字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 "Rainbow Six Siege" came out last December, 《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》於去年 12 月上市 到現在已經過了 10 個多月 about 10 months ago. 這是個節奏緊湊、戰略性十足的多人射擊遊戲 It's a tense, tactical multiplayer shooter, 而它也吸引了為數眾多 期待新鮮、渴望刺激的熱情玩家 and it attracted a big following of players 如今,越來越多人們都加入了《圍攻行動》的玩家行列,其人數規模更勝以往 excited by the prospect of something fresh, something new. 這也一再說明了本遊戲有多麼獨特出眾 Today more people are playing Siege every day 而現在,正是你一併加入戰局的大好時機 than ever before. 這也就是為什麼我要在這裡 傳授你們完全攻略《圍攻行動》的六大步驟 That means this game is something special, 讓我們開始吧! and it's time for you to give it a try. 第一步,觀看教學影片 That's why I'm here, to give you your six 這可不是在開玩笑 steps to success in Siege. 我當然知道 各位在射擊遊戲方面的經驗都已相當充足 Let's begin. 但相信我 《圍攻行動》可不是個能簡單駕馭的遊戲 Step one, watch the tutorial videos. 之所以難以駕馭,主要是因為本遊戲具備大規模的場景破壞要素 Now, don't scoff. 無論是牆壁、天花板、還是地板 全部都有被炸開或射穿的可能性 I'm sure you've aimed down plenty of virtual sights 總歸來說就是,完全沒有當初它們的設計中所該具備的防禦功能 before, but trust me, Siege is a different beast. 花點時間想像一下 你們日常生活中所碰到的、看到的所有的牆壁 This is largely because of the extensive environmental 都是如此堅固,如此安全 destructability. 可是,這個世界可不一樣啊,朋友 Walls, ceilings, and floors all have the potential 天花板,是敵人大舉入侵的窗口 to be blown up, shot through, and generally rendered 而地板,也只不過是騙小孩子的把戲 useless for the purpose they were designed to serve. 至於牆壁呢? Take a moment and picture them-- all the walls you encounter 你可別期待牆壁能有多安全 in your daily life. 這就是為什麼你得看教學影片 So solid, so safe. 你能從中學習,同時還能賺得聲望點數 Well, not in this world, friend-o. 而你也就能開始著手第二步: 利用「情境訓練」模式進入狀況 The ceiling is a place where bad guys come from. 「情境訓練」模式中有許多能協助你 The floor is a lie they tell children. 熟悉基礎操作方法的單人任務,它能教你如何在實戰中痛宰對手 And the walls? 如何在戰鬥的開端,用無人偵察機勘查戰場 You cannot trust the walls. 如何在激戰當中,也一樣使用偵察機勘查戰局 That's why you watch tutorial videos. 雖然「偵查」這種事並不是最酷炫最帥氣的 You'll learn, you'll get paid in renown, 但所謂知己知彼,百戰百勝 越能掌握戰情,你就越有機會能戰勝對手 and you'll move on to step two, get situated with situations. 知識就是力量 These are solo missions that familiarize you 練習如何在衝出掩護物或是在轉角處窺探時開火 with the basic mechanics of how to kick butt in Siege, how 大多數槍戰都是這麼贏下來的 to use your drone at the beginning of the match 用繩索往上爬、用繩索垂降 如果你從屋頂上摔下去了,別緊張 to scout the scene, how to use your drone 這錯大家都犯過 in the middle of the match to scout the scene. 丟閃光彈之前,先確定自己的眼睛不會反被強光閃瞎 Scouting may not feel like a real bad ass thing to do, 還有,無論你有多麼想配著熱血音樂來打這遊戲,千萬別這麼做 but good intel means a better chance 《圍攻行動》的遊戲音效 在追蹤敵人方面是極其有幫助的 to get the best of your enemies. 還記得我說知識就是什麼嗎? Knowledge is power. 力量嘛 Practice firing as you pop out of cover or peek 現在,相信你已經熟悉了不少情境 around corners. 也累積了不少聲望點數了 This is how most gunfights are won. 現在,讓我們移動到「特勤幹員」選單來花用你的積蓄吧 Rappel up, rappel down, and don't worry 第三步,解鎖「特勤幹員」並整裝待發 when you fall off the roof. 「特勤幹員」是《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》中所收錄的特殊角色 It happens to everyone. 他們各自具備獨有的專精技能 Throw stun grenades until you aren't flashing yourself 讓你能在戰鬥中做出更多新奇的花樣,比如偵測心跳 in the face. 架設陷阱,或者將倒下的夥伴復活 And as much as you'll want to put on training montage music, 又或是揮舞一把巨無霸的大鐵鎚 don't. 在「攻擊方」和「防守方」中各選擇 至少一位你中意的幹員,然後解鎖他們吧! The audio effects in Siege are hugely helpful in tracking 不過別忘了 your enemies. 要留幾百聲望點數來購買他們的配備 And remember what I said about knowledge? 幫你的衝鋒槍或突擊步槍安裝瞄具 Power. 他們將在你有朝一日步入《圍攻行動》 Now that you've played a few situations 的致命戰場時,給你極大的幫助 and earned a nice little stash of renown, 那個有朝一日 — 就是現在 let's head on over to the Operator menu and spend it. 現在,我們進入第四步 — 實戰操作 Step three, unlock Operators and gear up. 如果你是攻擊方的話 就用你的無人偵察機來尋找攻擊目標 Operators are the unique characters 用它掃描戰場偵查敵人 of "Rainbow Six Siege." 並將它停放在具有良好視野的隱蔽處 Each has a special ability that can 讓你的隊友在死後還能將它們作為攝影機來使用 help you do cool stuff in combat, like detect heartbeats, 作為防守方時,如果你有「特勤幹員」道具的話,就用上他們吧 or set booby traps, or revive downed allies, 在門口擺下鐵絲網,再強化加固幾堵牆 or carry a big stonking hammer. 盡你所能,把對手的偵察機通通射毀吧 Pick at least one attacker and one defender that sound 但可千萬別為了炸掉面前的機械式狗仔隊 cool to you, and unlock them. 而讓隊友蒙受被自己人誤傷的風險啊! But be sure to save a few hundred 那些政商名流可是每天都在處理類似的狀況 renown for their loadouts. 而他們,可是沒有在開槍喔! Adding a sight to an SMG or assault rifle 好了,現在準備階段才剛告一個段落 will be a huge help when you enter 但這場情報戰早已經如火如荼地開打了 the deadly battlegrounds of Siege which 防守方,用上你們的攝影機 you're going to do right-- now. 試著找出你們敵人的來向吧 It's time for step four, stepping up to the streets. 攻擊方,小心提防那些我所提到的攝影機 If you're attacking, use your drone to find the objective. 如果看到它們的話,就儘管開槍 Scan your enemies and park in a hidden spot 留意那些路障或牆壁中有沒有什麼窺視孔 with good sight lines, so your dead teammates 防守方很可能會透過它們發現你的存在 can use it as a camera later. 還有,跟你的隊友們並肩前進 一起逼近對手的據點吧 On defense, set up your Operator gadget if you've got one, 通常,這時候的你會非常想嘗試單人的側翼突擊 throw down some barbed wire and doorways, 或獨自離開你們隊伍的防禦工事來打游擊 and fortify a wall or two. 當然,這兩者都有可能帶來極其成功的戰果 Blast enemy drones if you can, but do not 而我相信你也絕對會去嘗試的 risk shooting your teammates just because the paparazzi 你的精彩表現能進入 YouTube 中的精華影片 on wheels is up in your face. 你英雄式的美技當然也能有被做成 GIF 圖檔的價值 Celebrities deal with this kind of thing all the time, 但是朋友,如果你真以為 你能在頭幾場遊戲裡就做到那種事的話 and they barely ever shoot anybody. 你絕對是在做白日夢 All right, the preparation phase is over, 醒醒吧,別妄想了 but the intel war is already in full swing. 第五步,迎接死亡 Defenders, get on the cameras and try 你一定會死 to spot where the enemy is coming from. 你一定會死很多次 Attackers, be on the lookout for said cameras, 而且在下回合開始前,你是沒有辦法重生的 and if you see one, shoot it. 盡你所能的利用攝影機來幫助你的隊友 Watch for peepholes in barricades or walls 與此同時,仔細想想你是怎麼死的 that the defenders might be using to spot you, 想清楚你是怎麼被對手殺掉的 and approach the building with your team. 因為這不只能教你如何不再犯相同的錯 Now is the time when you might be tempted 還能幫你找出能逆轉局勢的手法 to make a solo flanking run, or roam away 將來就能藉此翻盤擊殺對手 from your team's defenses. 反將一軍 These can both be super good things to do, 你極有可能成功攻略這款遊戲 and you will do them. 前提是,你必須遵守第六步來做 — 團隊合作、制勝關鍵 You will make that YouTube highlight, 選好你的夥伴,跟緊你的夥伴 that oh-so-GIFable hero play. 學習你的夥伴 But if you think you're going to do it 夥伴朝哪開槍,你就朝哪開槍 用槍火好好掩護他 in your first few matches, you're dreaming, my friend. 如果你的夥伴倒下了,趁著周遭安全時復活他 Snap out of it. 然後試著替他復仇吧! Step five, embrace death. 這就是你學習的方法 You're going to die. 知識就是力量 You're going to die a lot, and you won't 是你攻克那些帶著盾牌超煩敵人們的力量 respawn until the next round. 是你像個真正的動作片主角般盪繩索破窗而入的力量 Use the cameras to help your teammates if you can, 是讓你感覺到,自己就是那命中注定的《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》玩家的力量 and think about how you died. 這是股極強烈的感受,越來越多人每天都能體驗到的召喚 Figuring out how you got got not only teaches you 而如今,在你已學會如何快速上手之後,該你上場了 about your mistakes, it also gives you 我們在《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》的戰場上見 ideas on how to turn the tables, and then 若想得知更多遊戲訊息、戰術策略或是遊戲相關訊息 kill people with those tables. 請訂閱此 YouTube 頻道並造訪 UbiBlog 官方部落格 Metaphorically. You'll have your best shot at success if you stick to step six, teamwork makes the dream work. Pick a buddy and stick with your buddy. Learn from your buddy. Shoot where your buddy shoots, and cover your buddy's back. If your buddy goes down, revive your buddy if the coast is clear, and then try to avenge your buddy. This is how you learn. Knowledge is power. The power to deal with those pesky shield bearing enemies, power to swing through a freshly breached window like a bonafide action hero. The power to feel like the bad ass "Rainbow Six Siege" player you are destined to be. It's a powerful feeling, one that more people are experiencing every day. And now that you know how to start strong, it's your turn. See you on the Siege grounds. For more tips, strategies, and gaming puns, subscribe to this YouTube channel and visit the UbiBlog.
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 圍攻 遊戲 行動 對手 隊友 牆壁 彩虹六號攻城戰六步攻城成功指南-育碧SEA (Rainbow Six Siege Six-Step Guide to Siege Success - Ubisoft SEA) 209 6 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字