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  • - They call me dad.

  • - What.

  • And, so, we've been having a problem recently

  • that they've been arguing over who gets to sit where.

  • You guys need to work this out.

  • Go sit on the front porch,

  • and let me know when you have a plan.

  • - I think I'm gonna burn myself.

  • - [Mom] Are you feelin' a little nervous?

  • - We did it, dude.

  • - We found a frog.

  • - [Mom] There's a frog down here?

  • (piano keys dinging)

  • - Ah.

  • - It comes down to this.

  • Good job.

  • So, this upcoming Sunday, Isaac was asked to give a talk

  • in church, and he was given the topic, choosing the right.

  • And, he has been working on it this morning.

  • - I will talk about choosing the right.

  • Me choosing the right is obeying our parents,

  • and choosing good, not bad.

  • For example, let's say my mom asked me to load the dishes.

  • Choosing the right would be saying yes.

  • Not choosing the right would be running away

  • and, or saying no.

  • I try to say yes.

  • If you choose the right, you will be blessed, and so will I.

  • - [Mom] Nailed it.

  • - [Dad] I'm so proud of you.

  • You did it all by yourself.

  • - It's fun to see a kid old enough to do that.

  • You're getting old.

  • You have a birthday coming.

  • You're getting an older.

  • - [Dad] Yup, birthday comin' up.

  • - This is breakfast.

  • Look.

  • Water, yogurt, carrots,

  • kale, I was gonna say kelp.

  • That's not (murmurs). - That'd be gross.

  • - Mango and frozen berries.

  • Ready?

  • (blender rattling)

  • (laughing)

  • It's like it's gonna take off.

  • So, it ends up looking a little bit like diarrhea,

  • but it's actually a really good smoothie.

  • - [Dad] How's your diarrhea smoothie?

  • - It's amazing, but I don't like the name.

  • Let's call it yummy, healthy smoothie

  • that happens to be brown. - Okay.

  • Sometimes the grosser it looks, the better it is for you.

  • - There's an actual good name for it.

  • A mango, carrot, kale,

  • strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry smoothie

  • with yogurt.

  • - [Dad] And water.

  • Hello.

  • - [Mom] Papa, which one's our baby?

  • - [Dad] Hey (chuckles).

  • She's actually like trying to play with this.

  • Gettin' so big.

  • You're so aware.

  • Our baby's getting so big.

  • Good job holding her.

  • - Mom taught me how.

  • Ah-doo, ah-doo-doo, ah-doo, bah-doo, bah-doo, hello.

  • - We are going to gymnastics, our first summer gymnastics.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • - [Mom] Good work.

  • I'm doing something that I have never done before.

  • I am taking all five of my kids to the grocery store.

  • I think we can do this.

  • So, I put Jenee in the carrier,

  • and we only need a few things.

  • We're taking dinner to some friends of ours tonight

  • that are busy moving.

  • And, I need something, and so, I had no other choice,

  • but to come with everyone.

  • It's gonna be fun, right guys?

  • - [Child In Pink Pants] Mhm.

  • - [Kid's Voice] Apple.

  • - Apple.

  • We're surviving so far.

  • Luckily, the big kids are really helpful.

  • Isaac's pushing the cart, Elise's helping.

  • This is my favorite kind of turkey, and it's on sale.

  • - [Child In Purple] Mm.

  • - Well, we're ending up leaving before than I expected, bye

  • which is probably because I'm really, really hungry

  • right now.

  • Come on, guys.

  • - We're coming.

  • (kids laughing)

  • - Behave please.

  • Anyway, shopping hungry is never a good idea.

  • I think we ended up with cookie dough and ice cream

  • and, who knows what else.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - [Kid In Red] This means that the new white is 99 cents.

  • - [Mom] You think our total is gonna be 99 cents?

  • - (chuckles) yeah.

  • - No.

  • We're getting out of here just in time.

  • Jenee's getting fussy.

  • So, our three younger kids are in car seats,

  • so every time they get in the car,

  • they just sit in their car seat.

  • But, Isaac and Elise are in booster seats,

  • and they can sit in each other's booster seats,

  • and so, we've been having a problem recently

  • that they've been arguing over who gets to sit where.

  • And, so finally today, I said, guys,

  • you guys need to work this out.

  • Go sit on the front porch,

  • and let me know when you have a plan.

  • And, so, they are trying to come up with a plan

  • about how to share and like who's sitting where.

  • So, let's see what they come up with.

  • Alright, so what's the plan?

  • - The plan is that permanently, we just switch turns

  • every day, so the first day is my turn, then hers,

  • then my turn, then hers.

  • So, that means in two years,

  • we would have the same amount of turns.

  • - Hm.

  • The two-year plan.

  • I love you guys.

  • Thanks for figuring out a solution to your problem.

  • Sh.

  • My house is quiet.

  • It's amazing.

  • I'm gonna eat my lunch now.

  • (soft music)

  • (clinking)

  • Well, we're done with discovery time,

  • but the little girls are still sleeping,

  • and so, I'm taking the moment to teach the kids something

  • that I've been wanting to teach 'em for awhile,

  • but they're kids.

  • Ah, there's something in my toe.

  • Ah, okay, sorry, thought it was a bug.

  • I decided that it's time for the big kids

  • to learn some good oven safety skills.

  • I'm ready for them to learn how to put something

  • in the oven, and take something out of the oven.

  • The oven is cold, and so, I'm trying to teach the skills

  • right now when the oven is not hot.

  • Then, we're gonna try doing it with a hot oven,

  • and bake some cookies for our neighbors

  • that we're taking dinner to tonight.

  • - The oven is cold.

  • - [Mom] Open it up, grab it.

  • (clanking)

  • Don't touch the rack.

  • Okay, so, it's always better to go with both hands.

  • - These are my safety mittens, and they're dirty.

  • Kinda yucky.

  • - Alright, the oven is still cold.

  • Keep it flat.

  • Good job.

  • We don't want any of those cookies to fall off the sheet.

  • Okay.

  • Now, Elise, you gotta really watch on this side,

  • that you don't bump your hand.

  • (thudding)

  • Good job keepin' it level.

  • Oh, level.

  • No.

  • Open it up.

  • - Beep, beep, beep, beep.

  • There goes the timer.

  • - Good job.

  • Keep it flat.

  • Oh, you're doing a great job with those cookies.

  • Good work.

  • Good job. Keep it level.

  • Keep it level.

  • Oh, don't burn yourself by bringing it back.

  • Good job.

  • Who wants to make some real cookies?

  • - [Elise] Me.

  • - [Mom] What temperature are we gonna preheat the oven to?

  • - 350?

  • Or 325.

  • - I'd do 325.

  • (beeping)

  • And then, you have to hit start.

  • (beeping)

  • You guys are gonna make these cookies all by yourselves.

  • - So, once I'm a grown-up, like married grown-up,

  • I'm gonna like get these cookies out,

  • and once my kids are asleep, I'm gonna just bake them

  • and eat them.

  • - [Mom] All by yourself (chuckles)?

  • - But, I might share with one person.

  • - [Mom] Who would you share with?

  • - I don't know.

  • - [Mom] Maybe your wife?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Mom] Do you think she might want one?

  • (boy chuckling)

  • Would you share 'em with me?

  • - You're gonna be dead.

  • - [Mom] What (chuckles)?

  • No, I wont.

  • I'm gonna live next door to you,

  • and be the grandma to your children.

  • - How will you know where I live?

  • - [Mom] 'Cause you're gonna tell me where you live,

  • so I can send you Christmas presents.

  • - What will you give me?

  • - [Mom] Adult Christmas presents, like a vacuum cleaner.

  • - Oh.

  • And a phone?

  • - [Mom] Maybe.

  • You might have to buy your own phone

  • 'cause you'll be a big person.

  • You have to do your own work and buy your own phone

  • and your own car and your own electricity.

  • - Let's get to work.

  • - [Mom] Alright, so we bought

  • easy chocolate chip cookies today.

  • Caleb, can you put them on the tray for us?

  • (upbeat music)

  • So, what are you thinkin'?

  • - I think I'm gonna burn myself.

  • - Are you feelin' a little nervous?

  • If you don't want a tray, you don't have to.

  • - I want you to help me,

  • like I want you to tell me what I need to do,

  • like what-- - I will definitely help you.

  • Deal?

  • - Mhm.

  • - Alright, you ready to go?

  • Now, it's a hot oven.

  • Now, I'm just gonna help you.

  • Caleb, stay back.

  • Good job.

  • Okay, now, shut the oven.

  • You ready?

  • Open it up.

  • You need to go to the side, like it needs to, if you can.

  • So, don't touch the cookies.

  • Good job.

  • Good job.

  • Keep it level.

  • Put it up there. Watch out for your leg.

  • Good job.

  • Okay, now, shut the oven.

  • You did it, dude. (triumphant music)

  • (splatting) - Can I see them?

  • - [Mom] Do they smell good?

  • - Can we eat some?

  • - [Mom] Well, we're gonna share some with our friends,

  • but I bet they'll be some for us to eat too.

  • You're gonna slide them underneath, and put it right here.

  • The kids are outside playing in the water again.

  • They have water guns this time,

  • so they're really excited about that,

  • and I am putting together dinner to take to our neighbor.

  • I'm using a freezer meal, so it's just easy.

  • And, it is called honey lime chicken enchiladas.

  • It's one of our favorite.

  • Here's the filling for the enchiladas,

  • and then, there's this topping, and then, you cover it all

  • in a can of mild green chili enchilada sauce,

  • which is one of my favorites.

  • Oh, and cheese.

  • Obviously, you'll also need a lot of cheese.

  • - We found a frog.

  • - [Mom] You guys found a frog?

  • There's a frog down here?

  • Oh, it is definitely alive.

  • Oh my goodness. - It's shy, it looks like.

  • - [Mom] Oh, it's a cute little frog.

  • - [Kid In Green Swimsuit] It's a baby frog.

  • - [Mom] You think it's a baby frog?

  • Here, let's see if daddy can move the thing for us

  • so we can get him out.

  • - [Kid's Voice] Oh, oh.

  • - [Mom] Oh, that's yucky back there.

  • There's the little frog.

  • - [Elise] I think it likes it--

  • - [Mom] Oh (laughing).

  • Caleb, you can try to catch it.

  • - [Caleb] No, it's hard.

  • - [Elise] He might be peeing.

  • - [Mom] Why do you think he's peeing?

  • - [Elise] Because I saw yellow right between his legs.

  • - It's okay, little buddy.

  • - Elise, you're right, the underside of his legs are yellow.

  • So, Isaac just came running out and said,

  • "Mom, the fire alarm's going off."

  • So, I come running in, the house is quiet.

  • Turns out it was our rice cooker

  • which, to be honest, makes a really crazy loud sound.

  • - I haven't heard a fire alarm in our house, really.

  • So, I didn't really know what it was,

  • and I forgot our rice cooker was so loud,

  • so I just ran outside and told the parent,

  • it's a fire alarm.

  • - [Mom] Well, that's a really smart idea.

  • You should always tell us

  • if you think there's a fire in your house.

  • Alright, you guys can go back down and play with the frog.

  • - Uh, I don't want to play with it.

  • Sort of freaked out. - Okay.

  • Why are you freaked out?

  • - I don't like frogs.

  • - We named the froggy, Junior.

  • - [Dad] Junior.

  • - [Kid In Green Swimsuit] Caleb Junior.

  • - It's right there.

  • - [Dad] It's kind of hard to see a froggy in the dirt.

  • - Let's try to catch him in this big bowl.

  • - Can frogs breathe in water?

  • - [Dad] Um, I don't know. I think so.

  • What's your plan for catching Junior?

  • - I think I should just wait until he hops in.

  • - [Dad] You'll just top right in there?

  • Maybe.

  • Okay, you guys, you stay here and wait,

  • and you let me know if he hops in, okay?

  • (easygoing music)

  • - [Kid In Green Swimsuit] Is the water okay?

  • Ah.

  • - [Dad] You're gonna have to be fast.

  • (dad chuckling)

  • Okay, get your hands out there.

  • Hold him.

  • You gotta get in front of him,

  • or he's gonna get into the woods.

  • He jumped right on you.

  • Did it hurt?

  • - No, it just--

  • - [Dad] Did it surprise you?

  • - Yes.

  • - [Dad] Keep your hands around him.

  • Oh.

  • (kids laughing)

  • Hey, do you want to try?

  • - [Mom] Lorde, what were you just telling me about?

  • - Caleb Junior.

  • - [Mom] Who's Caleb Junior?

  • - Froggy.

  • - [Mom] Have you held him?

  • - [Caleb] I poured water in there.

  • Come to drink.

  • - [Dad] Very ain't that full.

  • - [Caleb] Yeah.

  • - [Dad] And, there's a crack in there

  • so he can breathe, right?

  • - Yeah, I'm trying.

  • I'm getting him frozen water, but I've tried catching

  • some bugs, but he's not, but they're not comin' to me.

  • - It's okay that it might not work to catch the bugs

  • by just hoping they fly into your bowls.

  • Do you think he's happy in there,

  • or do you think we should let him back out into the woods?

  • - I think he's fine.

  • - [Dad] Okay.

  • (banging)

  • (banging)

  • So, Caleb, how do you think Junior's mom and dad feels

  • about you keepin' him?

  • - I'm letting him go tomorrow morning.

  • - [Dad] Well, did you ask permission

  • if you could stay the night?

  • - I know his mom and dad don't want him to stay the night,

  • but I want to keep him.

  • - [Dad] We probably should respect

  • what his mom and dad want, and let him go before the night.

  • - Well, the food's all ready to go

  • to deliver to our neighbors, and I'm kind of sad.

  • They've been such great neighbors.

  • I'm really sad to see them moving.

  • I got the hot stuff,

  • and Elise has the salad and the cookies.

  • Ready to go?

  • - (laughing) yeah.

  • - I'm letting Junior go.

  • - [Mom] You're letting Junior go?

  • - [Caleb] Mhm.

  • - [Mom] Wow, what made you decide to let Junior go?

  • - I don't know.

  • I just wanted to.

  • (laughing)

  • I'm letting Junior go

  • maybe because I think he might be happier.

  • - [Mom] There goes Junior.

  • Do you think he's going back to his mom and dad?

  • - [Caleb] Mhm.

  • - [Mom] He had an adventure today.

  • He'll say, "This boy and this girl, they caught me.

  • "And, they took such good care of me."

  • - [Caleb] I can't see him anymore.

  • - [Mom] Well, Junior has made it all the way over here

  • to the edge of the woods.

  • He's almost there.

  • You think that's where his mom is?

  • - Yeah.

  • That's his room.

  • - [Mom] Goodbye, Junior.

  • Thanks for playing with us.

  • - [Caleb] Yeah, goodbye.

  • - [Mom] You're sad to let him go, huh?

  • - Mhm.

  • - [Mom] You took really good care of him, buddy.

  • Alright, tell them what you did.

  • - I cleaned the whole kitchen.

  • - [Mom] The whole kitchen.

  • - [Elise] Look.

  • - [Mom] It looks amazing.

  • - Look, completely wiped right there.

  • - She wiped the table, they counter-swept the floor,

  • loaded the dishwasher, did the dishes.

  • I am so proud of you.

  • Guys, look how amazing this is.

  • What.

  • What.

  • Oh my goodness, and she washed all of these.

  • What.

  • I'm so proud of you.

  • We are so blessed (smooching) to have you in our family.

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Mom] You wanna give us a good night?

  • - Good night, J house out.

  • - [Dad] Look at those guns.

  • - [Mom] You got it.

  • - [Dad] Looks really good.

  • - Way too much soap.

  • Clean that house.

  • - Oh my.

- They call me dad.


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