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  • All right. We all know this dance. We've all seen this dance. From step teams to fraternity

  • marches, sorority walks, everything, right? We all call it different things. I call it

  • the pony, so we're going to learn the pony today. This dance is a little odd because

  • as your legs move up, your body goes down. You want to think accordion, meeting in the

  • middle. So, right foot goes up, left knee bends. Let's try that again. We go 1-2-3-4,

  • again 5-6, try it on the other side. Bring that up, good. Keep your body going down,

  • 7-8. Let's do that again.

  • Now, there is a another piece to this, so you're not just bending. You have to leave

  • the floor, but don't jump up. You want to fall down. Fall 2, fall 3, 4, fall 5, 6, fall

  • 7, 8, other side. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8. We're going to do it a little faster, OK? 5-6-7-8, 1,

  • and 2, and 3, and 4, switch, 5-6-7-8. The key in switching is once you put this foot

  • down, keep them both planted, so that you can fall on the other leg. So, we're going

  • boom, 2-3-4, and 5-6-7-8. You can do any arms you want with this move. You see this a lot,

  • step teams, you even see this. You don't have to do all of that. You'd even see this. Just

  • have fun with the pony, have fun with the pony. Let's try music.

All right. We all know this dance. We've all seen this dance. From step teams to fraternity


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何做小馬|Hip-Hop Dancing (Hip-Hop舞蹈) (How to Do the Pony | Hip-Hop Dancing)

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    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日