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  • Alright, in talking about the same subject... I don't know how many of you will be able to make this point...

  • The bit of getting angry.

  • The habit of getting angry I should say. We all have the habit of getting angry.

  • The habit of getting angry is essentially related to this

  • that for the moment you have become subjectively involved with something.

  • And love, like I said before, is a very subjective thing

  • and therefore it tends to induce subjective aspects of behavior.

  • And I would suggest this:

  • That as you fall inlove with somebody or as you become that involved with somebody emotionally

  • to be able to sit back and enjoy the relationship and yet

  • not get sucked into the vortex of the ultra-subjectivity

  • where you lose perspective.

  • let me say it another way: yesterday I mentioned at the session that

  • the dangers of

  • love, was that it was a subjective thing.

  • and what would take its place is "understanding". I'll use that word in different ways.

  • When I say "understanding" - A high degree of predictability about the person you're with.

  • In areas... This represents a person,

  • and this represents this persons predictability about the other person.

  • Now, if I were to ask this person that has this scale of predictability about this person:

  • "What about... (thus and so...)?" (He'll say:) "Well, I don't know that person in that area".

  • If you can do that, it's very difficult to do.

  • I don't know what my car's like on mountain roads

  • but I like it in the city, I like it in Miamy, but in San francisco

  • the car may give me a lot of different problems.

  • You know, going uphill and downhill... All sorts of problems.

  • So when I go to San francisco I gotta do something else, brand new.

  • This is an exaggerated hill in San francisco.

  • When you park your car you turn your wheels toward the curb when you put your brakes on.

  • A lot of people leave the wheels headed downhill and they pull the brakes on

  • the same way they pulled it on in the flat country.

  • And so, if the brakes were to release at least your car will go into a building on the side of the hill

  • or the wheels will hit the curb

  • but if you put them straight, you've made no adjustment for that new country.

  • So when you meet a new person

  • Instead of subjectively saying: "I love everything about that person"

  • (Say:) "I love everything I KNOW about that person."

  • Now, we also must say: "What is it that I DON'T know about the person?"

  • I don't know what their work habits are like. Let's say... Can I use you?

  • Let's say I live with you and you're playing your violin.

  • And I say: "Shit, you know, you've been playing for 4 hours we haven't had any time together at all"

  • and you say: "Just another 20 minutes." and I say: "Oh, alright".

  • When you say: "Just another 20 minutes", you've contradicted my need, see?

  • I'm not saying this is true... This isn't true (this story).

  • Because the reason I brought it up is cause I have a need to be with you!

  • and you said: "Another 20 minutes..." You just Interrupted (my need).

  • Now, if you said to me: "I'm gonna play for about 4 hours maybe 5 hours. Can you take it?"

  • and I said: "I don't know" and you said: "Tough shit, this is a must for me"

  • "It's important for our relationship my rehearsing with violin".

  • Then I've gotta learn to... not "Permit you", but to "Allow"... I must accept that difference

  • without saying: "Huh! She thinks more of her violin practice than she does of me!".

  • Is that alright?

  • Now, if you are a hand holder, an all day hand holder

  • let's say you're an hand holder for 8 hours

  • and I get my complete relief and kicks by holding hands for an hour and a half

  • and I'm completely gratified cause that's all I need.

  • But she needs 3 hours of it.

  • I have no right to say: "Why don't you become a 2 hour hand holder?"

  • and she has no right to say: "Why don't you become an 8 hour hand holder?"

  • You gotta understand there's a difference on the part of the other person

  • and if you're more educated in that area

  • I would generally suggest submitting to the difference

  • of the person that needs the 8 hour hand holding.

  • You know why? Cause it should be easier for you.

  • It's more difficult for a person that's subjectively involved. Is there anyone that doesn't understand that?

  • It's easier for you.

  • It's easier for me.

  • Now, if my daughter, when she was 15, did 22 stupid things in a row

  • I'm always pleasantly surprised cause it wasn't 28!

  • Because I used to say (to myself): "What can you expect of Bambi?"

  • That's my daughter's name.

  • What can I expect of my mother?

  • If my mother does 27 stupid things an hour...

  • I'm using derogatory language here...

  • Because that is her pattern!

  • and if one day she does something pleasant, makes several good decisions

  • and I say: "I'm sure glad you're over that"... Shit, nobody's "over that".

  • No personality that you've known over the years undergos a quantom jump at behavior

  • Because like I indicated...

Alright, in talking about the same subject... I don't know how many of you will be able to make this point...


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A2 初級 美國腔

維納斯計劃--生氣的那點事 (The Venus Project - The bit of getting angry)

  • 14 3
    王惟惟 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日