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  • Thornton: Now, wait a minute. This is very important to us.

  • Moe: Hey, are you guys cops, or what?

  • Macgyver: We're with the Phoenix team. Our driver was almost killed today, and we have

  • reason to believe it was not an accident.

  • Thornton: Would you please show us the footage?

  • Moe: Alright, alright, alright. If it'll get you guys off my case.

  • Macgyver: Alright, go ahead and run through this.

  • More.

  • There, freeze that. Can you clear that up any?

  • Moe: That's as good as it gets.

  • Macgyver: Got an image enhancer that can bitmap?

  • Thornton: 'Bitmap'? What's that?

  • Moe: Could do it...

  • Thornton: Bit... map... bitmap... you mean an enlargment?

  • Macgyver: Now, vector in on that guy by the back wheel.

  • Moe: Okay, boss.

  • Macgyver: Right, lock on... and enlarge the Z-axis...

  • Moe: ...and enhance the X and Y! Now we're cooking! Alright! Okay.

  • Thornton: Is that who I think it is?

  • Moe: Gotcha!

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Moe: Magic fingers, do your stuff.

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Moe: Magic fingers, do your stuff.

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Moe: Magic fingers, do your stuff.

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Macgyver: Enlarge that again, would you?

  • Moe: Magic fingers, do your stuff.

  • Thornton: O'Malley...

  • Macgyver: Better call the police.

  • Thornton: Uh, can I use this phone?

  • Moe: Yeah, man, go right ahead.

  • Macgyver: Can you make a copy of this for us?

  • Moe: You got it.

Thornton: Now, wait a minute. This is very important to us.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

Macgyver圖像增強 (Macgyver Image Enhancement)

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    901009eason 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日