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  • Why wait for Assassin's Creed Syndicate?

  • If you want a new AC game to play right now, I've got a secret that's going to

  • BLOW

  • YOUR

  • MIND

  • (theme music)

  • Hello Internet!

  • Welcome to Game Theory

  • The show that, like Assassin's Creed, keeps coming back for more

  • Every

  • Year

  • Wow, it really has been a once a year thing to do an AC episode huh?

  • 00:00:43,700 --> 00:00:48,680 So last time I mentioned the AC franchise here, we reached a SHOCKING conslusion,

  • Jump off of buildings, (*splat sound*) and you will die


  • But this time, I'm putting on my big boy robes, internet

  • and going over the lore of this game to see if we can't find something amazing

  • And forget about science with all its nasty physics

  • or History with all its nasty uhh

  • Crusades?

  • rabid colonialism?

  • Look, I don't exactly know what History has

  • But that's beside the point

  • Today, I'm doing nothing less than proving the existance of a heretofore unknown entry in the Assassin's Creed series.

  • That's right! A full game you didn't know existed

  • just outta sight!

  • Or really, not out of sight at all actually

  • because this lost, unknown Assassin's Creed game isn't rotting away on the cutting room floor

  • or in the minds of some game designers who didn't have the money to make it

  • Instead, it's hiding in plain sight, for sale right now, on store shelves

  • practically taunting you with its secret assassin-i-ness

  • That's a word right? Assassininess?

  • but what game is it?

  • Loyal therorists, I present you with Assassin's Creed 4 and a half!


  • That's right, all of our favorite: WATCH underscore DOGS

  • and this isn't some kind of half-butt easter egg that technically places the games in the same universe

  • I'm talking full on canon sharing

  • the black-hatted hacker and high collar trench coat enthusiast, Aiden Pearce, main character of Watch Dogs

  • is actually a modern day descendant of the Assassin's Order

  • and the plot of his game is completely tied with that of the other Assassin's Creed games

  • How can I be so sure?

  • Easy, because there is plenty of evidence

  • But, 'requiescat in pace'

  • Lets start at the very beginning

  • so we're all on the same page

  • Now if you're into the Assassin's Creed games for the story

  • I'd like to take this moment to warn you that there are going to be some plot spoilers ahead

  • so

  • skip or cover your ears or.. whatever

  • but honestly if you're a fan of the series you probably know most of this stuff anyway

  • Just doing my due dilligence alright?

  • So before there were any humans anywhere

  • In the world of Assassin's Creed,

  • there was a race of triple helix DNA-having beings

  • known as The First Civilization

  • They were extremely advanced in a sort of ancient aliens way

  • and actually it turns out

  • that the only reason humans exist in the first place

  • was that The First Civilization genetically developed us from primates

  • in order to serve as a work force.

  • And then, exerted their will over them with powerful items known as Pieces of Eden.

  • Which activates small naturally occurring neurotransmitters

  • designed to grow inside our brains from birth.

  • Problem was though, us human types were simply irresistible

  • and some of those First Civilizations members got monkey fever

  • who couldn't stop themselves from um.. *clears throat*

  • intermingling with the humans

  • resulting in human-First Civilization hybrids

  • that were immune to the Pieces of Eden.

  • And also inherited abilities like Eagle Vision.

  • a.k.a don't sue us Marvel copyright-friendly spider sense

  • These people fought for the justice and freedom of humans

  • Eventually winning enough battles that The First Civilization was wiped out after a large planetary catastrophe

  • who leaving the Earth, to the humans

  • and there is much rejoicing

  • *dull cheering*

  • Eventually those hybrid genes were spread across the gene pool

  • but those with high concentrations of them were often recruited to continue protecting humanity against threats to their free will

  • Most notably is either the Knights Templar

  • who wants to use those same Pieces of Eden to re-enslave the Earth

  • or

  • as the order of the assassins.

  • So that's the back story you need to know

  • but for this theory to hold any sort of weight;

  • the first we absolutely have to be a hundred percent sure of

  • is that Assassin's Creed and Watch_Dogs take place in the same universe.

  • And I assure you the evidence is there.

  • Check out this email from Assassin's Creed 4 which shows Blume.

  • The company responsible for the C.T.O.S. security network central to the plot of Watch_Dogs

  • offering use of the system to Abstergo Entertainment

  • The Templar run video game company from Assassin's Creed that uses experiences within the Animus

  • to create interactive games very similar to the Assassin's Creed games.

  • You know what? Now that I say the plot of Assassin's Creed out loud.

  • It's REALLY weird

  • and super

  • super meta

  • Ubisoft, bros..

  • Ar- Are you trying to- tell us.. something?

  • You're into world domination and controlling humanity with subliminal messaging?

  • Weird guys._.

  • Yo- You have to admit, it's-it's pretty weird.

  • In fact, the connection goes so far that you can see some of the games mentioned IN Assassin's Creed 4

  • ON the shelves in people's homes in Watch underscore Dogs

  • There's even a great little Easter egg which shows a father roasting his son for playing a game where after killing his target,

  • you go into a digital limbo to have a little chat

  • a.k.a. every Assassin's Creed game ever

  • There's also plenty of Abstergo employee's roaming the streets of Watch_Dogs' version of Chicago.

  • Which you can see with your cell phone magic

  • uh uh I mean..

  • high-tech hacker profiling device

  • But what makes me so sure this isn't just a bunch of Easter eggs?

  • I mean, we're not Crossover after all

  • Awe I'm sorry Drake

  • Still love you c:

  • Well, let's start with the soft evidence.

  • Aiden freeruns in a way very similar to the way AltaÏr, or Ezio, or Connor,

  • or Edward, or Arno do

  • Man, we have gone through a lot of assassins

  • And that focusing power Aiden has which allows him to slow down the way he processes time

  • is very similar to the Eagle Vision we've come to know from the Assassin's Creed series

  • which also allows the user to better concentrate on his surroundings and process information more easily

  • Aiden and the assassins also share the same sort of predictive countering techniques

  • a proclivity for stealth operations

  • and even a dependence on hacking

  • Remember Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane?

  • Two assassin hackers from throughout the franchise showing that, yes

  • the hooded and hidden blade weilders have room in their ranks for tech geeks too

  • The Assassins. Truly an equal opportunity employer.

  • So, what about Aiden himself?

  • If he was an assassin like I say wouldn't he bare some similarities? Or.. at least share some goals with the Assassin's Order?

  • For example, why is he called The Fox when all the other assassins use Eagle imagery?

  • Doesn't that kind of leave us dead in the water?

  • Well it would, if there wasn't an assassin from Italy known as "La Volpe"

  • Whch translates to "the fox"

  • And beside just being an assassin La Volpe was the leader of the Florentine and Roman thieves who worked against corruption in the establishment

  • Much like the hackers from Watch_Dogs.

  • Looking at all this together, this either suggests that the connection is super possible

  • or

  • that Ubisoft wanted a quick and dirty gameplay reskin.

  • But there seems to be more here than that.

  • Unsubstantiated comparisons be darned, lets look at the facts

  • Because nothing makes make me happier than supporting these theories with some good old solid in-game evidence.

  • Except maybe a lifetime supply of Diet Coke.

  • Looking at you Coke-Cola company

  • seriously waiting for that phone call

  • Now for this theory to really hit home

  • We need to prove that not only does Aiden know the assassins exist,

  • but that he also agrees with what they're doing enough to help them out along the way

  • Enter a man named Olivier Garneau

  • He's kind of like the bad guy from Quantum of Solace mixed with Steve Jobs.

  • And in Assassin's Creed 4 you meet him as C.E.O of Abstergo Enterntainment on your first day in the company.

  • It's through his emails that you learn the Templars are looking for a place called the Observatory.

  • And you run into him a few times here and there throughout the plot of the game, until he leaves the office for a share holders meeting in Chicago.

  • And.. that's it

  • From that point on he mysteriously disappears and no one ever hears from him again

  • You want to know why?

  • Aiden Pearce assassinates him in Watch_Dogs.

  • Hop over to Brandon Docks in Watch underscore Dogs and hack into a phone at the Brewed Delight to discover..

  • You guessed it

  • Olivier Garneau

  • Aiden sees that he's wanted by none other than The Brotherhood

  • Which we all know is just another name for the assassins

  • And guess what Aiden does

  • Does he let him go because he hates the assassins?

  • Escort him out of the city?

  • Uses magic hacking powers to get him a coupon code for free coffee?

  • No, he runs him down, and takes him out.

  • Why?

  • Because he's a target

  • And because Aiden Pearce knows who The Brotherhood is and wants to help.

  • And what's more, consider what a vode of confidence it is that The Brotherhood would even allow him to help.

  • We've seen time and again just how discerning they are with who they trust.

  • And the fact that Aiden's on their short list

  • Something it took most of the main AC characters more than half the game to do

  • Speaks volumes to his skill

  • His lineage

  • And his assassin-i-ness

  • See? I knew I'd use that word again.

  • Case closed

  • You just have to follow Abstergo.

  • But you know what internet?

  • That's not where this ends

  • Not by a longshot

  • Because follow Abstergo, I did.

  • And what I found doesn't just reveal a connection between Watch_Dogs and Assassin's Creed

  • It blows the lid off somethings so big

  • so Crazy

  • That plans must've been in the works for years right under our noses

  • And only now are we really finding out how deep this rabbit hole goes

  • If my calculations correct

  • Ubisoft has gone full Marvel

  • Where all the games based off their big company owned IP's

  • That they've released in the past few years take place in

  • One

  • Big

  • Universe

  • Where to begin?

  • How about Far Cry 3?

  • In Far Cry 3, the player character Jason

  • has even more similarities linking him to the assassin's than Aiden does

  • For example, Jason can mark and visually track targets through walls, trees, and foliage

  • just like an assassin

  • and the training he receives from the Rakyat people seems likely to be some sort of offshoot of the Assassin's Order

  • But again, all this means nothing if we don't connect the games worlds right?

  • In "The Lost Expeditions" DLC misson, Ignition in the Deep

  • Jason stumbles upon an abandoned Abstergo facility on the island the game takes place on.

  • Collect all the document fragments and you get a little blur from someone named Hayato

  • talking about the Pieces of Eden and early experiments by Thomas Edison leading to Animus technology

  • You're also given the access code

  • 1 2 2 1 1 2

  • Numbers that would seem completely random in the context of solely Far Cry 3

  • but make a whole lot more sense in the context of Assassin's Creed

  • For 1 2 2 1 1 2 is actually a reference to December 21st, Twenty Twelve

  • The long rumored date of the apocalypse as told by the Mayan Calendar

  • And a huge plot point for the Assassin's Creed franchise.

  • And that's not all!

  • In the game you can find the mystical Silver Dragon Dagger

  • Which the Rakyat people say will make the perfect warrior out of whom ever holds it.

  • And that everyone would kneel before its owner

  • Which, if true, could reflect the mind controlling properties of a Piece of Eden

  • And speaking of Pieces of Eden in Far Cry DLC

  • In the Valley of the Yetis DLC for Far Cry 4, player character AJ

  • who once again has magical eagle vision-like powers by the way

  • Must find and destroy a yellow glowing relic that can control your mind and physically transform you into a Yeti

  • hmm.. where have I heard of a glowing relic that can control the human mind and has special properties?

  • Can someone say Piece of Eden?

  • And it doesn't stop with the Far Cry series

  • These aren't quite as strong, but what about Megiddo?

  • The mysterious behind the scenes organization from Splinter Cell

  • It's an organization that controls a bunch of the world from Moscow to Washington D.C.

  • Doesn't that remind you of the Templars?

  • If not, then consider this

  • Like many elements of AC, this group in Splinter Cell is also a biblical reference

  • one to an ancient biblical city.

  • And not only that, in Greek, the name translates to Armageddon

  • 1 2 2 1 1 2

  • The end of the world theme continues.

  • Even in Ghost Recon

  • Ubisoft isn't afraid to allow Abstergo to make an appearance

  • From one of the DLC packs quote

  • "Straight from the weapon ranks of the Abstergo Industries private security force"

  • Another connection that starts to blur the line between casual Easter egg and full on canon sharing.

  • Regardless of how firmly you see those last two the point is this

  • Assassin or no, Aiden, Jason, AJ, and the rest of Ubisoft's growing cast of characters from their yearly franchises

  • All live together in the same world

  • And these connections are only growing stronger year by year

  • All it's gonna take is one giant Avengers style crossover game to make them hundreds of millions of dollars because all of us are excited to see it happen

  • Assassin's underscore Dogs

  • Splinter Recon

  • Now all they gotta do is fit Rayman in there somewhere and I'm sold

  • But before I sign off for this episode, I've got a huge announcement

  • For the next month, I'm going to be trying live streaming

  • Right here! On The Game Theorists channel

  • After a Summer of awesome conventions like SGC and VidCon and with Retro Palooza coming out in September

  • I realize that those are great because it means I get to hangout with a couple hundred of you

  • But there's still so many of you out there who can't come to these things

  • I realize that I just want more time to hang out with you, play with you, goof off, have fun, discuss theories

  • And with us about to cross 5 million subscribers

  • The timing just felt right to do something that really makes you a more regular part of the channel

  • Seriously, none of this would be possible without all 5 million of you

  • And live streaming just felt like the best way to reach the most of you

  • So next Wednesday, the 26th, at 7 o'clock p.m. PST pacific time

  • We''ll be having the first one

Why wait for Assassin's Creed Syndicate?


B2 中高級 美國腔

遊戲理論。刺客信條共享宇宙的陰謀 (Game Theory: The Assassin's Creed Shared Universe Conspiracy)

  • 41 2
    kathy123 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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