

    有效地建立了文化認同 並保護他們的身分和語言

  • Effectively, helping them build a cultural border, to help protect their identity and language


  • against the Japanese society that sought to change or destroy it.

    (千頁縣朝鮮學校校長) 在1950年代 是北朝鮮在最低迷的氛圍中

  • This school where the graduation is taking place, was built with funding from


  • Kim Il-Sung in those early days, after the war.


  • For these stateless Koreans in


  • Japan, this support from a faraway government built trust and loyalty to a


  • regime that they had never actually lived under.

    來自遙遠政權的支持 建立了他們對

  • The North Korean backed organization in Japan called themselves the Chongryon and

    一個從未生活在其統治之下的政府 產生信任與忠誠

  • over the following decades they built a network of schools, banks, and gambling parlors.

    (位於東京的朝鮮大學學生) 我們之所以能在這 都要感謝金日成還有他的政策

  • They became rich, and started sending millions of dollars back to

    是他給予我作為朝鮮人的生活 這點我很確定

  • North Korea to support the regime. In their heyday the Chongryon was worth

    北朝鮮所支持的這個組織 稱自己為朝鮮總聯

  • around $25 billion dollars.

    在接下來的數十年他們建立了教育體系 銀行還有賭博店

  • But something happened that would mark the

    他們逐漸營利 送了數百萬美元回北朝鮮支持北朝鮮政權

  • beginning of the end for this North Korean business empire in Japan.

    在全盛時期 朝鮮總聯價值約250億美元

  • In the late 70's North Korea started sending spies disguised as fishermen to Japanese


  • beaches, to start kidnapping Japanese citizens. They brought them back to North Korea


  • so that they could use them for their language and cultural

    在1970年代晚期 北朝鮮開始把偽裝成漁民的間諜

  • understanding of Japan, so they could help train their spies. The victims, including

    送到日本去綁架日本人 帶回北朝鮮

  • a 13 year old girl who allegedly died in captivity, gripped the nation's attention for years,


  • their stories making their way into pop culture,

    具指控 包含一個13歲女童在內的受害者 都在囚禁期間死亡

  • their faces known to every citizen. Around the same time, North Korea

    這個事件引發全國關注 成為流行文化的主題

  • began developing its long-range missile program, a program that would eventually


  • lead North Korea to having nuclear weapon delivery capabilities. Both the

    同時 北朝鮮開始研發長程飛彈 這個計畫最終使得北朝鮮擁有發射核武的能力

  • nuclear and abduction issues came to a head in the early 2000's, when North Korea


  • withdrew from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, a treaty that


  • prevents countries from building more nuclear weapons. The regime also


  • officially admitted that they were behind some of the kidnappings of

    另外 北朝鮮官方承認了

  • Japanese citizens. This set off a wave of violent attacks and hate speech


  • against North Koreans living in Japan.

    這掀起了日本一連串對於 國內北朝鮮人的暴力衝突和仇恨言論

  • The Japanese government demanded that the Chongryon repay its outstanding debts.


  • When the organization couldn't do this, they were forced to declare bankruptcy.


  • Many of their buildings, including their headquarters, were seized.


  • The organization was left in financial ruin, with only its network of a few dozen

    組織陷入財政困難 僅剩數十間學校

  • schools standing. These schools became the next target for Japanese animosity


  • towards North Korea.


  • Korean students suddenly found themselves in the middle of this heated


  • international conflict.


  • This graph shows the amount of state funding for

    這個表顯示了每個時期 日本地方給予朝鮮學校的補助

  • Korean schools by Japanese prefectures over time.


  • 2006 was the year that North Korea tested a nuclear weapon. And you can see the


  • immediate drop-off of funding every year thereafter. Prefectures providing

    地方提供的學費補助從06年的28間學校 掉到現在的12間

  • tuition subsidies for Korean schools went from 28 in 2006, down to 12 today.


  • Education officials specifically cite the abduction issue as well as the

    還有其他北朝鮮的總體「情況」 做為取消教育補助的動機

  • general "situation" in North Korea, as their motive for defunding the schools.


  • Japan's Ministry of Education declined my request for an interview


  • on this, but I did talk to an anti-Korean activist who defended these


  • actions by putting the issue into terms that I, as an American, could understand.


  • As I visited these schools and talked with these people who live in a country


  • that is openly hostile towards them, I found myself torn. This organization

    (在特會成員) 要是在美國蓋一間賓拉登紀念學校後果如何?

  • pledges allegiance to a regime that has committed some of the most horrific


  • atrocities that our modern world knows.

    當我在造訪這些學校 和這些居住在不被歡迎的環境底下的人交談

  • Each and every conceivable human right is violated.


  • There are 80,000 to 100,000 people who are languishing in political prison camps.


  • Yet at the same time, they are also victims of severe structural discrimination.

    (脫北者) 我看著我朋友的母親被公開處死

  • The U.N. and other international bodies have repeatedly condemned the Japanese


  • structural discrimination against Koreans. The North Korean community often

    (北朝鮮人權協會執行董事) 侵害了所有想像的到的人權

  • cites this as validation for their plight, but the U.N. has also called North Korea's


  • human rights violations so grave that they have "no parallel in the contemporary world".

    但同時 他們也是嚴重結構性歧視的受害者

  • When you ask them how they reconcile this contradiction, the


  • response is always some version of:

    日本對朝鮮人的歧視 而北朝鮮社群常將之

  • "any country has human rights issues."


  • At first I found this astounding, that

    不過聯合國也指出北朝鮮侵害人權 到了「現代社會沒有其他地方能比擬」的地步

  • there could be such a willful ignorance to the atrocities of the North Korean


  • regime, but the more embedded I got into this North Korean community in Japan, the


  • more I realized that, to this marginalized community, North Korea

    (人權倡議人士) 「每個國家都有自己的人權問題」

  • represents more of a refuge of safety for their identity - something they crave

    那美國和日本的人權問題呢? 它們有很多更嚴重的議題

  • while they're living in a country that is actively working to diminish their

    刮別人鬍子之前 先刮乾淨自己的

  • heritage and culture.


  • While younger generations are more likely to assimilate into Japanese society,

    對於北朝鮮政權的暴行 竟然能有如此堅定的無視

  • the Chongryon have done an exceptional job


  • at cultivating the strong Korean identity despite all the pressure and

    對這個被邊緣化的社群來說 北韓象徵他們能找到認同感和安全感的避風港

  • hardship. In their last year of high school the students have an opportunity

    居住在一個努力剷平他們傳統和文化的國家 這是他們迫切渴望的

  • to go visit North Korea.


  • Seeing and hearing the accounts of this highly


  • choreographed visit to Pyongyang, is all you need to understand the


  • relationship that this disenfranchised community has towards its adopted homeland.


  • I visited the North Korean university where they've curated a museum dedicated to

    朝鮮總聯即使面對壓力和逆境 還是成功培養出很強烈的朝鮮認同感

  • everything Korean. Every rock, tree, species of fish, plant, animal, root, that

    在高中最後一年 學生能有機會到北朝鮮一遊

  • has ever existed on the Korean Peninsula is found in this museum, which was built

    門一打開 他們發現溫暖的人 看見他們的「心」

  • with support from the North Korean government. I had never seen such a


  • meticulously comprehensive collection to enshrine a place in a history.

    就足以理解這個被褫奪權利的社群 對於祖國的情感

  • This place does not exist for visitors. It's much more of a statement that, in spite of


  • intense pressure and hostility, Korean culture endures in Japan.


  • North Korea isn't their home country in the way that you would think. They weren't born there,

    朝鮮大學 位於東京

  • they've never lived there, but they see it as their home country because the

    我來到朝鮮大學 他們設立了一間朝鮮博物館

  • country that they were born in actively works to make their lives harder.

    每個朝鮮半島有的石、樹、魚、草、獸、根 這裡都有

  • Like in many parts of the world, right-wing nationalism is surging in Japan.


  • Anti-Korean rallies are on the rise, according to an investigation by

    我從未見過如此精細、全面的收藏 只為珍藏一個地方

  • Japanese law enforcement. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a fierce nationalist and

    此處不為遊客而存在 它的意義是要宣稱 儘管受到打壓、敵視

  • he's caught up in a scandal right now for having given secret donations to an


  • ultra-nationalist kindergarten with anti-Korean views. Japanese nationalism leads


  • to discrimination against Koreans. This causes the Koreans to resist Japan


  • as their home country, looking to a country they've never lived in for


  • support and protection of their identity.

    他們生不在那 活也不在那 但他們都視北朝鮮為祖國

  • Affiliating with this universally


  • reviled regime, that routinely vows to destroy Japan creates more resentment

    如同其他很多國家 右翼民族主義正在日本高漲

  • from the Japanese population and politicians, leading to more

    根據日本執法單位調查 反朝遊行越來越多

  • discrimination which leads to again deeper commitment to North Korea as a protector.

    首相安倍晉三是強烈的民族主義者 他最近陷入醜聞

  • And in my mind there's no doubt that the cycle will continue.


  • While I was in Japan making this video, I also spent a lot of time with these


  • ultra right-wing groups who are anti-Korean and I didn't go into that much in


  • this video, but I made an entire separate video about the rise of right-wing


  • politics in Japan and kind of the anti-Korean sentiment and where that comes

    和這個一致被世界譴責 並誓言摧毀日本的政權扯上關係

  • from, from like a historical perspective.


  • And of course: big THANK YOU to lululemon

    進而造成更多歧視 然後又更加深化北朝鮮作為保護者的觀念

  • who is a sponsor of Borders, they sent me these ABC pants a while back that I've


  • been wearing. They are sturdy, and flexible and you can wear them when


  • you're hiking or when you're at home. So thank you lululemon, but more importantly


  • thank you for supporting Borders and making this project possible. I'm gonna

    不管多艱難 我們都要守護這個地方 這是我一生的使命

  • leave a link here for the lululemon shop for men online, and you can check out

    我在日本做這支影片的時候 我也跟些反朝的極右翼團體做了很多交流

  • your own pair of ABC pants.


  • Alright, we're three episodes into


  • Borders, we have three to go. Get ready for next Tuesday when I publish the fourth.

    中間涉及到了一些反朝情緒 還有其中的來由 用歷史的角度去看

  • And wish me luck in the meantime I've got a lot of editing to do.

    00:13:03,640 --> 00:13:07,600

It's graduation day at a children's school in Tokyo.



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