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  • Thank you so much for those words. President of the general assembly united nations,

  • UN deputy secretary general, executive director, UN women, distinguished ladies and gentlemen.

  • When i was a very young person i began my career as an actress.

  • Whenever my mother wasn't free to drive me into Manhattan for auditions,

  • I would take the train from suburban new jersey and meet my father, who would have left his desk at the law office where he worked,

  • and we would meet under the upper platform arrival and departure sign in Penns station.

  • We would then get on the subway together, and when we surfaced,

  • he would ask me: Which way is north?

  • I wasn't very good at finding north in the beginning, but I auditioned a fair amount,

  • and so my dad kept asking me: Which way is north?

  • Overtime I got better at finding it.

  • I was struck by that memory yesterday while boarding the plane to come here,

  • not just by how far my life has come since then, but by how meaningful that seemingly small lesson has been.

  • When i was still a child, my father developed my sense of direction,

  • and now as an adult, I trust my ability to navigate space.

  • My father helped give me the confidence to guide myself through the world.

  • In late march last year 2016, I became a parent for the first time.

  • I remember the indescribable and as i understand it a pretty universal experience of holding my week old son,

  • and feeling my priorities change on a cellular level.

  • I remember I experienced a shift in consciousness that gave me the ability to maintain my love of career

  • and also cherish something else, someone else so much much more.

  • Like so many parents, I wondered how I was going to balance my work with my new role as parents,

  • and in that moment, I remember that the statistic for the US's policy and maternity leave flashed in my mind.

  • American women are currently entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave.

  • American men are entitled to nothing.

  • That information landed differently, for me when one week after my son's birth I could barely walk.

  • That information landed differently, when I was getting to know a human, who's completely dependent on my husband and I for everything,

  • when I was dependent on my husband for most things, and when we were relearning everything we thought we knew about our family and our relationship.

  • It landed differently, somehow we and every American parents were expected to be back to normal in under three months without income.

  • I remember thinking to myself if the practical reality of pregnancy is another mouth to feed in your home, and America is a country where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

  • How does 12 weeks unpaid leave economically work?

  • The truth is for too many people it doesn't.

  • One in four American women go back to work two weeks after giving birth, because they can't afford to take off any more time than that.

  • That's 25% of American women.

  • Equally disturbing, women who can afford to take a full 12 weeks often don't,

  • because it'll mean incurring a motherhood penalty, meaning they will be perceived as less dedicated to their job, and will be passed over for promotion and other career advancement.

  • In my own household, my mother had to choose between a career and raising three children.

  • The choice that left her unpaid and under appreciated as a homemaker, because there just wasn't support for both paths.

  • The memory of being in this city with my dad, is a particularly meaningful one, since he was the sole breadwinner in our house,

  • and my brothers and my time with him was always limited by how much he had to work.

  • And we were an incredibly privileged family, our hardships were the stuff of other family's dreams.

  • The deeper into the issue of paid parental leave I go, the clearer I see in the connection between persisting barriers to women's full equality and empowerment and the need to redefine.

  • and in some cases,

  • destigmatize men's role as caregivers.

  • In other words, in order to liberate women we need to liberate men.

  • The assumption and common practice, that women and girls look after the home and family is the stubborn very real stereotype,

  • that not only discriminates against women, but limits men's participation and connection in the family and society.

  • These limitations have broad ranging and significant effects for them and for the children.

  • We know this, so why do we continue to undervalue fathers and overburdened mothers?

  • Paid parental leave is not about taking days off work.

  • It's about creating the freedom to define roles.

  • To choose how to invest time, and to establish new positive cycles of behavior.

  • Companies that have offered paid parental leave for employees have reported have reported improved employee retention,

  • reduced absenteeism and training costs, and boosted productivity and morale.

  • Far from not being able to afford to have paid parental leave.

  • It seems we can't afford not to.

  • In fact a study in Sweden showed that for every month, fathers took maternity leave, the mothers income increases by 6.7 percent.

  • That's 6.7 percent more economic freedom for the whole family.

  • Data from the international men and gender equality survey shows that,

  • most fathers reported they would work less, if it meant that they could spend more time with their children.

  • And picking up from the thread that the prime minister mentioned, I'd like to ask how many of us here today, saw our dads enough growing up?

  • How many of you dads here see your kids enough now?

  • We need to help each other if we're going to grow.

  • Along with you and women, I'm issuing a call to action for countries companies and institutions globally to step up, and become champions for paid parental leave.

  • In 2013 provisions for paid parental leave, were in only 66 countries out of 190 UN member states.

  • I look forward to beginning with UN itself which has not yet achieve parity, and who's paid parental leave policies are currently up for review.

  • Oh you're going to see a lot of me.

  • Let us lead by example, in creating a world in which women and men are not economically punished for wanting to be parents.

  • I don't mean to imply that you need to have children to care about and benefit from this issue.

  • Whether or not you have or want kids.

  • You will benefit by living in a more evolved world of policies not based on gender.

  • We all benefit from living in a more compassionate time, where our needs do not make us weak.

  • They makes us fully human.

  • Maternity leave or any workplace policy based on gender, can at this moment in history, only ever be a gilded cage.

  • Though it was created to make life easier for women.

  • We now know it creates perception of women as being inconvenient to the workplace.

  • We now know it changed men to emotionally limited path.

  • And it cannot, by definition, serve the reality of a world in which there is more than one type of family,

  • because in the modern world, some family have two daddies.

  • How exactly does maternity leave serve them?

  • Today on International Women's Day.I would like to thank all of those who went before in creating our current policies.

  • Let us honor them and build upon what they started, by shifting our language,

  • and therefore our consciousness, away from gender and toward opportunity.

  • Let us honor our own parents' sacrifice by creating a path for a more fair, farther reaching truth to define all of our lives.

  • Especially the lives of our children, because paid parental leave does more than give more time for parents to spend with their kids.

  • It changes the story of what children observe, and will from themselves imagine possible.

  • I see cause for hopes, in my own country, the united states currently the only high income country in the world without paid maternity let alone parental leave,

  • great work has begun in the states of New York, California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Washington, which are currently all implementing paid parental leave programs.

  • First lady Chirlane McCray and Mayor Bill De Blasio have granted paid parental leave to over 20000 government employees in New York City.

  • We can do this.

  • Bringing about change cannot just be the responsibility of those who needed most.

  • We must have the support of those in the highest levels of power, if we are ever to achieve parity.

  • That is why it's such an honor, to recognize and congratulate pioneers of paid parental leave like the global company?

  • Today I'm proud to announce the known global CEO, Emmanuel Faber?

  • as our inaugural HeForShe Thematic champion for paid parental leave.

  • As part of this announcement, Danone?

  • will implement a global 18 weeks gender neutral paid parental policy, for the company's 100000 employees, by the year 2020

  • Monsieur Faber, when ambassador Emma Watson delivered her now iconic HeforShe's speech, and stated that if we live in a world where men occupy a majority of positions of power.

  • We need men to believe in the necessity of change, I believe she was speaking about visionaries like you.

  • Merci.

  • Imagine what the world could look like, one generation from now.

  • If the policy like Danone's becomes the new standard.

  • If 100000 people become 100 million, a billion, more.

  • Every generation must find their north.

  • When women around the world demanded the right to vote, we took a fundamental step towards equality, north.

  • When same sex marriage was passed in the US, we put an end to a discriminatory law, north.

  • When millions of men and boys, and prime minister and deputy directors of the UN.

  • Sorry, the president of the general assembly.

  • That's what happens when I go off script.

  • When men like the men in this room, and around the world, the ones we cannot see,

  • the ones who support us in ways that we cannot know but we feel.

  • When they answered Emma Watson's call to be HeForShe, the world grew, north.

  • We must ask ourselves, how would we be more tomorrow than we are today?

  • The whole world grows when people like you and me take a stand, because we know that,

  • beyond the idea of how men and women are different, there is a deeper truth:

  • that love is love, and parents are parents.

  • Thank you.

Thank you so much for those words. President of the general assembly united nations,



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